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Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:43 am
PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:44 am
In a distant corner of the universe, gigantic creatures known as Leviathans travel the darkest exspanses of space, with enigmatic Pilots at the helm.
Constructed first long ago by a forgotten race of wise ancients, these gentle giants are living, breathing starships.
Capable of FTL travel, these Leviathans convey paassengers of every sort to every region of space, all in the interest of the proliferation of peace and understanding between fundamentally different worlds.
Rraznik is unique among Leviathans, in that he carries weapons. The first and only of his kind, Rraznik is a genetically engineered hybrid built by a race of warriors for the sole purpose of creating a new class of warship.
However, one intrepid captain has stolen this young Leviathan in an effort to keep Rraznik's destructive power and ability to reproduce out of more dangerous hands.


> There will be NO autohitting.
> Your character is NOT shielded by an impenetrable wall of badass. No player character is greater than another, unless I approve "Boss Immunity," beforehand.
> You WILL operate within the confines of the setting. None of that "my character is so unique and special that he transcends your 'setting'." That means no magic in a sci-fi world.
> Anyone can die, but not without the express permission of the character's controller.
> If you can't be consistent in your posting, then this is not the RP for you. We will not wait for you for more than two days, unless I get some sort of heads-up.
> Don't be afraid to write your character as a jerkass. Conflict is what makes the story feel real! Have fun with it!
> I know that this is fiction, but please TRY to be reasonable and believable. That means no "my weapon is the greatest weapon ever and it has infinity ammo and range and no cooldown time."
> Sorry to be so harsh, in stark contrast to my formerly quite amiable nature, but I've seen many a good RP go down because of one person's inability to give some consideration to the other players. *cough, Strider, cough* That being said, I've brought down my fair share in my time, as well. Hence the changes in policy. This is the next step in my roleplaying evolution, I think.

We've got two distinct flavors: ship and character.
The profile pages'll look like this:

[size=14][b]Name: [/b]The name of the vessel itself.
[b]Status:[/b] Is it still active? Was is destroyed or incapacitated in some way? List that here.
[b]Class:[/b] The class of ship. (fighter, lander, cruiser, destroyer, battleship, dreadnought, transport, etc. PM me if you don't know what class to use)
[b]Appearance:[/b] Describe your ship, or link to a picture
[b]Size:[/b] Petty - Single operator, like a fighter; Small - Something akin to a bomber, a landing craft, or small transport vehicle; Medium - transports or light warships. Probably the size you'd picture for most starships; Large - Heavy warships, carriers, capital ships. Anything short of a permanent station in space; Massive - Anything too big for the other categories. (that's no moon...)
[b]Speed:[/b] x/5 Allocate a max of eleven points however you like among these three stats. They don't mean anything in-game; it's just to help visualize and compare.
[b]Offense:[/b] x/5
[b]Defense:[/b] x/5
[b]Minimum Crew:[/b] Who can you not fly without, and why?
[b]Armament:[/b] Feel free to get creative here, but don't be ridiculous. Bear in mind your ship's class and role.
[b]Flight Deck:[/b][/size] If you're flying something big enough to house other ships, list their profiles here, like this:
1: [b] Name:[/b]
[b]Pilot/ Operator:[/b]
2: [b] Name:[/b]
[b]Pilot/ Operator:[/b]
[size=14][b]Crew:[/b][/size] This be where your human profiles for each ship go.
1: [b]Name:[/b]
[b]Race:[/b] I'll accept just about any alien race from any sci-fi setting. Make one up if you like.
[b]Rank:[/b] If applicable. This'll be pretty flexible, if you choose to have one.
[b]Role:[/b] What your character actually DOES on the ship. Sorry, Jedi need not apply. It's not like I don't like them, I just think they won't mesh well with this setting.
[b]Bio:[/b] Brief history.
[b]Anything Else:[/b] Whatever you can't write elsewhere.
2: [b]Name:[/b]
[b]Anything Else:[/b]

If any of that made you feel like "teal deer," then this is not the RP for you.  

Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:50 pm
--Renegade Ships--
(Good Guys)

Name: Rraznik
Status: Active
Class: Leviathan Corvette
Appearance: Something like this.
Size: Medium
Speed: 5/5
Offense: 4/5
Defense: 2/5
Minimum Crew: Captain, Pilot, Gunner
Armament: 2x Anti-ship particle-beam cannons; 3x Teleforce anti-strikecraft turrets; 1x Plasma cannon for planetary strike; numerous small laser and pulse weapons.
Flight Deck:

1: Name: PK-10 Prowler
Status: Active
Class: Strikecraft - space superiority fighter
Appearance: This.
Size: Petty
Speed: 5/5
Offense: 2/5
Pilot/ Operator: Trav Nightrise
Armament: 4x forward pulse cannons
2: Name: Leviathan Transport Pod
Status: Destroyed
Class: Transport/ Shuttle
Appearance: This.
Size: Small
Speed: 3/5
Offense: 0/5
Defense: 2/5
Pilot/ Operator: Any
Armament: N/A

1: Name: Captain Trav Nightrise
Player: Silas Parrish
Race: Human/ Android
Rank: Licensed shipmaster - formerly
Role: Captain of Rraznik
Appearance: Dark skin, darker hair, with strikingly luminous blue eyes. Upon closer inspection, his eyes are seen to be dimly bio luminescent. Sports a short but unkempt beard. Wears a stained, outdated uniform that looks like this... only grittier and edgier. Like a reboot.
Bio: Trav feigns being amnesiac, though he remembers all too clearly his troubled past and the world-sized burden he carries. He is an android; Trav is fully human, physically, though he was constructed and enhanced beyond normal human limits in a laboratory.
Anything Else: Trav was designed to be functionally immortal to safeguard and educate his people throughout the generations as they fled their dying world to populated a new one. However, these people eventually ceased to need him one day, setting him free from his charge to wander the universe, as his closest friend once did before disappearing.
2: Name: Rraznik's Pilot
Player: Silas Parrish
Race: Pilot
Rank: N/A
Role: Pilot
Appearance: This.
Bio: This Pilot, like many of his race, was captured and dragged from his homeworld to a massive Command Carrier floating the the space near a fleet of captured Leviathans. Trav intercepted and shot down the transport carrying this particular pilot, after learning what the Peacekeepers intended to do with him. Trav declared himself captain of the pilot's to-be-bonded ship, and together they stole it and escaped Peacekeeper space via Starburst.
Anything Else:Pilot is quite young, and naive. He looks up to the ancient Trav as a protector and mentor. His youth and inexperience have made his bonding with Rraznik problematic.
3: Name: Cira Yalawari
Player: Mr_BlueCamo
Race: Twi'lek
Rank: N/A
Role: Gunner
Appearance: this
Bio: Because her father was a veteran soldier she grown to like blasters and various things like that. When she turned 18 she headed out for a military academy butwhen she was rejected she decided to learn herself and for the next few years she did that and went on as a gunner for various ships. Now she is 22 and is looking for another ship to be hired and got on being hired as the gunner for the Raznik. Now she will protect the ship using either the main cannons or with her blaster.
Anything Else:She is fluent in Twi'lek, Basic, and Rodian.

4.Name: Esra Laev
Player: Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Race: Jyllec
Rank: N/A
Role: Stowaway
Appearance: Pale green skin with a small black symbol in the outer lower area of her left eye. Her eyes are deep jade with a hint of brown around the pupil. She keeps her black, waist-length hair pulled back in a long braid, and her bangs are often pulled the the side with little black clips. She's very short, barely 5 foot tall, with a slender build. Outfit
Bio: Esra has been living on the planet of Ghrra for all of her 19 years. Her father died when she was 4 years old, leaving her mother, Angel, pregnant and unable to provide for her family. Esra provided for the family doing the only thing that she could at that age, stealing. She became quite good at sneaking about and swiping things without being seen as well as using her charms to con people. Shortly after her younger brother was born, another man became attracted to her mother and they got married within a year. Esra was never able to bond with her new father. Even though he treated Angel well, he was cold and almost mean toward Esra. The older Esra became, the more she was abused by her step-father. She sneaked out of the house almost everyday just to get away, and she fell back into the habit of stealing what she wanted and conning people into giving her what she couldn't get. Once her step-father discovered her unsavory habits, he threw her out of his house, leaving her homeless. Now she lives in a scrapyard, and aspires to leave her planet and search for bigger, better things.
Anything Else:Esra can be very immature and act like quite a brat when she wants to. She's prone to having fits when she can't get her way, and she often resorts to using her various charms to get her way if she thinks she can. However underneath this exterior, she's very sweet and she's fiercely loyal to whoever can get into her circle.

--Registered Ships--
(Bad Guys... sort of.)

Name: PKH-7 The Visitation
Status: Active
Class: Frigate
Appearance: This.
Size: Medium
Speed: 4/5
Offense: 4/5
Defense: 3/5
Minimum Crew:
Captain, Executive Officer, Operations Officer, Flight Officer, First Helmsman, Second Helmsman, Navigator, First Engineer, Second Engineer, Third Engineer, Sensors Technician, Information Technician, Communications Technician, Environmental Control Technician, Data Management Technician, Ship's Purser, Loadmaster
Armament: 2x EM mass driver cannon (w/ solid torpedos, spread-bombs, FAEB for atmospheric use,) 8x plasma cannon, numerous solid and plasma anti-strikecraft weapons, 2x anti-ship laser lance
Flight Deck:

1: Name: PK-15 Ravager
Status: Construction
Class: Fighter/ Interceptor
Appearance: Sorta like this. But pointier.
Size: Small
Speed: 4/5
Offense: 3/5
Defense: 1/5
Pilot/ Operator: TBA
Armament: 2x forward pulse cannons, 1x three-barrel plasma turret, 6x high-yield pursuit missile
2-3: Name: PK Frigate-to-surface Shuttle
Status: Active
Class: Transport/ Cargo
Appearance: Something like this.
Size: Small
Speed: 2/5
Offense: 1/5
Defense: 2/5
Pilot/ Operator: Any
Armament: 2x laser defense turrets
4: Name: TIE Siege Craft
Status: Active
Class: Strike Bomber
Appearance: Something like this.
Size: Petty
Speed: 5/5
Offense: 3/5
Defense: 3/5
Pilot/ Operator:
Armament: 2x laser defense turrets
5-15: Name: 10x PK-10 Prowler
Status: Active
Class: Strikecraft - space superiority fighter
Appearance: This.
Size: Petty
Speed: 5/5
Offense: 2/5
Pilot/ Operator: X'lor Kronn
Armament: ???

1: Name: Lovac Ubica
Player: Silas Parrish
Race: Vorcarian
Rank: None/ Acting Captain
Role: Peacekeeper-commissioned privateer ship master
Appearance: The one one the left.
Bio: Specially commissioned by the Peacekeepers to chase down and recapture or destroy the Leviathan Rraznik and discover who and what Trav Nightrise is.
Anything Else: Lovac is a proficient fighter pilot with skills unmatched by any Peacekeeper or pirate.
2: Name: X'lor Kronn
Player: Mr_BlueCamo
Race: Chiss
Rank: Colonel
Role: Executive Officer
Appearance: this
Bio: Ever since he was born X'lor was raised in a strict military home and when he was of right age his father pushed him into military academy and after 4 years he graduated at the top of his class. He soon entered into the Peacekeepers army and quickly rose up the ranks, now at age 30 he is a Colonal and now assigned as Executive officer on the frigate The Visitation.
Anything Else: He has a stern look on him at all times and is very strict even rude at times jut to get the orders out. Plus he is a expert marksman, swordsman, and martial artists.

--Unregistered Ships--

Name: 疾風 (Hayate)
Status: Active
Class: Transport
Appearance: Chicky click doodle doo~! (Outside) Blah blah bloo bloo! (Schematics) Ziggy fresh, yo! (Interior)
Size: Medium
Speed: 5/5
Offense: 1/5
Defense: 4/5
Minimum Crew: Captain, pilot
Armament: Pulse cannon (x2)
Flight Deck:

1: Name: Transport shuttle x2
Status: Active
Class: Shuttle
Appearance: BAM BAM WA-CHOW!
Size: Small
Speed: 3/5
Offense: 0/5
Defense: 2/5
Pilot/ Operator: All crew
Armament: None

1: Name: Hyl Stravnya
Player: Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Race: Korugarian
Rank: Captain
Role: Shipmaster (Occasionally fills in for pilot)
Appearance: (See "Race" for bodily appearance) 'Cept no tattoos
Bio: Hyl was born on a colony ship to Korugarian parents, Tisha and Lyanol. After the colony was attacked by a fleet of pirates, she moved with her parents to the distant planet of Mazrak, where they lived together with her aunt and uncle. They lived a quiet life, earning their keep by helping her aunt and uncle keep up their farm. From a young age, Hyl has been fascinated with travel and seeing the universe. She worked hard and banked every penny she made in order to buy her own ship, which she finally succeeded in doing at the age of 17. Now 8 years later, she lives her life in the "import/export" business, taking any job she can to keep herself and her crew fed and in the sky.
Anything Else: Hyl is a strong leader, yet soft-spoken. She's very attached to her crew and does her best to take care of them. She's quite compassionate and, though she keeps it hidden from strangers, she's not afraid to reveal her feelings to her crew mates. (All of them have been with her since the beginning, you see.) Her desire to travel the universe is so strong that she doesn't let her feelings interfere with her jobs. She does try to keep everything legal though she has been known to take "odd" jobs now and again.

2:Name: Nate Kheit
Player: Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Race: Flevian (IMG borrowed from Zarnala @ deviantART)
Rank: N/A
Role: Pilot/Mechanic
Appearance: (See above for details.) Bronze skin, red eyes, no hair. Very tall, almost 7 foot, and the appropriate size and strength for his height.
Outfit (Borrowed from axl99 from deviantART.)
Bio: Nate was born on the planet of Zhelt, a rather rough backwater planet. His father ran off long before he was born, leaving his mother Kreed to raise him alone. When he was 12 years old, his mother was murdered by a raging crowd when she was falsely accused of seducing and framing the "leader" of the town. Nate was almost killed as well, but he was able to escape. He became a drifter and traveled from town to town until he found work at a ship repair shop. Little by little, he learned not only how to repair ships, but how to fly them. When Mul, the owner of the shop, passed away, Nate took a job as a pilot with a transportation ship, picking up passengers from many different planets. However, the captain and crew of the ship treated him badly, withholding his pay on numerous occasions, giving him no food, but leftovers, among other things. When he finally had enough, he departed on the planet of Pask where he met Hyl, who was searching for a pilot for her newly obtained ship. He's been the pilot ever since, developing a close bond with her. He's extremely protective of her and just may be in love with her.
Anything Else:He's a very taciturn individual, and he's calm, even in an emergency. Hyl often goes to him for advice. Though his appearance is quite fierce, he's rather gentle, preferring to avoid a fight if possible. Because of this disposition, he's slow to anger, but once he's gotten mad, it's time to run!

3: Name: K'na Kenat
Player: Silas Parrish
Race: Luxan
Rank: Lieutenant
Role: Adviser/ Deckhand/ Field Commander
Appearance: This.
Bio: Lt. Kenat was thought to be killed in an epic skirmish between a PK Command Carrier. Left to float in the cold void, he was picked up by a Firefly-class transport seeking to salvage what was left after the battle ended. He was posthumously honored with various titles and accolades, but fears finding his family again. Thinking him dead, they have moved on. Kenat is loathe to disrupt their lives, since his relationships with his wife and daughter were always rocky at best.
Anything Else: Kenat has seen it all, and done most of it. A grizzled warrior at his core, Kenat acts as a mentor and adviser to his allies aboard the Firefly ship he has come to call home.

4. Name: P2K18 (Often referred to as Pie.)
Player: Anyone on my crew
Race: Droid
Rank: N/A
Role: Assistant
Use: A droid used for loading/unloading small things from the cargo hold.

5. Name: AG312 (Often referred to as Olga.)
Player: Anyone on my crew
Race: Droid
Rank: N/A
Role: Assistant
Appearance: HARRO!
Use: Used to transport medium/large boxes from the cargo hold.

6. Name: SG45T (Often referred to as Sewage.)
Player: Anyone on my crew
Race: Droid
Rank: N/A
Role: Assistant
Appearance: Ditty bitty boobs!
Use: Used to transport any other cargo from the cargo hold.


Name: Outrider
Status: Active
Class: Personal Craft
Appearance: This.
Size: Small
Speed: 5/5
Offense: 2/5
Defense: 1/5
Pilot/ Operator: James Ross
Armament: 4x 360 degree turn pulse cannons with attached missile launcher

1: Name: James Ross
Player: Mr_BlueCamo
Race: Human
Rank: Master Sergeant
Role: Pilot
Appearance: This
Bio: James basically raised himself since his parents were murdered at innocents caught in a pirate raid on a transport ship they were on when he was 10. He was took in by a orphanage in a bad town on one of the trading planets and grew up knowing the bad side of the universe. When he was 18 he enlisted in the Peacekeepers and quickly learned his ways around a blaster and how to command people. He left the Peacekeepers at the rank of Master Sargent when he was accused of bad dealings in the army which he did not commit. But he used up the money he had to buy a ship plus a assist R2 bot and is now roaming the universe as a Jack of All Trades who will do just about any job including being a gun for hire or a smuggler as long as its not too illegal like smuggling death sticks.
Anything Else: James is a expert marksmen and knows a bit of martial arts and is a good pilot. The R2 unit serves as his copilot, ship technician, and gunner for now. Right now James is looking on the hire a copilot and gunner.

2: Name: R2 series Astromech
Player: Mr_BlueCamo
Race: R2 series Astromech
Rank: N/A
Role: Multiple
Appearance: It looks like an R2.
Bio: It's an R2
Anything Else: Bananas!
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:59 pm
"Rraznik, will you be alright up here by yourself?" Captain Trav Nightrise called into the echoing chamber that was his ship's bridge. The Pilot's face appeared on a small monitor set in the rust-colored, fleshy metal wall, and his voice echoed in the chamber with Trav's.
"Rraznik would like you to know that he is not alone."
"Very well, then. Pilot, be sure you let me know if anything changes up here."
"I actually was going to keep quiet, until you told me that."
"Very funny, Pilot."
The Pilot's face vanished from the shell-like monitor, and Trav boarded one of Rraznik's transport pods, and began the launch sequence. In a few short moments he watched rust-colored metal skin replaced by cold, dark blackness as the pod eased out of Rraznik's hangar and into space.
Within the hour the bulky yet nimble craft had made its landing, and Trav wandered from the humble spaceport into the bazaar.  

Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Vice Captain

Precious Treasure

12,300 Points
  • Love Machine 150
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Protector of Cuteness 150
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:45 pm
Esra slipped through the crowded streets effortlessly as she stalked her next victim. She had caught sight of him as he left the spaceport and had been following him ever since. Anyone who had his own ship must have something of value on his person. Now or never! she thought, ducking into a small, mostly empty alley. She continued down several other alleyways that ran parallel to the main road and finally exited several yards ahead of her intended target. Hiding in the shadows, she waited until he had almost reached the entrance then launched herself onto the main street, stumbling into the man. "Ooh, so sorry, sir! I didn't see you there!" she slurred, giggling madly. She pretended to trip, slipping her hand stealthily into his pocket as she fell. Gotcha! she thought, gleefully as her had closed about his wallet.


"Thank you very much for your business!" Hyl said, smiling brightly as she tucked the payment for her most recent job into her jacket pocket. She gave a quick nod of farewell to the elderly man in front of her before turning back to her ship. "Pie! Olga! Back to the ship; it's time to go!" she called to the droids waiting a few yards away.
"Yes, Captain!" they responded with their strangely inhuman voices.
Hyl walked up the loading ramp in a few quick strides, pushing a few buttons on a nearby key pad when she reached the inside.
"Nate, we've just completed our transaction. Warm up the engines, we'll be ready to take off momentarily."
"Everything go smoothly?"
"Well... I'm sure he thinks I didn't notice the sheets of newspaper tucked into the cash he gave me, but you know... What are you gonna do?" she responded with a chuckle, rubbing the back of her head. She could hear Nate's dry laughter through the crackling speaker.
"That's so like you," he responded. "Engine's are warmed up. Just waiting for your signal."
The droids had already returned to their docking bays and were powering down. Hyl nodded in satisfaction, pressed a few more buttons on the key pad, and watched as the bay doors closed slowly, cutting off her view of the planet of Ghrra.
She leaned back into the speaker, "Ready to take off at your convenience!"
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:47 pm
Trav felt his hand close around a slender wrist. His fingers were much stronger than those of the humans from which he had been made, so he had to take care not to hurt the poor girl.
"I'm sorry. I had a friend who was a skilled pickpocket, on another world. Eventually I trained myself to be able to catch him in the act." He released the girl, and indicated the street.
"Go back to wherever you call home." His business finished, he prepared to return to Rraznik. As the engines hummed to life, Trav realized with a jolt that he had left the cargo bay door open.
"Pilot!" he called into his comm. The youthful voice of the large crustacean piloting Rraznik answered him.
"Yes, Captain?"
"Why do these transport pods allow me to leave without shutting the door?"
"Perhaps it is because they were built by a very young Leviathan, and we should be thankful that they are even space-tight."
"Noted, Pilot. Be ready to pick me up. As soon as I close this damned door I'll be up in the air." Trav circled around the back of the craft, after exiting from the side, and found that the door was indeed wide open. He thought he heard some of the crates he'd loaded scrape the floor.
He froze and looked into the dark cargo bay, but saw nothing, and did not hear the noise again. With a shrug Trav closed the door, and reentered the craft, and lifted off of the spaceport, and began the process of breaking out of the range of influence of the planet's gravity.  

Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius


PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:46 pm
Cira just sat there in gunners seat humming to herself and thinking, 'Even though peaceful times are better it also would be nice to have a little action.'

James sat in one of the corner booths of the cantina finishing his drink then went up to the bartender saying, "So any chance there are jobs around for a captain for hire?" The bartender looks at him and says, "None at the moment since this is a less popular planets you will not get a lot of jobs here. If I were you I would head to Noze 4, you will most certainly finds jobs there. James then smiles and tosses a couple of credits on the bar saying, "Thanks my good man, guess its off to Noze 4 for me. He soon came back to his ship and went to the cockpit saying, "R2, where are you?" The astromech then came in beeping and James said, "Start the engines and set the nav computer to set course for Noze 4." R2 then beeped once more and started up the engines while setting the course on the navigation computer then they headed off to Noze 4.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:05 pm
Esra was curled up in a corner between two crates, hands clapped tightly over her mouth. She could hear the man's boots scrape the pavement as he approached and thought for sure that he must have heard her when she knocked her shin on his cargo. Fortunately he didn't bother to investigate the matter, and she breathed a heavy sigh of relief when the cargo door closed, leaving her sitting in the darkness. Now that she felt her plan was a success, she couldn't contain the feeling of excitement that washed over her. Space! I'm going into space! she wiggled excitedly, covering her mouth once again to stifle a giggle.
She had never flown before so it surprised and even frightened her a little when the little transport pod began to rise, shaking slightly as it fought the planet's gravity. Before long, it had broken free of the atmosphere and everything smoothed out again. Welp, I need another place to hide. Can't have them finding me when they come in here. she thought, pulling her small pack off her back. Dim lights lined the ceiling of the cargo hold giving her just enough light to rummage through the crates. She picked one that had nothing but clothes inside, transferred some of the contents to another crate, and settled in, easing the lid back into position.


Hyl sat in the captain's chair, feet propped up on a disabled console. She gazed dreamily out the window at the stars around them. It had been 8 years since she started flying, but she never tired of the view.
"So are you going to tell me our next destination?" Nate finally asked, disturbing her thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, right! Next job is on..." she paused to peruse the notebook resting in her lap. "...Heh-vai-a? Hee-vah-yah? Er, yeah, Hevaya. Landing site will be at the North Javril Port in Keisha City. Seems like we'll be having some passengers of an important nature coming on board. Our job is to deliver them unharmed to Lower Nebala Spaceport in Luvshark on planet Nebala."
She recited the instructions written in her notebook indifferently, twirling a pen in her hand as she did so.
"So yeah," she finished with a grin. "What are you waiting for? Let's go, let's go!"

Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Vice Captain

Precious Treasure

12,300 Points
  • Love Machine 150
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Protector of Cuteness 150

Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:25 pm
The transport pod, forged by a juvenile Leviathan, was a surprisingly sophisticated ship. It could not support FTL travel, of course, but it had far less trouble breaking atmosphere than its parent ship.
Something nagged at the back of Trav's mind. He felt that trouble was about to find him, and it would do so before he reached Rraznik. He took a deep breath as the pod finally broke completely free of the small world's relatively weak gravity well, and he felt himself begin to slide around freely in his chair.
Trav tightened his restraints, and set a course for the moon that his ship was hiding around. The pod was fast, but the trip would still take him the better part of an hour. He cracked open the journal his friend had left with him, and read.
~ ~ ~
Lovac growled under his breath in his native tongue, bypassing his translator microbes to keep his curses to himself.
Three solar cycles. For three solar cycles he had hunted his current quarry. This commission was a far cry from what this privateer normally undertook: Lovac was quite used to chasing down and destroying trade ships, and even the occasional transport.
However, this Vorcarian had never before chased a warship -- much less one as fast as the newly-classified Leviathan Corvette.
In truth, he was happy for the change of pace, and for the opportunity to put his talents as a blood-tracker to the test. He just had not anticipated the frustration of chasing a ship which needed no course to be set for FTL travel. He took a swig of his favorite rotgut, and settled into the Captain's chair of the borrowed Visitation.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:42 pm
Cira then slowly drifted off in the gunner's seat since there was no stat of emergency for now.

X'lor just walked around the bridge of The Visitation waiting for when they would depart to track down the renegade leviathan.

The Outrider soon landed on Noze 4 and James got out leaving R2 with the ship as usual then headed for a cantina. He went in one and headed for the bar asking the bartender, "Any jobs around for a captain for hire?"  


Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:56 pm
Trav's journal flew out of his hands to bounce off the walls of the transport pod and float in the air.
An alarm began blaring the very same instant that Pilot's face appeared before Trav..
"Captain! There is another ship within firing range of your pod."
"I might have guessed that, Pilot, thanks!" Telltales let him know that the other ship was preparing another shot.
((Troy, we can make this be your guy, or someone else, if you want.))

~ ~ ~

"Bee in your bonnet, Colonel?" grumbled Captain Lovac. "You look as if you have something bothering you."  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:07 pm
(well I do have the gunner character)

"Well nothing is bothering me just making sure is in tip top shape and ready to find and capture the Raznik sir." X'lor said as he walk to the side of the captain's seat.

"Well there are a few jobs over there on posting board if you want to see them." The bartender said then went back to cleaning mugs. James then went over there looking at the various jobs.  


Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:09 pm
((Yeah, but your gunner character is on Trav's ship, remember? She wouldn't be shooting at him. I meant the guy attacking could be your bounty hunter guy, if you want.))  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:37 pm
(but he cannot ally himself with the peacekeepers or enemy to the rengages cause of the incident that got him kicked out of the army)  


Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:52 pm
((Oh, okay. I'll make another character, or we can make this a one-off.))
"Cira?" Pilot called over Rraznik's communications network. "The Captain's pod is under attack. Can you make visual contact with the aggressor?"  

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