Posted this in the wrong forum. emo
New game! Not released yet, but I'm definitely interested.
And I know a bunch of you cool cats are into zombie games as well.
Though, it has a really depressing trailer. I actually kinda teared up, which is pretty rare, for anything game related anyway.
You can find the trailer HERE.
The Royal Palms Resort is perched on the remote island of Banoi in Papua New Guinea. It's a tropical paradise turned tourist magnet, remote and exotic. Not the sort of place you'd expect to find scattered caches of weapons, boxes of grenades, rocket launchers leaning against walls, and mounted machine guns. In an effort to preserve that reality, Techland, the developers of Dead Island, have stripped those handy gaming conventions away, leaving a stark reality in their place.
What makes this game great? The fact that, in the trailer, a little girl becomes a zombie. I LOVE IT.
I hope they have zombie children in the actual game because, seriously, that'll be awesome. Not because I want to beat little children with an axe or anything, but because it feels more.. real. Well, as real as a game currently can feel.
I find it funny how a lot of people get "offended" and "upset" over children being zombies.
This game is already on my favorite game list and it's not even out yet.