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The Horde! (A WoW Troll herd)

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Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:53 am

Alpha: Voodoo (Played by Talencia and Rynn)
Protector: Currently: Thrall (Played by Lolli)
Members: Jentzerlok, Namidari, Thrall
Totem Pole: *to come*
Private or Public: Territorial (You can come visit but be prepared to explain why you are here)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:54 am

The leader of the Horde: Voodoo
The reasons for the Horde: (currently) To impress Malis and charm her into lifemating
Members of the Horde: Namidari, Jentzerlok, Thrall, Queuhxochitl
Member requirements: Being a Troll is not a requirement, though having a trollish look or flair will help. Also accepted are the other WoW breeds of the non alliance variety with exception to the harpies 'cause they stink (jk) Basically it is pretty open, just remember the more outgoing and strong (of body or presence) the greater the chance of being accepted as a full member.
Positions: Looking for healers, tanks and DPS! Mostly the positions are Hunters, they are the ones who go out and find food, good places to graze and light sport (yes the trolls enjoy a bit of hunting though not all eat meat) Healers, either through herbs, or actual healing power (uni ect.) the healers are also the nurturers and will probably raise any children if they are born tot he Horde. Shaman, the spiritual leader who at the moment is Voodoo. There can only be one but they can take his place when he gets busy with leading. Guardians, these are the warriors of the Horde, the ones who are there to protect the boundaries of wherever they settle down for the night. While there can be many Guardians, there can only be one Protector who is the unofficial leader of guarding the borders, currently this is Thrall. Another guardian or hunter can challenge the protector at which they will duke it out and the winner takes over (yay for RP battles)
Location: At present the Horde is nomadic and has not established a land of their own, however they are slowly inching towards Malis' domain in the foot hills of the Easter Lands.

Note: While Voodoo is a bit of a joker, he is sincere in trying to run this horde like a proper herd. Thus the usual herd rules will apply. We ask that if your soquili is within Malis' bloodline -and- you wish to be directly in contact with her, you do not join this Horde. However, if you are in the Vitterfolk family tree and do not have a consistent contact with her you are more than welcome to join.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:02 pm

The members of the Horde

User Image

RPer: Talencia (Sometimes Rynn)
Position: Leader
Personality: Voodoo is a quiet stallion with a thoughtful expression, who always seems a little off. That is until you get him talking, then it is hard to get him to stop. He is a little on the kooky side and has an odd sense of humor. He is quite stubborn and isn't the brightest tool in the shed and yet when he puts his mind to thinking he has moments of lightning brilliance. Voodoo came from the same village as Malis, his path crossing hers quite often. He once pursued for her hoof in mate-ship but one day she randomly disappeared. Out of sight, out of mind, he all but gave her up for lost until on day a young foal showed up who looked very familiar. All at once the memories flew back and he decided hunt down the prize he had coveted so many years ago.
Goals: To woo Malis and break the curse she is under ('cause she has to be under a curse to have forgotten her one true love!)

User Image

RPer: Terranero
Position: 'Moll'
Personality: Nami is a happy-go-lucky mare who has gotten it into her head that she likes Voodoo. Unfortunately there is one glaringly bad problem... he is more interested in finding Malis and charming her! While Nami is very good at taking care of herself, she is a little naive at times, or at least seems that way. At present her focus is to take care of Voodoo and the other new-comers tot he Horde.
Goals: To follow Voodoo and try and help him in any way she can...

User Image

RPer: Lillo McHotpants
Position: Guardian
Personality: Thrall is difficult, demanding, pig-headed, and grumpy. Pretty much everything her Great-Grandma Malis is ... Except that she would love nothing more than to make Malis pay for the heartache she's put Thrall's part of the family through. Secretly- She just wants Malis to notice, love, and accept her.
Goals: Little bit of column A, little bit of column B

User Image

RPer: Strait Jacket Girl
Position: Healer
Goals: Strength in numbers and see the world.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:05 pm

Other things of importance

Plot points, ideas and brainstorming will go here...



PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:43 pm

Forms for joining:

[b]Name of applicant:[/b]
[b]Cert of Soquili:[/b]
[b]What can your soquili do?[/b] (are they a shaman, a hunter, or a healer?)
[b]What has been going on?[/b] (short outline of life)
[b]Describe their personality:[/b]
[b]IC reason for joining:[/b] (RP goes here!)

We will be accepting applications until the Horde is of a decent size, after that it will depend on which way the plots go. Also at a later date the ownership of the Horde will possibly be changing (again, depending on plots) so if you are interested in potentially leading then note that in your application.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:46 pm

The village of Yojamba is one of many small villages/herds that are scattered within the jungles of the South Americas. There are different breeds of Trolls (Mind has a cerynei-troll while all of mine are regs) and I'm counting them as like the different tribes in WoW. Malis is specifically a Zandalar troll in WoW which were the original trolls before the Gurubashi and the Amani evolved from them (Another reason why mine are traditionally regulars)

Culturally, they are similar to the WoW trolls. They are a warrior-based race with a strong tie to the spirit realms. They are a matriarchy though many villages are ran by a joint male and female or a tribe of elders. Spiritual leaders are just as important as war-time leaders. The trolls are naturally territorial so there is often little scuffles between the nearby villages but any mini-battles are fought with honor and respect, there are enough dangers within the jungles to not have unnecessary deaths.

Each foal goes on a spirit quest, or small journey to find themselves and decides what their path in life will be. Often, there is an adult close by to check on them and make sure nothing terrible happens, but the adolescent is left to their own devices. Often villages will foster out to different villages so that there is no inbreeding of families as they can get rather large. Trolls traditionally mate for life though there is sometimes exceptions to the rule though they are looked down upon by some elders. While it is common for adults to spend their whole lives specializing in a certain path there are a few who become more of a 'jack-of-all-trades' and they are usually the ones who will travel from village to village spreading information and announcements.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:03 pm

Information about the Vitterfolk:

Traditions: Each foal goes on a spirit quest, or small journey to find themselves and decides what their path in life will be. Often, there is an adult close by to check on them and make sure nothing terrible happens, but the adolescent is left to their own devices. Some who have been fostered out to other herds will choose to go on their own though they are not required to. The ones who stay closest in ties to the Vitterfolk herd receive a special spirit name that only is known by Malis and the newly grown adult. It is only when they are lifemated may they share such a name, and even then it is only if they wish it.

Twice a year the WillowGlen meet up with the Vitterfolk and share stories, events, discussions and the like. Announcements are made and anyone is invited to join in with the frivolity. These usually happen in the spring when there is a growth in the number of children and the autumn when many soquili are gathering together to prepare for the winter months.

Herd/Family culture: The territories of WillowGlen encompasses a long stretch of river surrounded by lush grassland within the Easter Lands. This is open to any soquili who wishes to graze and the area is kept protected by the Vitterfolk. While Imogen, the leader of WillowGlen accepts anyone within the boundaries of her share of the lands, Malis does not. She will tolerate soquili upon the open plains around the river banks but if a soul should travel too far north into the forests, they would more than likely meet one of the trolls who patrol the boarders. After making sure any guests know to keep to themselves and making sure they have business being there, they will usually be given entry. For this reason, Malis keeps a watchful eye over the goings on within the Vitterfolk herd and is not as accepting of deviance or disrespectful behavior.

Religious Beliefs: Malis has a strong connection to the spirits. She is able to hear them speak and will often commune with them. She also teaches the youngsters in her own beliefs. For this reason the Vitterfolk primarily all believe in the spirits and the shamanistic teachings.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:29 pm

Yay! This is going to be awesome, lol. xD


Dapper Dabbler

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Strait Jacket Girl

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:33 pm

Name of applicant: Jentzerlok
Cert of Soquili: Jent
What can your soquili do? Warlock (But he does Alchemy so would that fall under healer?)
What has been going on? (short outline of life): Jentzerlok is still new to these lands, having recently left his homeland in search of the few trolls he had heard about hear. He has kept to himself, and has yet to meet anyone.
IC reason for joining: (RP goes here!)
"Well ah left Azeroth tah fine da trolls dat be makin home 'ere." Jentzerlok frowns thinking about what else to say. "An ah be thinkin' da trolls up 'ere be lonely, seein' as dey be sah few. An strength be 'n numbahs, sah I come 'ere to 'elp ah." He nods mater of factually mulling more on what he should say. "An ah be thinkin' ah could do good 'elp"
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:04 pm

Name of applicant: Thrall
Cert of Soquili: [But not the Warchief.]
What can your soquili do? Whatever you want her to be- wink wink.
But seriously, Thrall is best suited to being a Hunter or a Warrior, it's just in her blood.
What has been going on? ICly - Nothing, honestly. Life has been not good and hectic since winning her from Ryn, and as much as I regret it she just hasn't gotten the RP that she needs yet. Yet. Life is settling down dramatically and would love to back-plot and RP her getting to the point of joining the Horde.
Describe their personality: Thrall is difficult, demanding, pig-headed, and grumpy. Pretty much everything her Great-Grandma Malis is ... Except that she would love nothing more than to make Malis pay for the heartache she's put Thrall's part of the family through. Secretly- She just wants Malis to notice, love, and accept her.
IC reason for joining: "Are you telling me you won't accept one of Malis' brood?" She raises a brow and though she does her best to hide it, a small shiver at the other mare's name passes along her back and wings. The thought of joining a herd that would certainly get the Elder's notice and definitely piss her off(at least temporarily) had seemed like a very good idea at the time- but the more she looked at the small group before her the more she wondered. Would they want her or just sniff their noses and turn away as Malis had done when Thrall was just a filly? Blinking, she shrugged a shoulder to shove away the insecurities and smirk. "Having me around should at least get her attention- Yes?"


Questionable Baby

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:37 am

Name of applicant: Quauhxochitl
Cert of Soquili: User Image
What can your soquili do? She is the daughter of the Angeni's of Jungles and Eden's Bounty so she is very in tune to the world around her. It would be likely that she would be seen as a healer.
What has been going on? You know this 8D BUT: She left her mother and sister to explore more of what was outside of her mother's jungle domain. Along the way she ran into Voodoo O: And now they travel together. She to see the world, and he to find Malis.
Describe their personality: She is strongwilled and has a harsh sense of 'play' tho she tries to keep a nice and respectful tone about her. She is sill young and is figuring herself out and her place in the world.
IC reason for joining: "Horde? What horde... I was just traveling with Voodoo... wait o.O Who are all these others?" 8D

*Note: Most of this stuff is already plotted out so doesnt have a black and white answer... BUT YOU KNOW THAT.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:21 am

Jentzerlok: Voodoo eyed the male troll as he circled around him. "Ya be knowin' of t' healin' spirits? He narrowed his eyes, "But ya be also of t' voodoo?" Holding his gaze for a long while the stallion continues to circle. "Ah be guessin' ya be wantin' t' travel wit' t' rest o' us?" With one last circle he nodded, "Sure, ya be in, it'd be great t' have ya along!" He grinned toothily before walking up to t' next one.

Thrall: "Ya be on o' Malis'? Ya mean, her..." He attempts to do math in his head. "Great grand daughter?" With an appraising glance he eyed the wings unsure on whether troll children should even have wings. "Though be mighty useful ah be guessin'? Ya be wantin' t' be a warrior? Ah guess we can be havin' that... if ya can best me!" The troll grins once more and turns to the last mare who showed up...

Quauhxochitl: Voodoo takes one look at her and laughs, "Quauh! Why ya be standin' out there!" He shakes his head, "Ya already be a friend o' mine of course ah be lettin' you in!" He trotted back to where the group was hanging out and gestured back behind him, "We got's new peoples! Have fun!"

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter


Questionable Baby

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  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:25 pm

Thrall shrugged her shoulders and stretched her wings in a self conscientious way. Narrowing her eyes the gray mare nodded. "She is ..." She opened her mouth to say more but decided against it. Instead she smirked. "I can certainly see things from a higher view-point than you. I'd say that gives me the advantage." Glad that she wasn't immediately turned away Thrall's excitement was channeled into her arrogance. "Bring it on!"

((I felt you'd left that open for her to respond. So I took the chance. xDD ))
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:04 am

Voodoo grins and shakes his head, "Now now, leave t' fightin' fer t' elfses. Ah be sure we be findin' many o' them soon." The larger stallion eyes the small group with a nod, "Small group but plenty stron it be seemin' ah be sure we be doin' well." Turning back to Thrall he grins again, "An ah like that idea. Ya should go an' fly out an' scout fer t' elfses an' such. Ah be sure ya can find a good path t' be followin' an' we can be preparin a plan of attack!"

(Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to 'scout out' one of the members of the newly forming Alliance herd and bring back intel *grins*)

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter


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