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Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:01 pm

There were many things afloat in Shik's mind. For one, the whole . . . Legacies event had been overall rather grandiose and too dramatic for his tastes. Saving the world? Excuse you, Excalibur, his purpose was to enslave it. Then there were the little things that had happened in that Insanity-saturated world--his own personal legacies of "Growly Man" and "Koshiba" and "The Shikoba That Doesn't Really Understand What's Going On". The hisses in the Violet Tower, the missing memories, the ones he did recall with more detail than he wanted . . . Shaheen's oddly casual confession. To top that all off, the Islands were one step closer to being habitable again . . .

Death had stripped them of their fights, in his mind. This "vacation" made his feathers itch because gods did he hate to reflect on things. He should have been out there with a job or a new titan to take down, or something. What was he supposed to do now?

. . . he could pick up his hobbies again, for one.


Flute tucked under his arm, Shik left the hut, running a hand through his hair with a sigh as he found his usual spot to sit (a moss-coated stump not far from their abode). Plopping down, he cradled the instrument in his hands and stared.

And stared.

And stared.

As if it might come to life with the power of his insistent and willpower.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:31 pm

Shaheen had become a veritable bundle of intense emotions since their return from that entire end of the world business, a journey she remembered only agreeing to go on because for one, she didn't really want to see her second home destroyed and two, she really didn't want to see the human world destroyed at anyone else's hands except her own. Merlin? Now he wasn't such a bad guy, just a little misguided. He'd have made an excellent war horsemen, for all the chaos he could sow, and if it hadn't been for his attempt to tear her birthright away from her she might have actually liked him.

And then there was Death. He who was an almighty ancient and had deemed them all worthy of a vacation for their efforts. He who had taken over charge from Medea, and had decided that humans were no longer theirs to kill. She bared her teeth at the thought of it, hands clenching and unclenching at her sides as she stalked the grounds of the lost clans sanctuary aimlessly, spending far too much time thinking when she felt like she could have been out doing something more useful to better the clans.

Of course, this was all not to mention the accursed lock strapped around her waist and resting against one hip, but she wasn't even going to go there.

Bah. She decided perhaps she aught to just go home and get some sleep, as though she hadn't just been asleep for gods knew how long already. Maybe it would help clear her mind, help her think through things a little more rationally.

The fact that Shaheen thought that she could actually achieve rationality at any point was perhaps the most irrational thing of all.

One hike back across the sanctuary later, Shaheen found herself in the treed area of war, wandering a path she had taken often in recent months, the one that would take her to his..or rather their, abode. It wasn't until she was almost upon it that she spotted Shik, sitting on a stump, holding an instrument in his hands that she had not seen for quite some time. She paused, standing behind him a ways and near the house, eyes lingering on his still form as she debated whether to ignore him and head inside, or to approach.

Actually, throwing a rock at the back of his head and then ignoring him to go inside was a fairly tempting prospect as well....hrmmmmm...

Shaheen narrowed her eyes, shook her head, turned towards the house and made a movement as though to go inside.

And then she sighed, and turned towards him. Something had been...off, since they had gotten back. She knew she had holes in her memories, annoying black spots that she wished didn't exist. But Shik..well, she felt a little bit like maybe he was avoiding her. Or that could have been her paranoia speaking, though the insanity was nice and quiet just now.

Coming up beside him, she flumped down in a most unlady like manner next to the stump, silently. One wing flared out to the side, behind him, and ever so slowly, she leaned towards him and hissed, as though conspiratorially.

"I think you're supposed to blow in it for it to make a sound."

idk when I'll have time again BUT I WILL MAKE TIME DAMNIT so tag~


Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:38 am

It was reflexive, a knee-jerk impulse to push her away while he was stuck in this mental and emotional turbulence. He didn't want her there. He wanted here there. He wanted to punch something. Then punch it again. Then maybe squeeze the life out of it until he felt better.

"Father would be disappointed. You can't even handle your own issues, let alone a woman. How emasculating is that?"

He gripped the flute and stopped rolling it around, shifting his wings so that they wouldn't touch her.

"How're you holding up with this damn little break?" Shik grumbled, still staring down at the instrument. "Because right now of all ******** times, I'd like something to kill." But moving meant listening to that damn clink of the chains around his leg, feel the lock bump against him again and again and again until he lost it.

He wasn't free at all. There was no "vacation", there was only the mocking words of his opponents from that tower and a sense of power that had slipped through his fingertips.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:24 pm

Well, somebody was certainly moody today! Not that Shaheen could really blame him, or be one to talk considering her own considerably less then jovial disposition. Still, she wasn't quite expecting that level of hostility, and inwardly bristled, though outwardly she tried not too get her feathers too ruffled. Something was bothering him, more then usual, and it surprised her that she could actually tell. Perhaps living together had done her some good after all.

"Rude." She stated, rather pointedly, eyes narrowing as she reached up and pointed a finger right at and very near his face. What was eating him, anyways? They were supposed to be on the same side! ......Or something. Ugh, why hadn't she just gone to bed like planned? This was just a fight waiting to happen, and her head was already throbbing hard enough without adding a few hits to the mix.

The way he shifted his wings away from her, did not go unnoticed, and she slowly drew her own back away from behind him, settling it down smoothly behind her, then pushed herself to her feet in one swift motion, more then okay with leaving him there to wallow in whatever misery was making him behave so much more hostile then usual.

And then he spoke, not looking at her though the words were directed towards her.

"I think it's horseshit." She answered, not bothering to mask her anger about it. Though she had though she'd made her opinions on the matter fairly vocal and clear upon re-entry to this world.

The rest of what he had to say, she may have imagined was a bit of a threat, or an open invitation to fight, instead of what it was actually meant to be. She was just so on edge, so sure that he was going to explode on her and push every button she had until her sword was out and first blood was drawn, justifying any further actions he might have towards violence.

Oddly, as normally this might appeal to her....she just wasn't in the mood. Not today. Not when she was already so genuinely pissed off about something other then him.

"What do you want from me, Shik?" The words were blurted out, her confused thoughts spinning out of control around irritating black holes of lost memories, only further irritating her.


Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:36 am

Rude. Horseshit. He snorted with both acceptance and wry amusement. That about summed it up, yes. But her sudden prompt put him on the defensive very quickly.

"Why does it have to be about you?" Shik retorted. "Why does everything end up ******** tracing back to you? Maybe I just want to kill something, that's all, like I said. Or maybe I don't feel like dealing with your damn craziness right now because I've got my own to squash."

He let the flute drop to the ground and ran his fingers through his hair, making a growl of a sigh through his teeth. "What are you even talking about, woman? Did I ******** do something wrong already?"

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:46 pm

His words froze her in her spot, her annoyance and anger faltering, a flicker of something crossing her features, something unsure. Was she always making it about her? Instead of flying straight to the defensive, she actually paused to think about it, considering whether or not it was true. She knew she often craved attention, that in her continual efforts to make certain people proud of her without effective or positive result, she had lost a part of herself along the way, something that no matter how hard she tried to ignore, continued to haunt her.

What he said, as far as she could discern, was true. It was always about her. Her problems, her insanity, her erratic behaviour, her that needed him to....to something. To save her? To dote on her? To show her some kind of sincerity in his affections, or following that strain of thought, any amount of affection of all?

She paused, and she didn't know quite what to say, because it would have a been an outright lie if she told him it was because she was more important then him, no matter how tempting it was to say it.

So she focused on the rest of what he said, after he dropped the flute, after he growled at her in frustration.

She shrugged, her wings rising and falling with the motion. "Nothing. Nothing except not telling me what's wrong, for choosing to avoid me instead, for verbally attacking me when I get too close. Nothing except that you are obviously looking for a fight."

She narrowed his eyes at him again, more studious now, her annoyance and anger ebbing as she found this new peculiarity to focus on, her thoughts for once, while a bit confused and holey, in this particular situation oddly clear.

"Do you wish to fight with me?"


Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:39 pm

Her calm response infuriated him more, and for a moment Shik lived up to his nickname of Growly Man because Shaheen had to use reasoning and logic and common sense, nothing which he believed applied to him at this point. To either of them. To both of them together.

Shik turned his head to glare balefully at her, tensed as if ready to leap. For a long moment he did not blink, funneling that inner rage into a palpable aura of directionless fury--mad because he did not know why, only he did. And he had the Tower to blame for forcing him, even briefly, to acknowledge its existence. The mirror images had never said it aloud (though what they had was painful enough), but it was the insinuations, the things left unsaid, that gnawed at him most. The things he never would have said willingly because they did not matter so long as he believed them to be so.

He wanted to hate something, but even as he stared her down, even as his nostrils flared as he snorted like a bull, he couldn't do it. It wasn't Shaheen he hated after all.


Shik abruptly broke eye contact and looked back down at his hands, wings rustling as they folded around him like a feathery cloak. "No, Shaheen, I don't wish to fight you," he grumbled, still tensed but for the moment simmering rather than actively heating up. "Because there would be no point in it. A fight wouldn't solve this conflict I have, just heat it up further."

The rest of his air went out into another growled sigh. "I'm inclined to believe neither would words help. As usual, I have no gods damn clue what I'm doing and can't concentrate on one damn thing. To say nothing of--" He shook his foot a bit to jangle the lock and chains. "--whatever the hell this is meant for."
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:17 pm

Shik growled, and snorted, and looked as though he might actually just jump up and throttle her rather then answer, but Shaheen merely rolled her eyes in response, fighting the urge to sigh, throw her arms in the air, and scream "I GIVE UP!" to the heavens. She had been really trying this time, really at least attempting to see things from his point of view, even though some of what he'd said she may have decided to tune out, or to just plain not respond to. Her jaw actually twitched with the effort it took not to just snarl back at him, though she knew how utterly ridiculous that would make them both look.

.....Though she could just go mount form and it wouldn't look ridiculous at all. Now that was an option!

But again she found herself....almost disinterested in where that might lead. Another fight, more slashing away at each other in a continual battle for domination over the other, more clashing of mights.

And she just didn't want it. She wanted instead to direct that energy elsewhere, towards something more...useful for a change. He was angry with her, and she just felt angry in return but was actually some how able to contain it.

Who really knew how long that could last.

His glare was met with a look that likely couldn't have been any more unimpressed, her lips pursed, one eyebrow raised. A look that plainly said "are you quite finished." without needing to say it at all.

Again his words took her by surprise, but this time she worked harder on not letting it show. This time she took steps towards him, almost experimentally, cautious as though he was a wild animal that might lash out, something completely untamed, and nowhere near a man. It was quite possibly a very apt response to take with him.

"A little heat is not such a bad thing." Wait, was she being too cryptic? Gods she hated it when she accidentally spoke like that, more like her father then herself. She shook her head as though to be rid of it, then continued. "Pointed in the right direction at least." Closer now, was he going to pull away from her yet again?

What had happened to him in that world?

"Shik..." She almost sighed his name. "Sometimes a war can be won with words."

Ugh, she was doing it again! Well, whatever, she might as well roll with it this time. "Maybe, just this once, words are what you need. I have known you for a long time." Her eyes drew down to his lock, one not unlike her own but with its own unique features she was sure.

"Talk to me. Did...." She stopped, unsure if it was really her place to pry, but then decided you know what ******** it because she lived with him and that meant she should get to know some things some times damnit. "Did something happen in that other world? To you or...did I do something?"

Yes she was bringing it back to her. ******** you, Shik, deal with it. She didn't like having gaping holes in her memories either.


Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:13 am

He didn't stir when she drew near, so that was something. Not exactly progress, but...something. Shik did however snort a little at her tidbits of wisdom, for even he could see the remnants of her father in them. What had she seen and remembered in that world to bring that about? And what had she forgotten to stay so calm?

Or was he just losing his edge? He certainly felt like he was losing in general.

He rumbled in his throat indecisively, a hand digging into his scalp, welcoming the pain to distract him for a moment. "I hate children, I can say that much," he said at length, scowling at the ground. "And I hate that gods damn tower. And I hate mirror images playing mind games the most."


"Words are not my forte," he added as a complaint.

Pause. He shifted a little.

"What do you remember?" Shik prompted, glancing at her. "About that world? Because I have a distinctly clear memory of you confessing your affection for me," he was not using the damn L word, "and I confess I don't understand why."

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:36 am

Maybe she forgot how to fight, Shik.

She was going to take the fact that Shik didn't make any attempt to get away from her as a good sign, and the fact that he was actually going to try and talk to her as she suggested as another, albeit incredibly surprising, one. Actually, the fact that she even suggested talking was surprising enough in itself.

Clearly, this was just another alternate universe that would implode at any moment and send them spiraling back into normality.

She nodded, once she was just a few short feet away but nowhere near as close to him as she was from the start, and crouched down on the ground to rest her chin on her knees, her lock making a soft clinking sound against it's chain, her wings curling around her shoulders just slightly. Children? Mirror images? She definitely felt as though she had missed something that had happened in that tower, and it made something twist in side of her to see him seemingly so distraught, in a way that was so unlike his usual anger.

She blinked at his question, not exactly expecting it, and definitely not expecting what he said next.

"No---no I did not." She was suddenly on her feet again, hands in fists at her sides, frowning at him, her words lilted with a soft edge of confusion even if she seemed quite adamant in her declaration. "No. I would not have. That's...." She frowned more, because there was something, a feeling, a thought, a word that was just out of reach. "I would never..." She seemed at a loss, and she took a step back, panic rising as she realized that she might have. She might have told him. What if she'd told him? What if that was one of the memories she had given up?

In the tower he wouldn't talk to her. Before that their interactions had been during battles. Growly man, that's what she had called him. And then a**, and then once she knew, knew who he was, he was Shikoba....She had approached him in that small encampment where they were able to rest and she had known him for who he was, somebody that she was close to, somebody that she lov----

It turned black after that. She didn't know what had happened. But she couldn't have told him! If she had then...


She took another step back. Another. She turned.

She needed to get away from him.

ummmmmmmmmmmmm idk man


Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:17 pm

Her denial was something he expected. Her genuine fear however, he did not.

It was, however, irritating to see her back down--and a part of him that he would never admit to stung at the words "I would never". "Where do you think you're going?" Shik asked with narrowed eyes, pushing himself up to step towards her. "This isn't a battle I'm letting you flee. You started this, and now we will finish it."

Because he hated talking things out, but he hated loose ends more. And the sort of relationship they had was so vague and implicit at this point that he didn't care if they took a hammer to it to figure out its shape.

"Shaheen. Are you going to paint your stomach yellow next, you infuriating little coward?" he growled. "You can match me in a fight but not with words? And here I thought with all your fraternizing with those robed imbeciles in Conquest, you would enjoy a simple conversation."

Alright, so maybe a part of him did want to incite a fight still. Would it be Shikoba if he didn't have the impulse?

Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 16 Total: 16 (1-20)
PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:28 pm

Did she actually think she could get away? Maybe. Shik hadn't exactly been the most receptive towards her advances prior to this, and looked as though he would have been more then happy for her absence. Maybe she had just hoped he would let her leave, because this...she could talk about anything, but she could not talk about this. Not about her feelings. Not with him. Certainly not to his face.

She cringed when he first spoke, knowing he wasn't going to let her go easily, her wings half spread behind her. She was fast, she knew she had a chance to get away but.........


She stopped, feeling her face begin to flush red, and not just from embarrassment. She had been called many things in her life, from him, from others, from her parents most of all, but that was one word nobody had ever used against her. There was never a reason to use it against her. She had never given anybody a reason.

Until now, apparently.

She turned back around, her teeth bared. He'd insulted her, and she might have let that slide, maybe, but then he had to go and insult her friends as well. Lifen, Lan, Zhi.....was he calling her inferior in some way because of who she chose to spend time with?

She would show him how inferior she was.

Her right hand was held out to her side, and her short sword was suddenly in it. She hadn't wanted a fight, he had said he didn't want to fight but...

Fighting was what she knew. Fighting was comfortable, more comfortable then words. Something she hadn't been willing to do before, she was willing to do now. It was the length she would go to ignore what he had told her, to not have to deal with it, to not have to confront this new issue. She had been foolish to deny herself the pleasure of this right from the beginning.


Ice-Cold Hunter

medigel rolled 1 20-sided dice: 20 Total: 20 (1-20)


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:07 am

That got her attention quickly.

He didn't know what he was doing anymore. That was the consequence of trying to think for too long: it made you foggy headed and doubtful. He had known who he was for a very long time and had come to terms with it, yet all it took was a few floors and a few words and suddenly he was a mess? Shik refused to believe the Tower had simply uncovered what had been there all along: structural weaknesses.

Instead he chose what he always did, what he always escaped to because it was better than looking at himself in the mirror: he chose to engage his opponent.

His dagger flashed in hand.
medigel rolled 1 8-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-8)
PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:13 am

It was better this way. Fighting was what they were both comfortable with, more fluent and eloquent than clumsy and ill-chosen words. A weapon was a weapon, and skill was skill. It was simpler here.

Shik tensed as if to lunge, but the original heat of his anger was faded--replaced by a stoic look, the one a warrior might wear in the middle of a long gauntlet of fights. The one who didn't know when it would end, but knowing that another one was coming at him.

He had every impulse to, and yet Shik did not attack. Rather, he flipped his dagger once to show he was at the ready and stared Shaheen down, slowly losing the emotion on the outside.

"Well?" Even the word was flat.

HP: 50
Defense: 1


Anxious Spirit

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 3, 10 Total: 13 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:29 am

This was better.

The flash of a blade in his own hand ignited a fire within her, one she hadn't even been aware was smoldering until now. This was better then struggling to read what didn't want to be read, to trying to reason with somebody when she could barely reason with herself. It might have been so simple to avoid this, for her to have just owned up to feelings she had been denying to herself even existed for far too long now.

Her teeth were bared, her face twisted into something far more wild then the expression she had wore when behaving in a semi-reasonable manner just moments before. He stared at her and she stared right back at him, waiting for a move, or perhaps a signal, or just the right moment to strike.

To be able to draw first blood, an action she had been determined not to let herself be tempted by earlier.

His word was all she needed, a single word to send her charging at him, making up that distance rapidly that she had put between them when she had thought about fleeing. She was still fleeing now, really, fleeing her problem, fleeing words that she couldn't even remember, but she'd rather it be like this.

She lifted her sword up. It was smaller then the one she had possessed in the other world, lighter, easier to maneuver.

She brought it down with a cry, one filled with her anger, her annoyance with him, for making her do this when all she had wanted at first was to rest, to just be able to think.

The lock clinked against her hip, it's sound loud to her ears, clear, almost echoing. It reminded her of something, this anger, a fight she'd had once before. That which started out as only darkness began to fade, to become a blurred image, then just merely fuzzy...

And then twisted. The anger she had experienced then had been worse. The frustration, the hatred, a taint on her very soul. She had fought him once then as well, had screamed words at him then, a confession of sorts.

She was brought back to the present a split second later with a sharp inhale of breath before she turned, rolling away from him, the residual emotions from the memory still strong, still feeding into her fury.

But it was also enough to give her pause, just enough to use words, hushed words, laced with a growl, "What did I say, and what part of it didn't you understand? How did I confess my affections? Tell me!"


HP: 50
Damage: 7 (-1 defense so 6)
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