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[SUMMER] No Donuts! ~ Vash + Malloren Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:17 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Being tossed from his warm bed that he'd snuggled up in after the diving expedition and after hearing the argument was not how Vash preferred to wake up. The male angel grabbed his coat and pulled it on grumpily. He headed for the deck to see if there was any explanation to what had happened. Vash barely made it to the main deck when the explosions began to rock the ship from within the bulkhead.

The shock snapped the blond haired male to attention, the ship in distress? That meant there had to be females in distress too. "I shall save all you ladies!" he shouted loudly and took off at a run towards the common areas to find them mostly empty. No one in there to save, in his haste to find a damsel he thought he saw something, or was that somepae, floating in the water some ways off the edge of the ship. "Hold on I'm coming!" he shouts and dives in to save whoever it could be.

Come morning Vash knelt on a beach trying to catch his breath he'd been trying in vain to swim against the currents to save ... anyone. Now he was soaked to the bone and covered in sand from shoulder to boot-tip. There was a few little bits of debris around him though none of it really caught his attention, he did notice the necklaces he and the naiad had brought back to the ship the day before "Lotta good these will do" he mumbles reaching for the nearest one.

(( waterrrrrr ... like they didn't experience enough of it lol ))
Tartara Seabreeze
Tartara Seabreeze generated a random number between 1 and 2 ... 1!
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:44 pm
User Image She didn't have nearly the patience required to stand a single moment more in front of the demonic that had tapped her shoulder. With another glare, she shook her head and moved around to go towards her room. As she walked, she noticed the lights being turned out one by one. Already? I suppose there's nothing else to do... Perhaps later she would raid the kitchen for food, when there wasn't so many pae milling around. She curled up into her bed, and tried to get some sleep.

BANG! CREEEEEEEK! SWOOSH! Huh? The black cat's bed suddenly gave a violent jerk with the ship, prompting her golden eyes to flash open in fright. What? Where? Huh? Suddenly going from deep sleep to awake, her sluggish mind literally could not comprehend what was going on. She tried to think with all her might as she couldn't even recall where she was. The muffled screams of pae drifted through the air, adding to the hysteria. The boat. I'm on a boat. It was then that she finally noticed a steady flow in of water under her door. Her heart nearly froze in her chest. Something had gone horribly wrong. Despite her deeply seated fear of water, she knew she had to get out - now. The female plopped her feet into the now inch high water, and made her way to the door. Thoughtlessly, she whipped it open, sending a wall of water crashing down on her head. AHHHH!!! Malloren screamed as it pushed her body back into the room, flooding her mouth and sending her toppling head over tail. I got to get out. I HAVE to leave, NOW! Frantically, awkwardly, the pae'il 'doggy paddled' to the doorway. The ship had become so flooded, so fast. She swam out as fast as she could down the hallway, the pocket of air near the ceiling quickly diminishing. With a big gulp of air, she dove down through another doorway which lead outside. Only, no air awaited her. No, the exit she had gone through had been completely submerged. With her fear of water, Malloren had never put any sort of training into swimming. She couldn't hold her breath for long, and could barely swim faster than a snails pace. The edges of her vision began to darken as she frantically clawed her way towards the surface. I'm so sorry Yuki. I'm so so sorry. Her lungs burned as they begged for oxygen, but she was still under the water. She wasn't going to make it. She wasn't...SPLOOSH! Mallorens head broke the surface as her lips parted to take in the most painful, delicious breath of air of her life. Frantically the female flung herself at a floating piece of wood, desperately trying to keep afloat in case her world fell to darkness. She coughed and sputtered, entire body shaking with cold and fear alike. "Guardians...please...help me." She whispered pathetically as the current took her and her little board away.


As the morning sun broke through the clouds, Malloren's mind slowly roused. At first she heard the crashing of waves and the chirping of birds. I'm back on the ship? It was a dream. All a horrible dream. Her golden eyes flicked open with anticipation, fully expecting to see the wall of her room. Only, that wasn't what she saw. Instead, she saw sand. Lots. And lots of sand. She scrambled upright, her heart beginning to race. It wasn't a dream. She was in the middle of nowhere. "H-help?" The female's voice cracked as she looked around. Debris littered the ground, but she didn't immediately see the wooden plank that had undoubtedly saved her life. Slowly, the angelic stood. It was then that she became aware just how sore her body was, every bit of her aching from her rough struggle. "Is anyone here?!" She called out a little louder, stumbling forwards. Wait. Was that a red pae in the distance? The need for help trumped her unease of strange pae, and she quickly hobbled towards the red dot.

Sorry for the novel XD

Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

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Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:35 am
Well the necklace may not have been of any use but he still pocketted the shelled necklace and kept searching the area, the second item he managed to come across was that fishbone comb he'd found. Now this he could find a use for since he could feel his hair hanging in his face. He stood up brushing him coat off and proceeded to comb his hair back up into his 'broomstick' hairstyle he always wore and then pocketted the 'comb' too.

The male's stomach rumbled he had to find something to eat, and the other pae. "I want a donut" he mutters though he knew the chances of that was low. He looked around and bringing his empty hand to his forehead he squinted to look around further. He slowly scanned the surroundings nothing jumped out at him and screamed 'edible pick me!' and then he had to look twice cause he thought he saw something small and black moving towards him. Was it an animal? Or one of the other pae from the boat... He didn't remember seeing any fully black pae in the casino or aboard the ship, though he had to admit he mostly paid attention to the females.

Vash stood there squinting against the sun trying to figure out who was on the beach in the distance, he started towards the small figure, not watching where he was walking, it was a beach after all what was there to cause injury. But his lack of care kicked him in the butt when his boot hooked on something curved sticking up out of the sand like a croquet hoop. And Vash went flying forward landing facefirst into the sand, his tumble unearthing a musical horn.

To make it easier to remember
Vash + Malloren
-A bottle of wine
-Ceramic knife
-Fishbone comb
-A couple necklaces from diving expedition
-Armband from diving expedition
-Brass horn, probably from the dance hall's band

Tartara Seabreeze
lol thats ok, I enjoyed it
PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:03 pm
[Vash and malloren get Food and Water! They need Shelter to survive]

Her muscles screamed at her with every movement, but her need to survive was a perfect motivator. Her golden eyes remained fixated on the pae ahead, relieved beyond belief to find another survivor of the horrible wreckage. Her sharp feline eyes however, caught a glint sticking from the sand amongst the various unusable garbage that touched the beach. She froze momentarily before deciding to hobble towards the waters edge. It could be something helpful...and if she left it, the tide might sweep it away for good. Malloren eyed the water hatefully, warily, as though at any moment it might reach out and suck her back into its depths. Of course that was silly. Water didn't have a mind of it's own. Quick as a blink, the black cat stepped forward and snatched the shiny object before barreling backwards. "OW!" Instantly she dropped it as a thin red line bloomed on her palm. In her haste, she had unknowingly grabbed the blade! It was a knife. Ceramic, so durable enough to survive the ocean, but sharp. She pitifully licked her new wound. At least it was shallow. Wait. The pae! Malloren grabbed the handle with her unharmed hand and continued towards the red pae...who apparently was making some face time with the sand. "Hey...are you okay?" She called out, steadily approaching. Wait. The pae wasn't red...he was wearing a red coat! Around thirty feet away, she froze. "No...how..." Stuck on a deserted island with the only pae on the entire cruise she couldn't handle.


Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

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Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:29 pm
Vash pushed against the sand and lifted his head spitting the sand from his mouth. He sat up and wiped some of the sand from his face then looked behind him to see what he'd tripped over ... a horn? how did a horn make it ashore? He picked it up and then stood up fully brushing sand from his jacket. Vash turned towards the direction he'd been going to finally answer the question "I'm o...kay..." the pae ahead of him was familiar and he gulped a little, this was going to be awkward.

He walked towards her and ran his fingers through his spikey hair "hi" he said stopping a good dozen feet from her. Of all the pae he would get beached with, it being her surprised him, he hadn't known she was even on the ship. "how... how did you get here... am I on the mainland?" he didn't believe that was plausible but it never hurt to ask.

Tartara Seabreeze
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:46 pm
He was talking to her. He was actually standing there, looking at her, and talking to her. She had thought about this for seasons but it was actually happening.

And for the life of her, she couldn't handle it. "No...I don't...I don't think..." Tears sprung into her eyes and she viciously bit them back. Stupid Mall! Suck it up! You just survived a boat crash, you can push past this! In attempt to shove away her sadness, it instantly morphed into something much worse. Anger. "What do you mean how did I get here? The cruise sank. Sorry I'm not your pink girlfriend." She fumed, more than happy that he decided to stay so far away. Probably was much safer for him. Catty remarks Malloren? Really? But even as she regretted her biting words, it didn't quell her fury. "I thought we had something special." Well, she didn't hold it together for very long. She should be doing something productive to get off the island. She should be working with the angelic male to survive. But all the black cat could focus on was the pain in her heart.


Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

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Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:09 am
"I know it sank, the water came in the ship. Wait... How did I miss seeing you aboard the ship?" he adjusted his yellow tinted glasses on his face and put his opposite hand on his hip still holding the horn. Something else struck him from what she said "Pink girlfriend? What exactly are you on about?" He knew she was emotional, but all he was feeling that moment from being verbally attacked was defensive.

The general fact of being stuck... wherever they were hadn't escaped the mind of Vash, but in front of him was a bit of a situation. The way she was going on though he was half expecting her to go storming away. And as awkward as the situation had started, it was now quite simply tense and uncomfortable.

Tartara Seabreeze
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:17 am
"That's not my problem." She fumed, all the stress coming together to a point. Everything that had gone wrong, was suddenly because of him. Whether or not that made sense was irrelevant. "Don't lie to 'spare my feelings'. You're free to date who ever you want." Her blood surged to a point her vision began to waver. Every beat of hear heart jerked her eyesight. It was getting harder to breathe. She closed her eyes in attempt to calm herself down, quiet her nerves. "You don't even look sad. Just caught off guard." What she had been expecting when they finally met she hadn't exactly known. But she had thought he would show...something. Anything. Of real emotion.


Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

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Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:06 am
Pink pae? date? he didn't understand her, he'd not dated anyone since he'd been with her. Sure he flirted with other pae, but that's just who he was. Who had she seen him with to assume anything now, he was getting annoyed. He hadn't expected to run into again, let alone to ripped a new one. "Pink pae... wait pink... Zana? She's a pretty lady for certain but Zana is a friend I met at a beach thing a while back when she lost her flower." he threw up his hands briefly in the process dropping the horn on his head "Ouch! dang it!" he mutters as the metal horn beans him and lands on the sand behind him, but he didn't stoop to get it again.

He sighs and moves closer to her "Look Mall, I'm sorry... Things didn't go the way either of us planned in our past. I'm sorry I kinda just vanished for a time, I... well I wasn't developing feelings for you in the same way you were for me and couldn't bear to hurt such a beautiful lady... In hindsight... I can see just leaving kinda backfired." this trip really wasn't turning out as he had hoped for, relaxing and flirting with ladies, but in a way it was good too as it let him address a situation too.

His stomach gurgled, "Mall lets get off the waters edge and find something to eat, I would imagine you need it as much as I do. And no matter our past we gotta think of our present... please?" nothing about his demeanor seemed normal, he was frustrated, upset, even a bit sad... everything mixed together and he was just downright miserable with it boiled down.

Tartara Seabreeze
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:26 am
Zana? That name... "You...you're dating my SISTER?" She blurted out before he could finish his sentence, golden eyes flashing open. A second ticked by before she thought about what she had spoken over. "Oh. A friend." Zana. She hadn't seen her since she was a baby pae, and she herself just a child. It seemed despite their mothers disappearance, she had survived. It served to quiet her anger long enough to listen to the rest of what he had to say. Slowly she felt her fury seep away to sadness as her tail began to tuck between her legs. But that didn't stop her from taking another step back when he tried to close the distance. "Vash you don't...you don't understand. I was starting to...I really was." Malloren spoke softly, looking less threatening and more vulnerable. "I guess I really wasn't good enough." When she couldn't find him, she had all the insecurities that followed. Both her and her brother were cursed felines. Doomed to be without love. "I'll work with you Vash. But this is strictly business."


Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

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Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:45 pm
As much as Vash enjoyed girls, they never made much sense to him. Especially when they went from mad to sad in an instant. He ran his fingers through his hair rubbing his noggin as he did, the horn had hurt. "I'm sorry Mall, really I am, this is just who I am. I like to flirt with the girls and help the damsels in distress." This was one of those odd moments when he was serious, and those were few and far between.

It was obvious to Vash when Mall stepped back she didn't want to be too close to him and he sighed. To him there was no such thing as business when it came to helping a damsel in distress, but this was more difficult and he'd be the first to admit it. "Come on lets get off the beach" he motioned towards what appeared to be inland since the water was behind him.

Tartara Seabreeze
PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:42 pm
Further down the beach, a small crate had washed ashore from the ship. On it, the word 'ESSENTIAL' was printed clearly, though the lettering had started to fade slightly. The wood was soaked through, but would still take some effort to pry the container open.

Inside, the two Pae'il might find a treasure...at least, a treasure to someone on the ship.

The crate was half-filled with bottles of lavender-scented shampoo; a special order from the Telrunya City health spa.


Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:08 am
OOC: That is such an amazing 'treasure' XDD

BIC: "Don't give me your apologies. You're only wasting your breath." She was depressed and angry, betrayed and vulnerable. Her trust was so rarely given, and the situation with him had put her back further than she had started off with before him. She secretly swore to herself, never again. But she was strong willed enough to put this on the back burner in the interest of survival. She could work with him, just long enough to get off the blasted island. Malloren nodded and started to walk in the direction he motioned, stepping over the occasional shard of wood that had washed up from the boat. What a horrible, horrible 'vacation' this was turning out to be. Her stomach started to gnaw at her, reminding the feline how she had not been able to eat that evening. She glanced at the water behind them. Later, she could fish. That was at least one thing they wouldn't have to worry about. Water on the other hand...Too bad salt water wasn't very hydrating.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:39 pm
Vash didn't really know what else to say to her. He'd said he was sorry, she didn't want to hear it. He trudged along in the sand quietly, at least until he saw a crate up ahead 'essential' written on it. "Mal! Look!" He exclaimed rushing ahead, to him the only thing that was essential at that time was items to survive on, food, water, DONUTS.... He came to a abrupt halt dropping to his knees beside the crate looking it over to try to figure out what it was. He pulled at it with all his might to try to dislodge the lid. It took him the better part of several minutes to finally get it open.

Looking in he started pulling out the partial bottles of shampoo dropping them to each side of the crate, there had to be more then just that in there. "Shampoo??" he picked the last one up and looked towards her with it in hand

Tartara Seabreeze


Hungry Animal

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