SourceForge Transmission QT-Windows BitTorrent Project Page

For those who play in Linux quite a bit, you will instantly know what I'm talking about, and will probably say " more WinDaemon or going to a webpage like Clutch!" -- Transmission for Windows has been (until this) rather awkward.

For those that don't.
It's a popular BitTorrent client among mostly Linux and some MacUsers.
What makes it great is, it leaves a small resource footprint, does not have a lot of "advanced options", and "it just works" out of the box.

It's not as powerful as uTorrent, and it's not meant to be. It's simple. Hence the automatic transmission gear selector icon. It does everything and adjusts BT protocol parameters for you.

It's still a project/not official as the TransmissionBT page does not show any kind of download links for Windows, so I can't say on whether it will bring you blazing fast speeds, or whether it will be stable.

On Chii, it brought pretty decent speeds, but not as fast as uTorrent.
I'll probably download a much larger file and do a comparison later on.

In it's defense though, for those that have used it under Linux or really is a great client.