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Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] Did they send me daughters [Vanya x Matty] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:28 pm
The sounds of bells filtered across the almost empty gymnasium floors as the ghoul moved swiftly around the dummies. Hands and legs came out at various intervals, striking different parts of the dummy. Claws extended to cut into the wood; a motion that seemed effortless as if the wood was made of butter. Each step was carefully placed, one foot over the other; stance firm and strong. She took a breath, a leg lifting and then pointing in the air where it stayed for a moment before it was brought down into the side of the dummy, Vanya spinning with the kick and landing in a guard. A few seconds of nothing went by and then a creak as the dummy crumbled and fell to the ground.

Her tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth and she grabbed a towel that was sitting next to her gym bag, wiping the sheen of sweat off her body. She took out her water bottle, taking a sip and squirting some of the water on herself.

It's getting hot in here plays in the background.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:36 pm
And Mathias was back at the gymnasium again. Was anybody surprised at this point? Nope, not really. The young boil hadn't really been the most sociable as of late, though the house cup tournament certainly had him coming out of his hidey hole a bit more then was the norm. Still, it meant that before that, acquaintances he had made upon arrival had gone on the way side, and the wolpertinger had given none of them barely a thought.

That was, of course, until his eyes caught sight of some very familiar legs kicking at a dummy, combined by with the chiming of bells. Memories of a beautiful face, of brushing a ghouls hair, of going with her to prom......

Mathias had to shake his head with some amount of force to get his brain to focus, even as his eyes had drifted upward, nearly catching sight of her....


He looked resolutely downward, focusing more on the attacks on the dummy then the ghoul herself, marginally impressed with how well she was doing and even more so when it finally went clattering to the ground. Should he approach her? Would she remember him? And if she did would it be with fondness, or had he left her with a bad impression?

Steeling himself, he strode forward on booted feet, hands balled into fists at his sides. "Vanya?" He said her name in his thick accent, the word a little more difficult to say now with fangs that jutted down over his bottom lip, making everything harder to vocalize as he hadn't yet quite gotten used to their sudden growth.

.....Why was their water suddenly running down her legs to the floor?? Maybe if he just took a quick peek upwards....




Ice-Cold Hunter


Super Trash

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:24 am
Vanya blinked a few times at the sound of the voice; confused as to where it came from. It wasn't until its familiarity registered that she glanced down with a smile. Well, this was an unexpected surprise. "Matty!" She greeted with perhaps a little too much cheer and kindness than she wanted to. Alright, she had to admit she had missed the little boil the past few months. School goings had them distracted and they had not had time to spend together.

She reached down and gave him a scratch behind his ear, a grin breaking out. "It's rude to not show eye contact," she teased, knowing full well why he was avoiding her gaze. Her hand dropped to her hip and she took another sip from her water bottle. "What brings you here?"
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:09 am
Mathias only winced slightly at the nickname. It was such a childish sounding thing, to be called Matty, which grated on him as the point of being here was to grow up, not the reverse! Still, her voice was, as always, a sweet, musical sound that eased his irritation away. And she sounded so cheerful! Surely that was a good sign that he had not burned bridges with her in not attempting to keep in contact.

When she reached over to scratch him behind the ear, he ducked just a tiny bit as though to pull away, but it was too late. She had hit the sweet spot, and one of his booted feet began to drum out a rapid rhythm on the floor while his face began to flush red. Damn her!

"Vell I...I vould very much like to look up and see you better but...you..." He began to fidget then, the claws on each index finger tapping together. "You are far too beautiful for me and I am afraid I vould no longer be myself if I did." But it was tempting, oh sooooo tempting to just give in to that urge, to feel the warmth inside again, to feel like he had somebody he cared for and would do anything for again......

But it was too dangerous, and it would be false. He kept his gaze averted, his foot thudding coming to a slow stop as she dropped her hand away from his head.

"I vas simply seeking somebody who may vish to spar vith me." He replied. "Vould you maybe be interested?" He asked, perhaps a littlel excitedly as though the thought had just occurred to him that they could battle each other.



Ice-Cold Hunter


Super Trash

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:48 pm
Vanya laughed; a laugh that wasn't cruel or mocking. She was genuinely amused by Matty; she'd simply forgotten how fun he was to play with. She scoffed at his excuses but he'd complimented her and her feathers ruffled, chest puffed in pride. She'd forgive his mistake this time - he did have a point; she was well aware of the effect she had on him - it was one of the reasons he was so fun.

She returned her water bottle to her bag and picked up her towel, wiping herself down. At his request, her head tilted and she cocked a curious brow. Well, there was something she wasn't expecting. "Huh, I had no idea you were interested in fighting. What a pleasant surprise."

She dropped her towel and stepped away from her bag, in the middle of the square of floor allocated to the dummy she had previously destroyed. One leg in front of the other, hands raised in front of her she gave Matty a sweet smile. "You can have the first hit."

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-12)
PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:08 am
Mathias was blushing furiously by the time her hand fell away and his foot had stopped thudding on the ground, his ears drooping slightly once more. At her surprise, however, he perked up just slightly, eyes still lowered but a fervent quality entering his tone. "It is all vat volpertingers like to do. Ve do live on the excitement of battle, on trying to prove or strength to be greatest." His eyes had lit up, and he followed her out to the center of the gym mats.

And then a small smile, combined with a grim look of determination at her invitation towards him to start.

"As the lady vishes." There was a soft hint of a growl to his voice, and there was little warning given before he darted forward, aiming to slash at her stomach with his black claws.

HP: 30
Damage: 3



Ice-Cold Hunter

LOLTERNATIVE rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-12)


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:55 pm
The harpy watched him curiously as he joined her on the mat. This was going to be an interesting fight. The ghoul had not yet witnessed Mathias in action - she knew him only as her little pet. Her lips pursed a little bit. If he won, the power would shift into his favour. She couldn't let that happen, oh no. The growl in his tone snapped her out of her thoughts just in time to avoid any scaring damage from his claws. It still hurt and she shifted her weight, turning to follow through with a kick, talons flexing outwards.

If he was gonna play rough, so was she.

HP 27
Damage: 3

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-12)
PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:58 pm
The kick caught him full in the chest, the flexing claws digging into flesh beneath his ruffled shirt painfully. It was in that moment that he knew that she wasn't likely going to be holding back either, and while the thought was slightly intimidating considering their difference in size, it was also invigorating.

He had a chance to beat her, here, in a place where he actually stood a chance of competing against her. As long as he didn't look directly at her face (or what lay below in ampleness) he thought that he could be okay.

The force of her kick was close to sending him stumbling back, but he reached out with his claws instead, grabbing for her leg, digging in and attempting to pull her off of her feet and onto the mat.

HP: 27
Damage: 3



Ice-Cold Hunter

LOLTERNATIVE rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6, 3 Total: 9 (2-12)


Super Trash

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:55 am
Vanya turned and watched his reaction with slightly pursed lips. She wasn't used to fighting someone of his size and perhaps she was being a little too rough. He stumbled - as if ready to fall - and she had almost reached out to stop him when she felt his claws in her leg and suddenly the walls were moving and she was quickly falling backwards.

Her hand went behind her head, catching herself before she fell completely. The other joined her and she pushed off the mat, a kick following through the flip that brought her upright. She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth - angry at herself for that brief moment of weakness - for underestimating her opponent.

HP 24
Damage: 3

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 1, 6 Total: 7 (2-12)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:47 am
Mathias was elated that for just a moment, a split second of time, he thought that he had successfully pulled the ghoul off of her feet and that she would soon be landing on the mat, and when she got there he would be sure to attack relentlessly with his claws ready to strike, or maybe with a well placed bite.

But she somehow caught herself, and like a supreme gymnast she was back on her feet, kicking out at him as she flipped herself back upright, her talons tearing into his Fear shield.

With a low growl of annoyance, he open hand slapped at the leg that kicked him.

HP: 24
Damage: 1



Ice-Cold Hunter

LOLTERNATIVE rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 6 Total: 11 (2-12)


Super Trash

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:11 am
At his slap, Vanya laughed; a loud, honest laugh. She eyed him, still smiling. He really was precious when he was trying to be impressive. "What was that, Matty? I thought you were going to take this seriously," she paused for a moment and then raised a finger. "Maybe we should make this interesting. If you win, I'll wear clothes for a whole week. Actual clothes. If I win, you have to be my slave for a week." She didn't wait for his response at first, instead launching at him with as much speed as she had, hand outstretched. She slapped his arm before standing upright again.

"That," she said, shaking her hand which was now red with. "Is how you slap someone." She took her guard position again. "How about it? Do we have a deal?"

HP 23
Damage: 5

Seussi rolled 7 4-sided dice: 4, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 2 Total: 17 (7-28)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:24 am
His eyes narrowed suddenly at her words, staring off some place to the side and carefully away from making eye contact with her, or any dangerous part of her body. She didn't think he was taking this seriously? His teeth began to grind together.

And then she slapped him on the arm, hard, and he winced, taking a step back as he considered her offer of a bet.

And then he smirked. "Am not interested in bet. Beating you is revarding enough. Now." He held his claws up in front of his face, his smile widening.

"Leck mich am Arsch!"

He then darted forward, and in a blur of movement, began stabbing at her repeatedly with his claws.

HP: 19
Damage: 10
Fear: T1 Swift Strikes-used



Ice-Cold Hunter

LOLTERNATIVE rolled 4 6-sided dice: 5, 3, 6, 6 Total: 20 (4-24)


Super Trash

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:36 pm
She pouted a little when he refused her bet. If he wasn't going to take the fight seriously she at least wanted it to be fun. She had almost opened her mouth to speak when he interrupted her - yelling something she didn't quite understand but didn't sound nice at all. Then he attacked and Vanya was taken back, his claws digging into her as he struck. She tried to stifle the yelp that escaped but didn't have much luck. She jumped back from him and stared with wide eyes for a moment.

Apparently he was starting to take it seriously. She took a deep breath, ignoring the stinging pain that came from his attack and launched forward, legs spinning out one by one to strike at him.

HP 13
Damage: 8
FEAR: Tier 1 Double take used

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2, 3 Total: 5 (2-12)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:57 pm
Slightly winded from his attack, he was breathing a bit more heavily as he fell back, but not fast enough to dodge against the two hits that struck at him next, one right after the other in rapid succession, the second one enough to knock him off of his feet and onto the mat.

"Scheisse." He hissed, as he scrambled back to his feet. He was very glad, at the moment, that he had refused her bet, even if he was proud of the fact that, considering their size difference, he had managed to surprise her at least once.

HP: 11
Damage: 0



Ice-Cold Hunter

LOLTERNATIVE rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 3 Total: 8 (2-12)


Super Trash

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:43 am
Vanya watched Matty, eyes sparkling with what one might consider pride. She was breathing a little heavier than she was when they had first started and a light sheen of sweat covered her skin. She could feel a few bruises forming under her skin where the boil had landed a few decent hits. Honestly, he had matched her and she grinned for a moment. The fight was fun, she decided and had he a little more training, he might have beaten her. It hadn't occurred to her that it was still too early to call the fight. As far as she knew, she'd been decided as the winner from the beginning.

Distracted by her thoughts, she'd momentarily forgotten they were actually in the middle of a spar and her hand shot out to slap him; grazing his shoulder with her claws.

HP 13
Damage: 2  
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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