Pardon; had to finish chair dancing to Gangnam Style. sweatdrop PSY rules! And the best part is they're getting people (like me) to finally discover KPop. Yay!

Anyway, I think I screwed myself in Mana Khemia 2. I started with Ulrika and not Raze. I'm 10 hrs in. Ulrika's story just seems so ... fluffy so far. I have a frickin' stuffed animal in my party, peoples. Pretty sure Raze's plot is more serious and substantial. Sigh.

But I don't want to start over now. Plus, I hate Lily with a psychotic passion. They're going to have to work hard in Raze's plot for me to like that snotty little b*tch.

Not really working on Atelier Annie right now - I think I can only handle one alchemy-style game at a time. wink