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Reply Teepees
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PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 8:46 pm

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Welcome to the home of LadyKirin and her soquili.

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Araval's Stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 4%

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Aranel's stats
Strength: 6%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 10%

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Arahael's stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 5%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 4%

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Alberich's teepee
Strength: 10%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 7 %

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Zhen-Hui's Stats
Strength: 12%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 6%

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Junjie's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 10%

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Luinil's stats
Strength: 34%
Courage: 38%
Speed: 40%
Intelligence: 37%
Luck: 34%
Stamina: 41%

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Thalia's stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 10%

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Mithriluin's stats
Strength: 6%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 6%

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Melian's stats
Strength: 11%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 10%

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Ayashe's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 11%

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Xiang Yu's stats
Strength: 12%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 4%

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Idhren's stats
Strength: 7%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

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Brighde's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 10%

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Niquissë's stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 5%

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Eglan's stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 5%

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Aglaron's stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 8%

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Ling Yun's stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 4%

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Duncan's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 9%

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Rishi's Stats

Strength: 5%
Courage: 7%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 5%

The Teepee
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They all live in the forest by the river.

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:48 am

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Post 1. Stats
Post 2. Navigation
Post 3. Updates
Post 4. Tavee's Profile
Post 5. My Herd
Post 6. RP Logs
Post 7. Relationships
Post 8. Familiars
Post 9. Plushies
Post 10. Soquili Dreams
Post 11. Credits

Each Picture Below is Linked to The Individual Pony's Page

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Ponies are in order in which they were found.

Format of Posts for Each Pony's Page
1. Title Graphic
2. Cert/Uncert and Personality
3. History
4. Family Tree
5. Breeding #1
6. Breeding #2
7. Breeding #3
8. Familiar
9. Gallery
10. Misc.


Playful Reveler


Playful Reveler

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:51 am

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1/29/15 - ATh e a r t will be converting one of my CYO plushies!!!
12/19/14 - Idhren & Eglan's baskets popped! Welcome, Lýthil!
12/16/14 - Held first basket contest for I & E's second basket. Kaliskanny won!
11/28/14 - Won Olóro during a Carousel Event game!
10/31/14 - Idhren and Eglan are expecting Twisted Tunnel Halloween babies!!
6/20/14 - Returned to Soquili after a break.
Touched up teepee. Fixed Rishi's grown up graphics.
Fall 2013 - Rishi grew!
7/?/13 - Basket popping! Rishi is here!
7/01/13 - Won a gorgeous basket in a raffle!! Thanks dbz2010!
6/01/13 - Won a handsome Clydesdale stallion in the Naturals Raffle!!
3/21/13 - Aglaron grew!
3/12/13 - Ling Yun, quilin stallion is here!!
3/02/13 - Won mini slot in Agneza's March customs!
3/06/13 - Lunil and Finian's baskets popped! Welcome Aglaron!
2/25/13 - Restructuring Teepee to give each Soq their own page.
2/23/13 - BASKETS!! Luinil and Finian's baskets arrived!
2/17/13 - Won Eglan in the VDay Flaffle!
2/07/13 - Luinil and Finian won Mind's Crazy Couples breeding!!
1/10/13 - Niquissë has arrived!!
1/01/13 - One of my Christmas CYO plushies will become REAL!

~*~* Archive *~*~

8/15/12 - Brighde is HERE!!
3/22/12 - Won slot in Mobbu's customs - Brighde, Angeni of Loyalty is coming!
1/22/12 - Idhren grew!
11/24/11 - Basket poppings! Idhren, Halloween filly, is here!
11/18/11 - Melian & Skah's baskets arrive!!
10/31/11 - Melian won a slot in the Halloween Twisted Tunnel of Love Mixer!
9/11/11 - Alberich is finally here!!! Added to teepee.
9/02/11 - Basket poppings! Arahael, harpy colt, is here!
8/26/11 - Luinil and Aranel's baskets are here!!
8/23/11 - Araval and Hilaire are formally lifemated!! Link
8/10/11 - mind CC'd Luinil and Aranel! *happy dancing*
7/6/11 - Xiang Yu is here! He was my prize from the Art Contest!
7/5/11 - My entry of Malis won first place in the 3D category of the Soq Art contest!
6/19/11 - Starlight & Junjie were lifemated!!
1/5/11 - Won RL bribe slot from Sirenz for Alberich of Valdemar soq!
12/27/10 - One of my plushies from the CYO event became a soq! Welcome to Melian!!
12/23/10 - Won an adorable bear familiar, now named Ling and bonded to Junjie!
12/16/10 - Won custom familiar slot from xNephilimQueen, Elen the ferret, bonded to Luinil.
12/6/10 - Mithriluin LIVES!! Beejoux took over the custom when Ameh left Soquili. Thanks, Bee!!
12/4/10 - Junjie is all grown up!! *happy dancing*
11/22/10 - Basket popping!! Junjie is here!
11/17/10 - Zhen-Hui's first basket certed!!
11/9/10 - Zhen-Hui and Icefyre won LadyNekoya's CC breeding raffle! Kirin/Dragon babies FTW!!!
11/4/10 - Won a custom familiar slot!! Created Xiu the hawk for Zhen-Hui
11/3/10 - Won a little ghostie usdia in the Halloween raffle!!
9/04/10 - Aranel GREW!! *happy dancing*
8/21/10 - Basket popping!! Aranel is here! Fixed his info post.
8/18/10 - Araval's first basket certed! Added basket post to teepee!
7/28/10 - Won an unedited rare slot in Ameh's customs! Mithriluin will LIVE!!
7/10/10 - Rapid picked Hilaire and Araval for breeding CC!!
*massive happy dancing*
6/4/10 - started adding profile info to soquili
5/30/10 - added first official RP link!
5/29/10 - restructured teepee to put all ponies on second page,
added info from mindsend re: harpies to Luinil's post
5/28/10 - Won Luinil, a semi-custom harpy, and Thalia, a warhorse mare, in WoW Event!
5/25/10 - Won Kolohe, a wolpertinger familiar in WoW Event!
5/11/10 - Added Tavee's Profile.
5/5/10 - I can haz TEEPEE!!
3/10 - Won Zhen-Hui in Starlight Dreamers Raffle!
2/08 - Won Araval in Valentine Carousel Event Auction!
PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:56 am

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Name: Taveenovava'e

Meaning: Blue Feather Medicine Woman

Age: mid 40's

Occupation: Medicine Woman

Totem Animal: Hawk

Location: Where the river meets the forest just below the mountains.

Description: Tavee is a middle aged Cheyenne woman of medium height, slightly plump around the middle, but still strong and graceful. Her jet black hair is streaked with grey and is worn in two long braids decorated with elaborate beading created by her daughter-in-law. Her broad face is beginning to show some wrinkles but one can still see much of the handsome woman she was in her youth. Her kind brown eyes are warm and caring, with just a hint of sadness lurking in their depths.

She often wears a long buckskin skirt dyed blue and decorated with several bands of beading with a fringe around the bottom ege. Her top is also blue and is decorated with quills and shells in a pattern passed down to her from her Cheyenne mother. She always wears a blue hawk feather in her hair.

Personality/History: Tavee's parents were a Cheyenne couple who had wandered far from their tribe in pursuit of a dream. Her parents were medicine practioners who had seen a shared vision of a place where colorful and highly intelligent horses lived in harmony with humans. Though their only child, a girl, was only a few months old, they felt called to follow their visions and left their village along with a few brave warriors. Upon arriving in the Soquili lands, they eventually settled in the Kawani village where the two medicine practioners were warmly welcomed.

Tavee grew up in the Kawani village speaking Cheyenne as fluently as Kawani. Her child name was Quahneae which means 'morning dew.' As she grew, her parents trained her in the way of a medicine woman, but her talents seemed to be strongest when she worked with animals. So she eagerly learned the special magic and art of weaving soquili baskets from a Kawani medicine woman. Upon reaching adulthood, she went on a dream quest where she met her totem animal, a bright blue hawk who gave her one of his blue feathers as a sign validating her calling as a medicine woman. She took the adult name of Taveenovava'e which means Blue Feather Medicine Woman.

She fell in love with a handsome young warrior, Laughing Wolf, who was a gifted horseman and the two were married. Over the years their teepee was a haven of joy as they raised their three children, two boys and a girl. One of the two boys died in childhood, but the other boy ended up being a strong warrior like his father and married a lovely Kawani girl who makes exquisite beading and jewelry. Her daughter showed some of the gifts of her parents and ended up as apprentice to one of the many Kawani shamans.

Her husband disappeard while on an extended scouting mission to the outer edges of the Kawani lands. It is thought that he was killed by either a ravaging kalona or skinwalker, but his body was never found. Tavee lives alone in their original teepee but her children and her fellow medicine practioners keep an eye on her and help supply her needs. The teepee is set away from the village where the forest meets the river in the foothills of the mountains. Tavee now focuses her time and energy on helping the various forest animals or unpartnerned soquili that need assistance. When not collecting the herbs and plants she needs for healing, she spends much time weaving baskets for the foals of unpartnered soquili.

The laugh lines around her eyes indicate that she has smiled more than frowned throughout her life though her eyes hint at recent sorrows. She is kind and compassionate, accepting all who come to her for help. With the disappearance of her beloved husband, she is now more reserved, preferring the solitude of her teepee to the hustle and bustle of the main Kawani village where her now adult children live.


Playful Reveler


Playful Reveler

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:59 am

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:04 am

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Color Key
Forest Green = Araval
Blue = Zhen-Hui
Dark Blue = Luinil
Saddle Brown = Thalia
Steel Blue = Aranel
Cornflower Blue = Ayashe
Royal Blue = Mithriluin
Medium Slate Blue = Junjie

Finished RPs

• Hunter's Mark - a harpy flock RP
• Catch Me if You Can - Foal Wrangling in the Flock - fin for Luinil
• Singing for your Supper - Luinil joins on page 3.
• Clash of Beak and Talon - harpy vs. griffin
(This RP involves both Luinil and Aranel)
• Knock Down Drag Off - Finian & Luinil

In Progress RPs

• Totally NOT My Fault!! - Finian & Luinil

• Peace & Serenity - Icefyre and Zhen-Hui


Playful Reveler


Playful Reveler

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:05 am

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heart My Two Active Pairs Entered in Raffles heart

Junjie and Starlight
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Lifemating Agreement

First Breeding Attempt Record
1. August 2011 Agneza
2. August 2011 mindsend
3. Sept. 2011 Ririka
4. Oct. 2011 Multiple Colorists
5. Jan. 2012 xNephilimQueen
6. Feb. 2012 Mindsend
7. Feb. 2012 Moonspots
8. April 2012 Mindsend
9. April 2012 Neph
10. Oct. 2012 Agneza & Bee
11. Oct. 2012 Mobbu
12. Oct. 2012 Darkmoon Dancer
13. Oct. 2012 Mindsend
14. Nov. 2012 Darkmoon Dancer
15. Jan. 2013 Agneza
16. Feb. 2013 Darkmoon Dancer
17. Feb. 2013 Cupids Crazy Couples
18. Apr. 2013 Darkmoon Dancer
19. May 2013 Darkmoon Dancer
20. Jun. 2013 Mindsend - now low luck!!
21. July 2013 Heart
22. July 2013 Agneza LL
23. July 2014 Multiple Colorists
24. Sept. 2014 Slimycrow
25. Dec. 2014 Mindsend
26. April 2015 Hanging Gallow
27. May 2015 Uta

Hilaire and Araval
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Lifemating Agreement
Original Breeding Agreement
Updated Breeding Agreement

1. Sept. 2011 Ririka
2. Oct. 2011 Multiple Colorists
3. Jan. 2012 xNephilimQueen
4. Feb. 2012 Mindsend
5. Feb. 2012 Moonspots
6. Feb. 2013 Cupids Crazy Couples
7. Apr. 2013 Darkmoon Dancer
8. May 2013 Darkmoon Dancer
9. Jun. 2013 Mindsend
10. July 2013 Heart
11. July 2014 Multiple Colorists
12. Aug. 2014 Mindsend
13. Sept. 2014 Slimycrow
14. Dec. 2014 Mindsend
15. April 2015 Hanging Gallow
16. May 2015 Uta

heart Next In Line for Raffles heart

Arahael's First Breeding with Vanya!!
Whenever Vanya is ready!

heart MCCL Only heart

Zhen Hui & Aranel - Breeding/Lifemating Agreement
1. Feb. 2013 Cupids Crazy Couples
2. Jun. 2013 Mindsend
3. July 2014 Multiple Colorists

Brighde & Alberich - Lifemating Agreement
1. Feb. 2013 Cupids Crazy Couples
2. Jun. 2013 Mindsend
3. July 2014 Multiple Colorists

heart Not on MCCL heart

Thalia & Duncan
Lifemating Agreement

Melian & Olóro (unedited)
Lifemating Agreement
1. June 2015 Jet

Lissë & Mithriluin (unedited)
Lifemating Agreement
1. June 2015 Jet

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:06 am

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~* BONDED *~
Certs are linked to Uncerts

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bonded to Araval, temper is 'wise' ~*~*~*~*~*~ bonded to Zhen-Hui

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bonded to Junjie ~*~*~*~*~*~ bonded to Luinil - temper: stylish

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bonded to Mithriluin~*~*~*~*~*~*~bonded to Thalia

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bonded to Niquissë ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ bonded to Brighde

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bonded to Lissë


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Playful Reveler


Playful Reveler

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:09 am

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Christmas CYO 2012

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Halloween CYO 2012

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Christmas CYO 2011

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Christmas CYO 2010


Valentines Day 08 Carousel Event freebie by Rapidashtrainer
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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:11 am

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Link to Soq Dreams Thread

~ Ronon Dex - uni stallion - cosplay from Stargate Atlantis - draft lines, dreadlock mane, brown/gold/black ~
~ Lady Rana Starwind - wind mare - OC RPG cosplay - sapphire blue and gold, decorative tack & jewelry ~
~ Lady Kylin - kirin mare - lots of blue, curly/wavy hair and asian pretty stuff ~
~Arianwyn - flutter mare - blue, celtic knotwork, welsh cross, braided mane/tail


Playful Reveler


Playful Reveler

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:12 am

User Image

Leelakin - created the original Soquili lineart,
Mindsend - the Shop Owner/Boss/Big Kahuna

~* Colorists and Sources for All My Ponies *~

Araval - DawnieChan - '08 Victorian Valentines Event auction
Zhen-Hui - [ vance ] - '10 Starlight Dreamers Raffle
Luinil - mindsend - '10 WoW Event in thread semi-custom harpy raffle
Thalia - Felmino - '10 WoW Event raffle
Aranel - Rapidashtrainer - '10 CC'd breeding
Mithriluin - Beejoux - '10 unedited custom slot raffle
Ayashe (usdia) - Selalusia - '10 Halloween Fight Club raffle
Junjie - JulianMoMo - '10 Breeding raffle
Melian - Sabin Duvert - '10 CYO Plushie Conversion
Alberich - Sirenz - '11 RL bribe slot
Xiang Yu - JulianMoMo (#2) - '11 Art Contest Prize
Arahael - mindsend (#2) - '11 Raffle/partial CC'd breeding
Idhren - JulianMoMo (#3) - '11 Halloween Twisted breeding
Brighde - Mobster Goose - '12 March Customs
Niquissë - mindsend (#3) - '12 CYO Plushie Conversion
Eglan - Darkmoon Dancer - '13 Valentine's Raffle
Aglaron - mindsend (#4) - '13 Cupid's Crazy breeding raffle
Ling Yun (quilin) - Agneza - '13 March Customs
Duncan - Amirynth - '13 May Naturals Raffle
Rishi - Beejoux (#2) - '13 Free Basket Raffle
Olóro - ATh e a r t - '14 Carousel Event Speed Game
Lýthil - hanging gallow - '14 Halloween Twisted breeding
Lissë - ATh e a r t (#2)- '15 CYO Plushie Conversion

My teepee graphics are from
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edited by me

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