How long have you known each other?
The only advice I can offer is from my own experiences. My first crush ever was an online one, I have never been boy crazy so for me this was the real deal, the spark was almost immediately, I thought I must be crazy to have let this happen to me. We've been friends for almost 4 years now, I made the decision a long time ago that I rather not jeopardize our friendship so I never told him, which turned out to be a good move since I now found out he's gay XD /sigh. /rips heart out and throws it away.
Moral of the story is:
Don't let it go to you head.
Make sure he's not gay
emotion_awesome How serious is it for you? I mean, is this something you want months from now? Studies show that feeling last about 6 months before they fade, I suggest waiting that long before making a move :3