Sleeping wonder lies to me, and the lies are sweet.

Just watched Blair Witch Project... Yeah....

Okay, so I'm all for believing these kind of videos. Don't comment on this after that sentence calling me an idiot who has no idea what science is... Gotten that reaction before...
I am a very logical person, thank you very much, but still... This kind of stuff can be believable sometimes.

HOWEVER: the video itself left much to be asked. I myself would have no problems believing a legend about a Blair Witch, except for the fact that their interview with that guy was that a MAN ADMITTED to killing the kids! Dude, how is that a witch?! I don't care if he said that he was under a witch's control... John Hinckley said he was trying to impress a movie star!
And at the end.... It got confusing with the two cameras and the two people, and the constant screaming, and the weird thing... Was Mike supposed to be hanging? Or was he just standing there... Staring at the wall... Yeah...
And all that rock piling, sticks hanging from trees in weird formations, footsteps all night, blood in a bundle of sticks stuff... Easily faked...
The rock stuff isn't even a Native American thing or anything... Just random... I know my witchcraft legends, myself, and rocks aren't used in that way in most legends.
Plus those people made of sticks were such a random choice... There are many ways I can think of to make that more believable...

It kind of makes me think of the Roanoke Colony disappearance. Personally, I think that might have sparked the idea. I noticed, also in the credits, that there's a Written/Directed caption... Yeah...

Music is sung with simple words, and simple words can save the world.
