Warning: Kind of long and rambly.
Ok, well, lately I've been extremely confused... Well, not lately. This has been going on for a few months.
It's about finding yourself... sexually. For those of you who've seen my very rare posts, you'll know I don't like anything sexual. That is true!
It's really complicated. I don't like seeing or doing sexual things, I don't get turned on very often, ect. But, I will admit, I'm a tease. ._.;;
My current sexuality is pansexual. [Liking a man, woman, trans, ect. for their personality-- not looks.]
But lately, I've been finding myself... physically attracted to certain body types and behaviors.
Mostly in women. ~Cough~
I've been pansexual since I was 8 years old....
How is that possible? Well, I will tell you.
So, my issue is, I guess, I don't know how to deal with this.
I mean, I've dated men and women but never felt anything.
But now it's like, I can look at a female and just feel.. like, I dunno, good?
I talk to my ex still and he's still sweet on me, I won't lie-- he's sent me some dirty pics and stuff.... But i'm like
"Oh, look, a sausage."
What the heck is wrong with me?
I don't know how to go "self-searching" and see if I'm a lezbo.
How do I start? What am I supposed to experiment with? People?
I mean, is this just a phase? When I told my parents I was attracted to men and women, my mom immediately said, "No you're not. It's a phase. Get over it."
So, like, how do I know?
Ughhh. It's frustrating. >_<
It's about finding yourself... sexually. For those of you who've seen my very rare posts, you'll know I don't like anything sexual. That is true!
It's really complicated. I don't like seeing or doing sexual things, I don't get turned on very often, ect. But, I will admit, I'm a tease. ._.;;
My current sexuality is pansexual. [Liking a man, woman, trans, ect. for their personality-- not looks.]
But lately, I've been finding myself... physically attracted to certain body types and behaviors.
Mostly in women. ~Cough~
I've been pansexual since I was 8 years old....
How is that possible? Well, I will tell you.
Ever since I was 8 years old I was harassed physically, sexually and mentally by EVERYONE. Family included. Well, I've always been one to not judge someone by their looks because of this. So, even as a child, I found myself developing crushes on girls too.
So, my issue is, I guess, I don't know how to deal with this.
I mean, I've dated men and women but never felt anything.
But now it's like, I can look at a female and just feel.. like, I dunno, good?
I talk to my ex still and he's still sweet on me, I won't lie-- he's sent me some dirty pics and stuff.... But i'm like
"Oh, look, a sausage."
What the heck is wrong with me?
I don't know how to go "self-searching" and see if I'm a lezbo.
How do I start? What am I supposed to experiment with? People?
I mean, is this just a phase? When I told my parents I was attracted to men and women, my mom immediately said, "No you're not. It's a phase. Get over it."
So, like, how do I know?
Ughhh. It's frustrating. >_<