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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[PRP] History Written In Blood (Sammy & Rep) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:00 am
She had heard the rumors, the stories about a hallway like a tunnel appearing in the school leading back to where it had all started for her. Where Red had died and the chaos had started. Hunters, mistakes, and other horrible things.

For her it appeared between the gym and her locker, she had meant to train, to simply burn up her time in fits of anger against wooden dolls and targets. Instead she found the tunnel tucked where a wall between two sets of lockers should have been.

When she followed it through she found herself at the same haunted house filled with memories. She didn't hesitate, she simply pushed the door open moving into the house, down a hall turning another knob ending up in a library of sorts. Shelves towering so high it seemed like they simply vanished into mist, catwalks and stairwells leading every which way.

Honestly? She wasn't sure what she was looking for in this place at the moment.
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:17 am

Rep took whatever chances there were to get out of the bunker lately. It was still cramped and horrible, it was still devoid of privacy, and the golem excursions only did so much. The fog wasn't much better either, it got into the senses, permeated the thoughts. It was like ******** Silent Hill up there, and he really didn't like going up alone. It was dangerous, way too ******** dangerous.

So when the chance popped up for some haunted house duty, he took it. The haunted house was a lot safer, pendants were to hand, an escape, a way to get the ******** out of there. And the only threat was students, students could possibly be reasoned with, students weren't even a guaranteed thing.

He was expecting a quiet patrol for a change, just a chance to unwind and breathe some clear air that hadn't already been breathed by half the population of Deus or that was filled with some ******** monster.

He knew that all too ******** well, he grouched a the fallen angel.

Even as he spoke, movement further along the corridor made him freeze dead in his tracks. Just his ******** luck, they didn't have a jacket so he immediately assumed trouble.



Dramatic Hunter

Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:42 am
A purple light flickered in the distance for the Hunter, it was her eyes glancing over. Flickering curiously as she watched the figure down the hall. She stood up more straight, eyes focusing a bit more as she moved between the shelves.

Her full FEAR didn't flare to life, but she was well aware someone else was there. She simply couldn't make out who. So she did the only semi reasonable thing and walked towards them hands stuffed in her jacket pockets, a casual look on her face.

"Hello Flower Boy," she added as she finally got closer. "Now what brings you to this little piece of 'paradise'?"
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:50 am

Rep summoned Tracey almost immediately as the figure turned to head towards him. He didn't attack outright though, even as he realised who he was dealing with. Well this time he wasn't off guard, this time he wasn't weakened from days of fighting, and his shoulder was just fine. Things were a little more..even footing.

"Its called patrolling. I wasn't expecting to run into ******** corpses." It didn't change that lurking gnawing hate he felt as he looked her over. Female. He had to assume anyway. And a monster. But a monster that would just come back again, and again if he killed it.

He narrowed his eyes "What about you b***h? Looking for more people to cheap shot while they are down?"



Dramatic Hunter

Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:59 am
Her FEAR still didn't manifest, her hands remained tucked in her jackets pockets as she slowly cocked her head to the side. Empty sockets full of purple burning FEAR staring at him as if trying to decide what to do.

"First off, you can call me an Undead, or by my name. Usually I break the jaws of people who call me a corpse." She eyed the weapon in his hand with casual interest before looking back at him.

"In my defense your friend with the glasses insisted on continuing to try and attack me. He asked for it. You, where laughing at the genocide of a race just after I had to drag the frozen remains of my now dead friend. So please, forgive me, I was just a bit pissed the ******** off."

"Besides, cheap shots? This coming from one of those little hunters who won't dare fight unless they have a net gun and their precious little master Caelius around to save them? No, I think I'll take every shot I have when I damn well please."

Perhaps just to piss him off more, she turned to pluck a book from a near by shelf flipping it back and forth a few times, a book about mating rituals. The same one from the library room she had first been trapped in. "As for why I'm here... I'm looking to pay respects to an old friend." Her eyes shot up, the FEAR clearly focused on him in a strange way. "Tell me; where you here when the dragon attacked? Or where you off somewhere else?"
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:11 pm

He was surprised she didn't attack him outright, surprised and somewhat curious. Though he didn't dismiss Tracey for an instant, poised to defend himself, even as she seemed distracted by the book.

"Where I come from, you are dead, you are a corpse, and you definitely don't look ******** alive. So." He wasn't about to give even an inch to one of the monsters. Granted, thusfar, Amity fell much lower on his scale of hatred. It was horsemen who'd maimed him. The students bordered on more of a curiosity than anything else.

"I was laughing because it was ******** hilarious. They almost killed me twice, and my entire species ******** knows how many times. They had it coming." he waved the hand not holding Tracey's handle vaguely. "That s**t's irrelevant though. Its over." He did laugh however at the mention of Caelius. "Cael? Cael's a p***k, he's as dangerous to us as he is to everyone else. He's no master."

Rep hadn't really heard of tactical keeping his mouth shut, he never held his cards close to his chest. "I've never seen a dragon in my ******** life so I'd say no. Why? A friend of yours?" he smirked smugly. Dragons lived here right?



Dramatic Hunter

Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 2:13 pm
"And where I come from you technically count as a glorified food and energy source now would you like me to start calling you cattle Flower Boy, or would you like me to at least acknowledge you're something more then a stepping stone on the food chain?" She noted his weapon was still summoned and made no move to get closer other then sticking the book back into the shelf.

"While I would hate to see humanity completely dead leaving us without a source of FEAR, I despise both sides for thinking genocide is the solution. Frankly, the only people who should be dead, are Hunters. Nothing personal, but Human's FEAR created us, and it's what we feed on. You wouldn't be so happy if your food and life source suddenly decided to try and kill you now would you?" Of course she didn't know a lot about humans and how absolutely stupid a series of walking cows with weapons would look, but the point was still made.

The topic of Caelius however caught her attention, she actually paused mid way through plucking another book from the shelf. "Oh well if you feel that way do me a favor and stick that axe of yours through his back for my friend Riley and just about everyone else who wants to see him dead." She finally moved to finish plucking a book from the shelf, it was blank inside, void of a story or knowledge.

"... A mentor actually, and someone who damn near killed Caelius and the whole lot of you and us as well." She pointed towards Rep, though not at him directly, instead it seemed she was pointing just off towards Tracey, "One of those killed her. Or she killed it, the details aren't clear but she fussed with a weapon and nearly destroyed everything dying in the process." She held up the empty book tossing it at the hunters feet, "Take notes Hunter, you might actually learn a bit of history today if I don't get the urge you break your hands."
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 3:20 pm

He could feel his irritation levels rising just at the zombie girl's tone of voice, the disparaging way she talked about humans. Cattle. Part of the food chain. He'd have been the first person to agree before that humans were scum, he'd met a lot of them and was pretty scummy himself. But it was another thing to hear a monster talking about them as if they were merely an inconvenience to be tolerated for their fear. It made him defensive, more so than he'd been before.

"Hunters exist because Halloween can't play nice. People die. People get killed by you people being unable to control your own ******** people. People go crazy." he remembered all too well the feeling of losing control of your own mind, that sense everything was slipping out of your hands, that you were the only one who could see the things no one else could see.

He smirked at the idea of killing Caelius. "Easier said than done. Way ******** easier said than done. I'm not going anywhere near him. And anyone he killed or whatever probably had it coming anyway. I'd rather have him mostly on my side than mostly not, so I'll hold off on the backstabbing." he didn't mention the convenient meeting and dead man either. No, messing with Cael was not advisable.

Sammy had his attention however at the mention of weapons. Especially one that almost destroyed everything. So he was getting a free lesson? He was suspicious, but he'd play ball, there was a lot they didn't get told on the island and knowing s**t could be a handy survival trait. He picked up the book with his free hand. "******** with weapons isn't advisable to anyone who isn't bonded with one. Even humans" that was about as much as he'd give her.

He still didn't trust her enough to desummon Tracey though.



Dramatic Hunter

Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 3:33 pm
It wasn't that she tolerated or hated humans, it was more she acknowledged the need for their survival and growth in order to sustain her own unlife. The problem to her was how hunters acted like they all had to die for the crimes of a few, that the whole system was slanted to destroy them all. Still, this didn't make her words any less rude or dismissive.

Humans where, after all, very fragile it seemed, and thus far below even the basic Halloween citizen in regards to power chain.

"But did I kill anyone? I've come close, but Hunters don't exactly count. Murder, kidnapping, turning us into weapons and your latest trick genocide make you pretty easy to justify the death of."

"Oh people go crazy, the question is why. To be honest I think you're the ones at fault for it with your weapons. They aren't natural, what you do disrupts what in theory is a normal system."

What happened next might have taken him for a spin as she openly turned her back and started to walk down the rows of books clicking open doors to side hallways before shutting them again to continue moving. "Your 'Master' is less stable then most of the people you want dead on our side. I've seen him lose it, I've seen him angry, I've seen him scared. He's dangerous and you agree, so kill him and give us all some peace of mind. Or let us do it if it doesn't settle well with you."

She nodded at his statement on weapons, "They eat FEAR, maybe that's why you don't generate any. What ever you fear about us, those toys of yours just eat it up before we even notice it." The theory made sense, if they drank pure FEAR from a creature made of it, why wouldn't they drink on the natural FEAR of a human counterpart?

"Not advisable at all, no, but have you seen what happens when Halloween and a weapon work together? When they have what ever 'bond' it is you have?" She turned around eyes burning with a bitter look on her face. "That power... that power could destroy all of you in a blink, but the cost is great."
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 3:51 pm

"Maybe not you personally, but your kind do all sorts of s**t. By your logic, I'm innocent cause I've never killed anyone from Halloween yet. I didn't weaponise anyone, and as much as I'd like to ******** take credit, I didn't blow up the horsemen either."

He smirked "A natural system sometimes needs natural predators."

He wasn't half as smart as some hunters, but he paid enough attention to know the basics of what went on around the island and how things worked. He did however find it curious that Halloween denizens could form a bond at all with a weapon given the nature of what weapons were. Refined Halloween bonding with normal run of the mill Halloween. Strange.

Tracey stated cryptically.

"So we can improve you guys. We do improve you." he smirked down at Tracey's dimly glowing runes. "Controlled fear to fight the uncontrolled fear that keeps ******** bleeding over into our world. Makes sense. We prune off the excess, you guys should ******** thank us."



Dramatic Hunter

Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:35 am
"I'm not sure I can accept you as innocent, hunters arrive on the Islands, islands explode horribly. It seems like you all where involved so I would think you are partially to blame."

"I would hardly call you're ilk natural." Her eyes narrowed, eying the weapon in his hands, "Especially when you have the warped idea that doing that to one of us is normal or an improvement."

She stopped her search of the doors crossing her arms giving him the most skeptical of looks, "Really? Being an ever hungering tool for someone elses use is an improvement?" Her head shook slowly side to side, "No, when I was shown, when I felt what it was like to be turned into that during a trance. No I could not want that. I wouldn't wish it on the most arrogant scumbag of demons I've ever met. That isn't improvement, it's enslavement to a series of delusional short lived humans."

Cutting off the excess though? That caused her to laugh, "Cutting off our excess?" She spread her arms out wide, "This house grows and shifts holding whole other dimensions in it, our world grows to give us room to thrive. You live on a rock! A big round rock, humans fight each other, kill each other, and fill up your big round rock more and more, and then say WE need to be culled? How stupid are you?"
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:55 am

"Think what you like, we don't get told s**t about what we are doing. We just do it." he shrugged. "Point us at a mission, we do as we are told. My job's to hit s**t, I particularly enjoy my job." he didn't look deterred by her condemnation though. "Oh he doesn't seem to mind it too much." he smirked and wondered if the monsters even knew they could hear the voices of their weapons.

"Being short lived doesn't mean anything, we are the superior race, we shape the ******** world around us, we power your silly little world just by ******** existing and most of us never even know you exist. And those of us that do, we threaten all of you, we make you work for us cause we ******** created you guys anyway right?"

His smirk got a little more manic. "We are like your gods and all this s**t is just a dream of our devising. Don't like delude yourself that you guys are the superiors."



Dramatic Hunter

Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:56 am
For a very short lived moment the ghoul smiled, mostly at the line about ones job being to hit s**t. On a very primal level she could almost respect the hunter for that response, but that would be a filthy and disgusting thing to admit.

"Doesn't mind it? And what does that mean exactly, he's happy to be turned into a giant ax? And how do you know it was a he?" Her eyes narrowed for a moment before she turned to test another door pausing at the room on the other side. A large pool of water with thin ice bridges running across, two doors resting at the far side, she was getting closer.

"You know, one of our Teachers has a very large amount of lore on your world. Especially about the boats. She had a few about something Greek related, God's and Titans right?" Sammy turned to face the human once more eyes burning just a bit brighter. "If I recall, one of those children of the Titan's got right pissed at the ones who made him. How did that story end... oh yes, the Titans lost..."
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 6:09 am

"He's still alive." he smirked and added cryptically. "That's how I know."

He watched her curiously, not entirely sure what she was up to and still poised to lash out. ******** it was still weird to think he was talking to an honest to god zombie. s**t had gone far beyond weird since he got to the island, it was staggering.

At her story he snorted. "One example. Our world's got just as many ******** stories about established orders being bypassed. Fat bloated creations getting too greedy, treading where they shouldn't. And the guys who arise to hunt them back, trim their numbers. Wherever prey animals get out of line, there are naturally hunters who fill the gap right?" He thought that was a pretty cool analogy, it made him feel like the badass guy from Blade.



Dramatic Hunter

Miliardo Kason

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:55 pm
"Living as an axe? No. I had a taste of the hunger, the constraint. I would say he is dead. What ever he was, he is no longer the same."

She moved into the room fully her boots crunching softly as she moved along the ice bridge. The room was silent, no voice mocked them like dogs at the races, no race was going to happen today.

"So my peers and I are fat bloated creatures who attacked your kind first? No. You where always the ones leaping from the shadows to attack. You are no hero, you are as terrible as you claim we are with an arrogant sense of justice." Even as she moved across the ice she turned to the door that would lead to Red. The Domain of Space.

She reached for the handle and pulled... and the door fell apart falling into its self and a pile of rubble. Regardless of what the reaper did she seemed to stand there, staring at the door quietly or what remained.

It seemed she wouldn't get a chance to pay her respects again.

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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