Warning: I am in college right now and this game is just a test of D20 system. So, I maybe a little slow on the posting as I am just learning the system.
Urban Reign
Nobody's innocent. Justice? It's an illusion. Uncertainty is the only sure thing... Uncertainty creates fear, and fear creates money. Green Harbor... Just another urban labyrinth... The El Dorado, full of fear to cash in on. Gangs rush in to get their hands on that gold.

Rivertown, just yet another urban labyrinth... The police have been ran out of town... The only true power in the city now a days is Money and those who have the most. Cooperation have started to hire gangs for protection and muscle. Here the strongest survive and the weak have to ally themselves or die. Just another day in hell...

Because I am new to this and I don't have any of the books. We will only use the D20 Modern Srd

Starting level is 1
You can roll out your stats 4d6 7 times
Um...I can't think at the moment, so you guys need to come up with a name for your gang.

Backgrounds would be liked

Like I said, I can't think. Is their anything that I am missing.