Name: Tavion Von Drakos
Nicknames: None, and it best stay that way, or he will punch you in the face, HARD.
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Faction: Reaper
Race: Blackguard

Natural Ability: Fiendish Servant – Tavion can summon a fiendish construct to do his bidding. Similar to a familiar, a Fiendish Servant is just a construct of Tavion’s FEAR, it is non-intelligent and only acts if ordered to do so. It appears to be a very weak Demon, but that is just the shape Tavion desires it to take. If combat should occur while the servant is summoned, it dissolves so Tavion can make full use of his FEAR. Tavion usually uses it to carry things.

[-]That is mine… – Tavion is very possessive of things that he considers his. It doesn’t matter if they actually belong to him or not – if he sees them as under his control, then nobody else is allowed to touch it. This has led to plenty of problems in the past for him, but he’s always been more than willing to answer any challenge to his “possession” of things. Usually physically.

[-]Stay out of my face… – Tavion does not like people getting into his personal space, especially if they are upset or angry with him. One of the few ways to ensure he will react physically to you, is to get up in his face and yell at him. It’s almost reflexive, but then, he’s not really keen on controlling it either, not unless it’d really land him in hot water.

[+]We have a job to do… – Tavion takes tasks seriously, even if they seem trivial at the time. If an authority figures tells him to do something, you can expect that it will be done swiftly, effectively and with very few questions in between. That’s not to say that he doesn’t sometimes blow off responsibility – it is just extremely rare to do so, and the reward must be far greater than the punishment of failing to do something.

[+/-]You have my blade… – Once you have managed to make friends with Tavion (how you managed that miracle Hecate only knows.) he will stand by you… as long as it is beneficial to him. Tavion isn’t above betraying his friends – especially if they seem to be keen on betraying him first. Some parts trust and attachment issues but more parts a healthy dose of paranoia, Tavion is a hard nut to crack – but once he does let people in, he can be one of the most loyal friends they’ll ever have… Provided he doesn’t feel the need to turn on them.

[+]Show me… – Tavion is keen on learning new things, and isn’t above swallowing his pride when need be in order to learn something interesting. That isn’t to say that he won’t sometimes forget himself and demand to be taught – but most of the time he actually manages to be somewhat polite to those with more knowledge than himself.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Mainly? To learn how to interact with his peers without feeling the need to punch them in the face. His father would like him to take over the family business when he comes of age – but that requires him to have some level of creeple skills that extend beyond face + fist = I win. The intent is to cloister him with creeple his own age, and force him to interact with them on an equal level. Tavion hates the idea – but he is looking forward to a change of scenery. He can only take his father’s house for so long…

FEAR Ability:

Y1 – Blood Blade – (Gambler’s Chance) Tavion cuts his own hand on his Runeblade before he slashes his opponent, channeling his fear into the blood to cause more damage – even though he has caused harm to himself.

Y2 – Curse Blade – (The Eye) Tavion runs his hand over his Runeblade, muttering a curse to enhance his attack against his foe.

Y3 – Whirling Doom – (Swift Strikes) Tavion channels his fear into his Runeblade, making it sharper and lighter so he can inflict as many hits as possible on his targets.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour/Style: Black, shoulder length, usually kept in a pony-tail for ease of wear.
Skin Colour: #eab99c <- THIS!
Clothing Style/Colours: He usually wears a chest tunic vest like this! Black Leather pants and boots. He keeps the sheathe of his two-handed Runeblade on his back.
Extra: His reaper weapon is a two-handed Runeblade like this!
References: N/A