[The Soquili I Dream of]
Name: Sanada Tomoyo
Describe your dream Soquili:
Owner: Sanada Tomoyo
Colorist: Any, really.
Name: Ziven (pronounced "Seven")
Gender: Female
Temper: Cordial
Breed: Regular/Tribal
Tag Frame Color: grey, as she's very colorful and a decorative tag won't be necessary.
Stage: Adult
http://velvetkitsune.deviantart.com/art/Jungle-Woman-152667074 - what I would like to use from this image [this is my own image, by the way, therefore no permission is needed] are the color gradients and the black design in the upper left corner, if possible. I will specify below in separate sections so as to not have one giant paragraph of description text.
Eye: ##07c0bb - No special designs needed.
Main body: I would like for the main body to be colored with the gradient in the background of the image above. However, I would like her colors to fade from the darker green at the top of her head to the brighter green at her hooves.
Mane/Tail: I would like her mane and tail to both follow the gradient pattern in the woman's hair in the wallpaper, from a bright red to the lighter orange at the bottom. If possible, I would like braids to be featured in her mane and tail as well.
Designs in General: I would like to have that black design in the upper left hand corner of the wallpaper to be featured somewhere on her main body. It doesn't particularly matter where to me, but if it's possible I would like it featured there.
Dreamcatcher: I'd like, if possible, for the whole thing to be white.
Quest Thread: YOU'RE HERE~!
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: I really like the designs for soquili in general. Everyone here has such talent and imagination, and I am honestly interested in becoming more involved with the plot and activities in general! I'm very much eager to have my own, and I'm really looking forward to my experiences on the site ^_^
Notes: Because I designed the image that I'm using for my reference photo, I am very much able to supply patches of gradient color, if needed, as well, as the design in the upper left corner.
*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~**~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~**~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*Cost: 450k [350k + 100k for Custom] - I'm not sure if the design I want on her body is difficult enough to count for the extra 100k, but I would rather be safe than sorry.
Progress so far:
450k/450k! THANK YOU SO MUCH~!