1. I love being able to do things no one else can.
2. I hate school. Not because I don't like the classes, I don't fit in. After spending an entire summer with people who are like-minded, I realized how different I really am.
3. I wish my parents would get off my back. They don't trust me when they should, and then trust me when they shouldn't. Way to be backwards mom and dad.
4. I wish I could take my friend Aiesha's place. She doesn't deserve how her mom treats her. At all.
5. I hate that I can't help everyone. I run out of words and get tongue tied.
6. I feel like everyone comes to me with their secrets because I'm the Trust-worthy-Christain-girl. And I happen to be the only one at my school.
7. I try my best at school, but I can't focus in a non-classroom setting.
8. I know a lot of big words, but I can't spell to save my life.
9. I hate the English language. I like Russian better, the words make more sense.
10. I always have 2 things on my mind. God. and Jake.
11. My friends keep telling me I'm in love, but I'm scared to be in love because it's such a mystery. I don't want to fall in love for fear of him not feeling the same.
12. My boyfriend is more like my best friend. I love him so much <3
13. I love to read, but the only books that have caught my attention lately are The Hunger Games and The Uglies series.
14. I am easily entertained, and easily pleased.
15. Whenever I say something looks cute when I'm out with my mom, she looks at me like I've asked for a million dollars. I know I can't have everything I want, so I don't ask for much.
16. Going to McDonalds is a luxury for me. I never get to eat out anymore.
17. My mom is finally employed after a year of being without a job. I couldn't be happier.
18. I hate when people hate themselves. Everything happens for a reason, stupid mistakes can change someone's life. Trust me I know.
19. Everyday I look at the scars on my arm. First I remember how they happened, then when my family found out, then how I over-came them. And I feel so much stronger.
20. I love tennis, I want to play in high school. But I'm afraid I'm not strong enough or healthy enough to keep up with the other players.