Yeah, It's a real thing, who-da thunk?

Just now, feeling lost, pointless, and restless. I Google random things in this type of mood so I decided to Google "Restless Life" and it popped right up, it's a real thing! Though what I read offered no more help than what I already guessed, live with it, it will pass. Thanks, Dr. Phills of the world stare
I sit here watching Juno on E! with my hair down and still suffering from a cold, my mind going a million miles a nano second and showing absolutely zero results for all that effort. I feel like my life is always waiting on an answer, will I get into a University? Will I be able to pursuer my dream career and when? How can I make some money without a degree and no real work experience? Is there any hope for me?! Should I go to bed now? When should I get up? what will I do when I get up? and other nonsense questions. I'm barely motivated to finish my small projects let alone the big important one. I finally rearranged my room after months of planing to, I felt like doing a victory dance like I have won an Olympic medal or something. I think "I wish my life had purpose" "I wish I had a reason and a want to get up in the morning" but then I think, I'll probably just allow that purpose to feel like a burden and abandon it, ending up back where I wanted to get away from.