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Omnipresent Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:51 pm
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a Horror/Institution roleplay
by SilentShadowDreamer

Profiles and OOC

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:53 pm
Teacher Profiles

Philip Kearnsey
Matter disintegration
XXXXXClasses Taught:
Phil teaches the Fine Arts (music, art and drama) and a couple of second-language classes for all grades. As you can imagine, this keeps him quite busy.
He is the mentor for most students whose powers have a naturally destructive edge: pyrokinetics, psychic weapons, that kind of thing all might fall under Phil's hand.
The first thing anyone would notice about Phil are his pale green eyes, which look oddly out of place against longish, tousled brown-black hair and deep brown skin. He has a dazzling smile when he deigns to offer it, but it shows up quite rarely: generally, his expression is neutral at best, sombre or morose the rest of the time. His face and body are all planes and angles; he doesn't have a lot of excess fat or muscle at all, and he's built rather on the thin side as well as being quite tall, standing around six-two. He dresses well, though he shies away from bright colours or patterns, and he has a smooth, warm voice that's very soothing to listen to.
Philip was born in a small, conservative, maniacally religious town where he was one of the few non-white children around. As a result, he was unmercifully bullied for most of his youth. Every time they started in on him, he was conscious of something twisting and bubbling inside him, threatening to spill over. He learned to run, learned how to hide, and every time he managed to escape them and keep that bubbling feeling contained.

Until the last time. The last time when a twelve-year-old Phil was cornered, scared, and positive they were going to seriously hurt him. He doesn't remember what happened; the only thing he recalls is a disgusting gory mess, screaming that sounded distant to his ears, and the sound of police sirens. He was sent off to Brookrose by his parents shortly after that.

Phil grew up at Brookrose, never going back home and rarely hearing from his family. When he turned fourteen, he was pulled out of the usual run of classes and put in 'advanced' ones, which he quickly learned were an euphemism for training classes. He was taught how to use his powers sparingly and with care, and as he watched his old classmates slowly begin to break, he understood why they were really there - but he forced himself not to care.

Upon graduation, he was offered a position as a teacher at Brookrose.

XXXXXAnything else:
Most of the students that Philip has mentored in his time at the school have come out the other end alive. Some days, it almost feels like enough.

Natalia Devries
Nullification: the ability to slow or stop other people’s uses of their powers within a certain radius.
XXXXXClasses Taught:
Natalia doesn’t teach classes. As the vice-principal and general administrator, she spends most of her time in the office when she isn’t doing her mentoring sessions.
Her specialty lies in the students whose powers affect only themselves; if a student can do things only to their own mind or body, they might end up with Natalia.
Natalia is the stereotypical cool blonde beauty, with long golden curls that she keeps pulled back and large, piercing grey eyes. Her voice is usually steady and clipped, as though she has better things to be doing with her time. As a school representative, she wears tidy, professional clothing at all times and rarely bothers with makeup—though, honestly, she doesn’t need it. At five foot seven, she’s a little over medium height, but her authoritarian presence makes her seem much taller. The click of her high heels along the floor is enough to make even the boldest troublemakers shiver, but those students she works with regularly are often surprised at the other students’ fear of her.
Ever since Natalia was young, it seemed that there was something off about her. Adults were uncomfortable around her, other children avoided her, and no one could quite put into words why. She is the great-niece of Brookrose’s founder, Angus Devries, so she has been around the school most of her life.

Her own power was discovered when she was twelve, when a student trying to escape the school using his power of invisibility was suddenly forced into full visibility when he tried to sneak past her. He was summarily euthanized, and she was enrolled in Brookrose as a student. Due as much to her extremely useful ability as her bloodline, she was taught to control her power and to be able to use it consciously rather than having it come in spurts. While other students, even other ‘Honors’ students like herself, bent and broke under the strain of the school, Natalia let it shape her and fire her into what she is today.

In Brookrose’s forge, she has grown strong, but she has also grown hard.

XXXXXAnything else:
Natalia wields all the authority in the school, as far as the students know—no one ever sees the principal, and there are rumors among the kids that he doesn’t exist.

Nils Jensen
Power mimicry
XXXXXClasses Taught:
Teaches biology and various other sciences such as chemistry or psychics, and also Swedish classes for all grades. It is no secret that the latter is his favorite.
Nils mentors the students with powers focused around the elements: fire, water, wind, earth (flora, fauna). He is also partial to students interested in learning the Swedish language, given that he is Swedish and is fluent in the language.
This is a picture of him, and one of the first things noticeable about him is that he is bald. He did have a full head of hair during his earlier years; now though it seems determined to grow anywhere but the top of his head. He has facial hair, bushy eyebrows, long eyelashes and other such bodily hair, but still he is quite glaringly bald. Besides that, Nils has brown eyes and where his hair does grow it's a dirty blonde, almost light brown. He stands at five foot eleven and a half, and fights to count that half. Nils prefers to wear dress clothes in dark colors, usually in black or navy blue.
Ever since he was little, Nils was an outdoors person. He was raised in a rural town by parents who emigrated from Stockholm after getting married, and the Swedish language was favored at home. This is the main reason why he prefers speaking Swedish, and when he does speak in English, it is with an accent. He enjoyed a relatively stable childhood hiking, fishing, camping, and exploring nature along with his two sisters and parents. He was quite the Boy Scout.

It was at age thirteen that Nils discovered his unique ability. He was outside as usual, passing the time with a friend of his. (The friend would later be accepted into Brookrose as well, but upon graduation was quietly euthanized. Nils doesn't like to talk about him.) His friend had the power to levitate, and as they were running around, chasing each other, he levitated. Nils was calling out to him that such an offense was cheating when he, too, became aware that he was no longer on the ground. He has never levitated since then, and that's how he knows it's power mimicry he possesses rather than anything else. He was amazed at this newfound ability and continued to mimic others, or at least until his parents got a letter in the mail. He had no desire to go, but his parents said that "Detta är vad som är bäst." (This is what is best.)

Shortly afterward, he left for Brookrose. His ability was broken down enough during that time that now he has to stand very close to a person or even make physical contact before he is able to absorb their power. And even then, the power is absorbed for only a very short time. He has different reasons for wanting to absorb or mimic someone else's power, but mostly he does this when he wants to demonstrate something for his students. He does feel somewhat sympathetic towards the students, as he went through the same experience himself, but he also knows that this is what's best for them. Detta är vad som är bäst.

XXXXXAnything else:
Nils is a fierce advocate of school uniforms, because he sees dressing well as a sign of respect; not only for others but for themselves as well. If a student or coworker was to walk by him wearing a tight minidress, blindingly bright colors or generally looking sloppy, Nils has to fight to avoid cringing at the sight. Sometimes it shows, sometimes it doesn't.
minus infinity

Diana Melbourne
Memory erasion
XXXXXClasses Taught:
She is the main school nurse so she doesn't teach any classes.
Diana attends to students when they are ill or need a checkup. She also takes care of any prescriptions they may have, to make sure they take the correct dosage. In a school like Brookrose she can't be too careful.
Diana is tall and voluptuous, even though she carefully hides her curves under the scrubs she wears. Her hair, which goes down to her waist, is also kept up during the day so that she doesn't have to worry about it while she works. She is a comforting presence in the nurse's office, with a soothing voice and gentle hand. She tries hard to make sure the students feel safe when they are with her, even though she will not hesitate to erase their memories if she feels she has to.
Diana comes from a very wealthy and well-respected family, and the upkeep of that reputation was no small matter to her parents. They were the type to see an eighty percent grade and wonder where the other twenty percent had gone; second place was never good enough for them. Diana and her brother were similarly taught not to settle for anything less than perfection, and were shown love only when they met these standards.

When Diana discovered her power, she tried to hide it for a while in fear of how her parents would react. Her brother came down with "amnesia" twice, and once the nanny couldn't remember where she lived. When her teacher noticed she was starting to withdraw, she asked her what was wrong, thinking her sudden change in behavior was only due to a normal childhood dilemma. However, after a bit of coaxing, Diana told her something that was definitely not normal.
Of course, the teacher would later tell her parents, who were mortified. Believing she was dangerous until her power could be adequately controlled, they sent her off to Brookrose and told everyone she was simply attending a rather prestigious boarding school. She was allowed to come home in the summers, mostly as a means of flaunting her at parties, although at home the reception was downright icy. Her parents thought her a failure, and were never hesitant about saying it.
During the summer when she was sixteen, she was attending one of these parties when a boy her age walked up to her and said hello. They fell in love as the years passed, even though it was hard to explain why she could only ever see him during the summer. Thankfully, he seemed to understand, and they were married when she was twenty-two. When he wanted to have children, she told him she couldn't. It was a lie, but she didn't want to risk having a "gifted" child.
She has never told her husband that she has powers, and hopes she will never have to.

XXXXXAnything else:
Diana is at the school year-round for minor injuries and the like, but there is another nurse that comes in to perform the euthanizations at year's end. Diana simply couldn't bring herself to do that kind of thing to students she spent the year bandaging and administering medicine to.
minus infinity  


Omnipresent Sex Symbol


Omnipresent Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:54 pm
PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:55 pm
Student Profiles

Celia Rasan
She has the ability to see and communicate with the dead. There are a lot of them around Brookrose.
Celia is a tiny little girl who looks closer to eight or nine than the preteen she is. She has fine honey-blonde hair that goes halfway down her back and tends to hang limp, with long bangs that fall into her light-brown eyes most of the time. Usually she's seen wearing it in a braid in an attempt to look older, which doesn't work. With very round cheeks that are usually quite pink and a stubborn chin, she hasn't yet outgrown her 'baby face'. Nor, for that matter, has she outgrown her baby's body. She is still shaped like a little girl, and she's still got a little bit of baby fat, but she's rapidly begun to lose weight since coming to Brookrose.
Celia lived in an old mining town for most of her life. There were few people left there, because the old mine was nearly played out, and there was little left in the town but memories. That was all fine and dandy for most people, but for Celia, it was a special kind of hell; she could see all those memories, speak to the victims of every mining accident - if she chose to. But she was only a little girl, and the things she could see terrified her.

She had had multiple nervous breakdowns by the time she was ten years old, and had been in and out of psychiatric hospitals several times. Her parents were desperate for some sort of explanation, and when she turned twelve, they sent her to a child therapist. At first, Celia wasn't inclined to talk to the woman. But gradually, she began to whisper and finally to speak the things she'd held back.

The therapist wasn't inclined to believe her at first, either, but Celia found ways to prove that she was telling the truth. After a few sessions of this back-and-forth of trust, the therapist referred her parents to Brookrose. An invitation from the school was promptly sent, and her parents accepted it on her behalf.

She's been here since the start of the semester, and in her eyes, things are worse than ever.

XXXXXAnything else:
She's too afraid of the ghosts she sees to want to communicate with them, but they won't leave her alone. It's like they're trying to tell her something...

Kayle Collins
Pyrokinesis. Kayle likes heat and light, and feels a strong connection with fire.
Kayle is a tall, skinny, gawky boy who is all legs, arms and uncoordinated movements; he knows it and he's rather embarrassed about it, but not enough to worry about it overmuch. He does tend to knock things over if he's not careful, though. His pale skin is nearly ghostly-white and never seems to darken no matter how often he's outside. Very dark brown hair frames his face and tends to be rather messy - he generally considers 'brushing it' to be running his fingers through it - and his eyes are similarly dark. His clothing tends to be rather slouchy and a bit too big for him, but he tries to stay reasonably well-put-together.
Throughout his early years, his life was pretty average. Kayle was an only child, a bit of a shut-in who preferred to be alone rather than play with other kids. And if a few odd things occurred around his family - he could stick his fingers in candle-flames and touch hot stoves with no pain or burns, if a lighter wasn't working he could find a way to 'make it work' to light the woodstove - they tended to ignore it because there really didn't seem to be much of an issue.

As he got older, though, the incidents got brighter, hotter and more and more difficult to ignore. Things crested when his best friend, a boy he'd been close to throughout his life, committed suicide due to bullying. At school a few days later, when Kayle finally managed to drag himself back, he spotted some of the people responsible and lost his temper in an explosion of flame, setting the lunchroom alight.

Seven people died from burns and smoke inhalation - most of them the people that had set Kayle's temper off, as that was where the fire had begun. He received the invitation to Brookrose less than a week later.

He is entirely unrepentant for what he did.

XXXXXAnything else:
Kayle cannot abide water. Seems obvious, but it's true. He refuses to do any swimming whatsoever, and rather than taking showers, he'll often slip out into the grounds, find a place to hide, and set himself alight in order to clean himself. It seems to work pretty well.

Alexia Rose Cipriano
Alexia is an average-sized, tan-skinned girl with long dyed black hair, naturally a dark brown. She's also dyed in purple to her emo-styled bangs and bleached blond streaks in her hair with the black. She usually wears t-shirts she's cut up to look super cool along with denim bottoms of any sort. Except when she's on a exercise kick, then, she wears athletic sort of clothing. She likes to wear cute hats and lots of jewelry when she's not on her exercise kick, of course. When she's not wearing a hat, her hair is usually up in a ponytail. Alexia isn't too much of a makeup girl, but she wear a bit of it should she feel like it. She loves painting her nails all sorts of colors to match her shirt as well as wearing Converse for shoes all day, everyday. She swears she'll get married wearing Converse. You always find her with old-styled headphones on her head or around her neck. There's nothing really special about her appearance though except for the fact she has beautiful purple eyes.
Alexia's mother was actually previous a student in this school about twenty years ago. She actually escaped from here still able to have kids and with her powers. How you ask? She had the power to alter people's memory. She planned the escape for months before "graduation". She altered the memory of the nurse who was assign to euthanize her into thinking Alexia's mother was her assistant, getting dressed into nursing clothes as the nurse was recovering from the alteration. The nurse sent her out to get supplies for the next student, but she never came back. She was free. She changed her identity and dyed her hair to make sure the school would not come back into her life. Alexia's mother also never used her powers again. Well, for twenty years. In that time span, she met Alexia's father, got married to him, and had her daughter.

Alexia never heard any stories about her mother's past, none. She never knew about the school or what they did there. She never found out about her mother's powers. However, when she turned eight, she did find out about her own powers.

Her parents were singing happy birthday to her and she was really happy and laughing. Loudly. In fact, Alexia unconsciously made her laugh into a very high frequency, shattering glasses and popping her balloons. Her parents were shocked, more so her father. Her mother, she was upset. Her daughter would end up being forced into that school. Her parents talked about what had happened and her mother convinced her father to think nothing of it. He willing agreed luckily. Then, Alexia's mother taught Alexia to not use her powers, to hide them from everyone.

Alexia had a good relationship with her father up until he died when she was thirteen. He loved music and shared it with his daughter. He taught her how to sing, play the piano, and play the guitar. Alexia loved to talk about music with him. Then, of course, as said before, he died of brain cancer, leaving his daughter heartbroken.

As she grew even older, kids started to tease her for not having a father anymore. Her mother told her not to let it get to her and she didn't for about four years. Then, one day, she was done. She wanted them to shut up. They did. She muted them with her powers. Everyone started freaking out and Alexia ran home, telling her mother what happened.

The inevitable was upon the two; Alexia would be taken to the school. However, her mother wouldn't let her go without trying to save her first. The invitations started coming and Alexia's mother would get rid of them anyway she could, burning, paper shredder, etc. The police came to their home eventually and she decided to wipe her daughter's memory of any knowledge of her powers in hopes if she didn't know how to use them, maybe it'll help her get out and live normally. As Alexia was knocked out from the memory wipe, her mother refused to let them have her. She altered the memory of one policeman and made him start firing at his comrades. The policeman and Alexia's mother were shot down.

Now, they've brought the orphan to the school and she's just recovering from the memory wipe.

XXXXXAnything else:
Alexia always carries around her father's old guitar pick with her. She's fond of anime and video games.
Angel in my Dreams

Bambi Fortuna
Chlorokinesis; Bambi has the ability to control and manipulate any plant organism and create poisons and toxins from them
Bambi is a striking girl, her pale blue eyes prominent on face. Her face is usually soft, though tinged with indifference, which makes her look a little unapproachable if one doesn't know her well enough. It is a mistake to think of her as innocent or tenderhearted. Her cheeks and nose are sprinkled with light freckles, her skin a creamy color, her facial features recognizably a mix of asian and caucasian descent. Her black hair is long, tickling her lower back in a wild fashion, and her bangs, slightly but almost unnoticeably crooked, fall over her forehead. They do not hinder her eye sight, and she is very keen on having them cut so that they don't. She is average height, around 5'7'', and is not entirely thin. Despite Bambi's athleticism, she tends to fall a lot, her legs often covered in cuts and bruises.
Bambi had terrible childhood friends who ran around bullying those who they felt threatened by. She was a cute kid who had recently moved from the big city to a small town due to her parents’ divorce. So, Bambi foolishly traded her femininity for these friends. She submitted to conformity willingly in order to fit in.
Two years later, her mother passed away. She had to move back with her father to the city, where he lived by himself. However, her personality remained the same and she entered school with the same indifferent, boyish attitude.

Her father often had to work, and while he was never negligent, he couldn't be there for her all the time. He was often distant from her, and Bambi had always felt that she was some sort of forced burden on him. She had no problems about it until she was seven, when she was on her way back from school, mainly because her father couldn't pick her up. A strange man convinced her to go into the woods, and because Bambi was still young and naive, she fell for the trap.

The ***** tried to rape the seven year old Bambi and died trying. His body was found by police, wrecked with thorns and poison, strangled by roots and stabbed by branches to a bloody mess. They found Bambi without so much as a scratch and not so much as a word; only the fact that there was a man bloodily murdered next to her. An invitation to Brookrose was sent a day later, her disturbed father sending her without much hesitation.

Bambi was raised at Brookrose for eleven years, fashioned into believing that her powers were something that needed to be subdued, and that these powers weren't 'normal'. And while she does believe that her powers can be dangerous and that they need to be controlled, there's something in her telling her that it is these very powers that make her special. Bambi doesn't dare say so or show her opinion about it, because she's also learned that those that have 'trouble' with their powers or don't pass 'graduation' are never heard of again. She has seen countless others disappear, and has learned to behave well enough to hide all her doubts.

XXXXXAnything else:
Bambi is very sensitive about her name, so many should refrain from commenting about it. She is also sensitive of her past, and chooses not to talk about it.

Bambi also really likes flowers, and is known to be knowledgable in plants and herbs.

Greedy Fat Cat

Timber Winterbourne
Telekinesis; the ability to move anything within radius without so much as wiggle of a finger; this power requires a certain amount of concentration, depending on the object
Despite Timber's tall stature, he otherwise remains unnoticed. He likes not grabbing attention to himself, it makes everything easier. He stands at 6'2'', which makes people think he's more intimidating than he usually is. He is quick on his feet, both mentally and physically, but is a bit insensitive towards others' feelings. He has dark brown hair, which is slightly curly and mostly messy. His secretly profound feature are the three moles on his eye, which are angled in a straight line with two on his eyelid and one beneath his eye. He has dark eyes, a clear face, and a defined jaw that isn't too sharp but angular. He is proportionate with his height, a little bit toned, but has been thinning out since being at Brookrose.
It was uneasy going to a new school for the thirteen year old Timber. He was a shy kid who liked to read and play on his own. This didn't make him not friendly, he was just nervous to talk to a lot of people. Timber had loving parents and an older brother, and lived adventurously.
It was when his school decided to do a school play did things go wrong for him. All Timber had to do was pop out from behind the curtain and yell, "I'm here!" But again, Timber was a timid kid, so such a small role didn't suit him very well.

Parents, friends, and faculty sat in the audience as the play drove on. It was right about Timber's turn, Timber anxious beyond compare. He was cued to hop out from behind the curtain, but remained unmoved. One of his classmates beckoned him to do it, but he remained still. Eventually, he was lightly pushed out, despite his dislike, and looked at the audience. They stared at him, a little confused. He immediately froze up, forgetting his simple lines, and everything. One of the chairs in the audience, with his principal in it, floated up. The audience screamed, and Timber startled himself. The chair flung fast to the side, his principal slamming into the wall, and then all hell broke loose.
People ran screaming, while others flew through the air like a tornado. Decorations tore, and props were destroyed. Timber didn't know how to stop it, everything happening too fast to comprehend. After fifteen minutes, Timber passed out, and everything settled. He was sent to the hospital, where after a couple days, received an invitation to Brookrose. Timber was frightened of his power, disgusted with himself, and wanted desperately for it to go away. So Timber accepted the invitation, and was sent to the boarding school willingly by his stupefied parents. They didn't know how to describe it, nor could explain how Timber did it. They, to this day, choose to forget that day and forget that Timber was even their son.

Timber spent the next five years at Brookrose, learning to subdue his powers. He doesn't enjoy using them at all. They do, however, become apparent when he feels certain emotions.

XXXXXAnything else:
He has stage-fright.
Greedy Fat Cat

Azariah Soule
Healing; unfortunately, she only knows how to heal herself nowadays.
There's always a little bit too much makeup on her face, as though maybe she might be trying to cover something up. The red hair, thicker than an encyclopedia and running down her snowy white back, is pretty hard to miss too. Azariah stands at five foot seven and likes to wear high heels even though most of the teachers frown upon it. More to their displeasure, the high heels are usually accompanied with colorful tights and either a mini-dress or a short skirt. One of these days she'll be put in a uniform and that will hopefully be the end of it. That is, unless she takes her markers to it.
Azariah has blue-grey eyes that are obviously quite intensified by gigantic quantities of eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. This is only a peek at her, but it might help to explain what her favorite color is.

Azariah was born as the middle child of seven, and always felt as though she had to struggle for attention; it just seemed there was never enough of it to go around. Azariah sought the attention she craved through her appearance: the makeup, the dyed hair (she's a natural blonde) and the clothes. People at school used to tell her that she looked pretty with makeup on, and, feeling encouraged, she piled it on. It's only right before she goes to sleep or first thing when she wakes up that one might see her without makeup on, but in the latter case she's pretty quick about fixing it. Once she came to Brookrose, the teachers noticed her likeness of cosmetics and offered her the position of makeup artist for when the school puts on theater productions. But, to rewind a little:

Azariah discovered her power when she was ten years old and had scraped her knee while learning to ride a bike. Also, she might have been trying to show off a bit. When she paused to inspect herself after her fall, however, she realized there was not a scratch on her. She was startled, because she knew she had known pain just a moment ago. Initially thinking this a fluke, she got back on her bike and fell down again shortly afterward. This time she distinctly saw a scrape on her hand, but barely a few seconds had passed before it disappeared as though it had never been there. Well, at least now she had her parent's attention.

After becoming aware of her special ability, Azariah took it upon herself to heal not only herself but others as well when they were injured. By very gently touching the wound, sometimes through some sort of fabric so that she wouldn't cause any more pain or become infected herself, she was able to heal others in a matter of seconds. Usually she reserved this for family, but one day she witnessed a small child fall down and scrape their knee. The child's parents were busy with their other child, who was crying in a stroller, and Azariah instantly felt pity for the older child; she felt she could relate to being expected to fend for herself while her parents tended to her younger and much more dependent siblings. She discreetly walked over to the child and put her hand on the scraped knee, and as usual the scar was gone after a few moments.

That moment of kindness would be her undoing, unfortunately.

It turned out the father of the child had witnessed the healing, and word traveled quickly. At first, she was sought by hospitals and the like for her healing power; but it was Brookrose that she was sent to instead. Azariah doesn't actually regret healing that child, though, and sometimes she wonders if he remembers her. In her darkest moments, the thought provides her with some form of solace.

XXXXXAnything else:
Last year, she kissed Antoine. He was startled and, before quite awkwardly teleporting himself away, told her he didn't want to have a romantic relationship with her. It makes Azariah wonder whether he's seeing some other girl, or whether he's just plain afraid of commitment.
minus infinity

Antoine Martin
This is a picture of him, taken from behind because he was brooding about something or another. Even his appearance lends him an air of thoughtfulness and deep concentration, whether or not that's what he's actually doing. Antoine stands at an even six feet and has hazel eyes to match the dark brown hair. He wears a lot of red, as though in some attempt to match his good friend Azariah; however, he isn't as bold as her to wear anything that might draw unwanted attention to him. Antoine would much prefer a good shirt, blue jeans and nice shoes. He's tan compared to his friend and to some of the other people at the school, but that's more because of his heritage than because of how much time he spends outside. He's part French, part Italian and very distantly Native American as well.
Antoine actually has had his power since he was a small child. Much to the dismay of his parents, it might just have been in his genes: his great-grandfather on his mother's side could levitate objects or certain people by looking at them and concentrating; also one of his Native American ancestors was what might be referred to as a "witch doctor". When six-year-old Antoine first discovered that he could teleport himself, other people, or various objects, he mostly used this newfound ability to tease or frighten others. Thus, his brother and sister sometimes tried to avoid him. (Now more than ever.) But since he didn't actually do these things very often, and only at home, at first his parents thought they would be able to keep this a secret. And for a few years, a secret it stayed.

An eleven-year-old Antoine was at school, horribly bored, and feeling rebellious. Not heeding the lecture his parents had given him about only using his powers in the safety of their house, he began to give his math teacher a look she would later describe as "the utmost concentration, as though he might have been pondering the existence of humanity itself... I blinked and suddenly I found myself in the schoolyard." The rumors of some sort of special power traveled quickly, and caught the attention of the headmasters at Brookrose. Antoine has been here ever since, and his powers have been broken down enough so that he can only teleport himself and then only very short distances. The teachers are hoping to erase his ability completely, lest he have to be euthanized around graduation.

XXXXXAnything else:
Antoine has to be given a wide berth when he decides to teleport. He doesn't want to know what would happen otherwise. Besides that, he's not apart from Azariah very often. Things are still awkward between them, but they keep each other relatively sane.
minus infinity

Elsa Smythesson, at least to anyone who asks.
Cryokinesis: the ability to manipulate and create ice and snow
Though she’s too young and gawky to be sure now, Elsa shows signs of growing up to be a beauty one day, with thick white-blonde hair that’s usually left carelessly loose, fine features and vivid dark-blue eyes. She’s rather tall for her age, and her latest growth spurt has left her a little underweight, but that should resolve itself with time. The kind of clothes she prefers have nothing to do with the fashion of the day; she wears long, loose, dull-coloured dresses that look like hand-me-downs, and refuses anyone’s attempts to get her to wear something more flattering.
Elsa has only been at Brookrose for two years, and she might be on the fast track to graduation. Ever since she arrived, she has been focused only on her classwork and her mentoring sessions, determined to be the best in her age group and the first to sublimate this horrible thing she’s been cursed with.

Perhaps she has the right to feel that way: ever since she was young, her power has done nothing but ruin her life. Toys, books, sometimes even small pets were lost to Elsa’s icy touch and uncontrolled powers, and though her parents loved her, she could sense that they also feared her, in that unerring way that children do. Perhaps they would have reported her to Brookrose themselves in time, but they didn’t get to it before the moment that destroyed her life.

A good friend. A best friend, that Elsa loved like a sibling. A childhood argument that escalated into a physical fight…except it didn’t, because as soon as the angry Elsa’s hand touched her friend’s skin, ice spread over the other girl, freezing her into a silent, perfect statue that could never make Elsa angry again. She didn’t mean to. She’d never meant to. But the damage was done.

Now that she’s in Brookrose, it’s as though she’s been granted a second chance, and she would love to take advantage of it…but her power doesn’t seem to be as amenable to the idea. Even if she doesn’t use it consciously, it breaks out at unexpected moments, leaving her mortified and scared—but more determined than ever to master it.

XXXXXAnything else:
Her real name isn’t Elsa, but she’s taken it as her own until she graduates. She doesn’t want any of her old classmates being able to track her down.

June Blue Ribbon
10th Grade
June is a pale girl with dark, brown hair just below shoulder length. Standing at 5'3" she's fairly skinny to match with her short stature do to her lack of physicality. Green eyes often pierces that of her peers, seeming distant and lack-lustered in her relaxed expression. A notable feature are the freckles just beneath her eyes and across the bridge of her nose.
June has no memories of her parental figures, like many children about the world, she was raised in an orphanage with assumptions that her parents couldn't care for her. Growing up, it was easy to see why, her body was physically lacking. Perhaps the doctor suspected she wouldn't survive pass childhood, but the guardians at the Sage House Orphanage didn't give up on her like they wouldn't any other child. She hadn't spoken a word until she was twelve years old, and she had a hard time walking on her own until she was eight. She was able to read before many other children though, a brilliant child it was noticed.

She was enthusiastic about knowledge and the world around her, though she had a hard time expressing herself. There were some children nice to her, and some not at all depending on their views. She couldn't go outside and play with them, to put it shortly she hindered any friends through minor guilt. In the end friends came and went, her only friend being the one that could speak with her. Slowly her abilities developed, so desperately wanting to speak and be heard, her mind called out to one of the children. They became friends, when she heard June through telepathic waves from her mind. She wasn't frightened, well after some small explanation, but even so June didn't understand it completely either. She began speaking out to others as if it was no big deal, and playing upon her abilities, then soon a call was made. She was taken at age eleven to the school, her presence most likely forgotten at the orphanage, there they have helped her build her physical capabilities to walk again and speak.

XXXXXAnything else:
Her most profound ability is the ability to transfer her thoughts, and read minds if they allow her in, she hasn't had the chance to push herself harder in her psychic techniques. She's been quiet happy with the fact that she can walk. She's fluent and sign language and still fairly soft spoken, not knowingly capable of yelling.

Jake Andrew Williams
Geokinesis: he can manipulate earth, and steel.
Standing at six foot, Jake is a rather tall person. He is of an average build, not too broad, but at the same time he's not too lanky. He has ears that are a tad bit bigger than everyone else's, but just enough to be noticeable. He also has a scar, going down from just above his right eyebrow to just above his right eye.

He often wears blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and black steel-toe boots. He doesn't see the need to go around trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends. When he starts to feel cold he will often times put on a black leather jacket he keeps lying around, and when he's warm he'll usually just take off his shirt and boots.

Jake's past really isn't all that interesting. He grew up in a rather small town with a population of about ten thousand. He lived with both his parents who are still happily married. His parents were both religious but he never managed to get into any religion. He had a small group of friends he would go and hang out with, occasionally getting into trouble. In school he would get A's and B's.

He didn't really become aware of his powers until eighth grade. Up until this point his powers had only caused small tremors which everyone had assumed were earthquakes. He had accidently bumped into another student while on the way to his next class. The other student got really pissed and was trying to start a fight. Jake tried to calm him down but nothing was working, the student was just a real a*****e. After a couple of minutes, and a few shoves, Jake lost his temper and the ground around him started to tremble. Everyone thought it was just an earthquake until rocks, staplers, paper clips, and other metallic or earthen objects started flying to and hitting the other student. Jake didn't realize it at the time, but he was the one causing it.

Jake lost his temper and cause similar events to happen twice more before he was invited to attend this school that was supposed to help him control his powers. He accepted, eager to gain control and to be able to help others with his powers. This was at the start of his junior year. He's been at the school for a year or so now, hated the teachers from the moment they started telling him his powers were evil. He's currently trying to escape from the school, and to take out as many of the faculty as possible.

XXXXXAnything else:
Jake has a fear of heights, and feels more in tune with the Earth when his shoes are off.

James Polk
He can create various weapons out of psionic energy. They appear purple, ghastly, and totally harmless, but they can and probably will cause serious harm. This power takes a lot out of James though. Summoning something small, like a dagger, will leave him as if he just came back from a brisk walk. Sommoning a large weapon, like a catapult, will leave him as if he just sprinted several miles. It also drains him of his energy the longer he sustains the weapon.
James is a rather small child. He is only three foot five. He still has yet to shed any of his baby fat. He has a bit of a belly, just enough to be made fun of for. He has brown hair styled in a bowl cut. He also has a tendency to wear bright, mismatched clothes. He might wear bright green shorts with a bright purple shirt. Or maybe some bright plaid shorts with a bright pink shirt. If it's bright and doesn't go well together, he's probably wearing it.
James was always picked on in school. Partly because of how short he was and partly because of his choice in clothing. The other kids would often make fun of him and leave him out of games and activities when possible. Despite this, James is a rather happy and optimistic guy. He always tries to see the bright side of things, and learned to get along really well without other people. Well, he learned how to stay entertained without them at any rate.

He found out about his powers at the cost of his classmate's life. He didn't mean to take the child's life, honest. It just kind of happened. He was walking home from school when the other student was calling his name from an alley. Said something about a cool toy. James liked toys so he figured why not. Only, when he got there all he got was pain, lots of it. The student started wailing on poor James for not rhyme or reason. James was just wishing for the pain to go away, and it did. It wasn't until he heard a thump did he notice the wailing had stopped. When he looked he saw a purple dagger sticking out of the studen't chest, and no sooner had he noticed it than it disappeared. His parents were horrified when he told them what happened. He got an invite. To Brookrose the next day.

XXXXXAnything else:
James really, really wishes that he would hit a major growth spurt and to become tall.

Sierra Rasan
Fourth-year uni student, about to graduate.
Death Sense: the ability to sense the coming of death and the act of dying.
Sierra looks a bit like she is stuck at age sixteen, with her petite build and gigantic light brown eyes. Her brown hair, tinged almost red when the sun hits it a certain way, is usually kept up so that she doesn't have to worry about it, even though a few loose strands will inevitably escape. She has a few freckles along her nose and on her shoulders, due to the large amount of time she spent outdoors as a child. She is also rarely seen without a book of some sort in hand.
Sierra had a happy childhood, growing up with loving parents in an old mining town ripe for exploring. On these many explorations, she discovered that certain places made her very uneasy, even though she didn't really know why. She continued to explore as a curious young child might, but over time she found herself more and more unable to shake the feeling that something was very wrong. She began to have nightmares and became ill more often than a child should, displaying mostly flu-like symptoms. The doctors could never find anything wrong, and always just sent her home with instructions to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

In that old mining town, there were many who had died. From the time she was about six, Sierra could tell when someone was about to die or was dying, and was repulsed and frightened by the fact that she knew. She would see their faces and hear their voices, even though she found she couldn't talk to them in return. It always felt like a dream sequence, and it was over as soon as it began. Still, she dreaded it. It happened more and more often over the years, to the point where it was taking a serious toll on her health. By the time she was twelve, she was still extremely underweight, and she began to experience frequent panic attacks. Still, doctors could find nothing wrong. The only light in her world was her younger sister Celia, who was born when Sierra was nine.

Even despite this, Sierra's health continued to worsen. One day, after a particularly bad car accident in which four people had died, she became gravely ill. In what her parents thought to be some sort of delirium, she began to shout, "Leave me alone! Please, just leave me alone!" even though there was no one else in the room with her. When they sent her to a therapist, she recommended Brookrose.

She has not seen her younger sister since she was admitted and does not know that she is gifted as well.

XXXXXAnything else:
As the nurse's assistant, she acts as a receptionist of sorts and mostly takes care of paperwork. She might also help out with a procedure if need be.
minus infinity  


Omnipresent Sex Symbol


Omnipresent Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:56 pm
PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:01 pm


Omnipresent Sex Symbol


Omnipresent Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:04 pm
PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:27 pm
Can we post? Huh huh can we?
(I'll delete this post if we can't.)

DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW EXCITED I AM. I haven't even actually started a profile because procrastination but OMG.  

minus infinity

Fluffy Fatcat


Omnipresent Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:47 pm

I'm really excited too~ Totally let me know if you need any help thinking of stuff! 8D  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:53 pm
Could controlling sound waves and such be considered a psychic power?  


Beloved Kitten

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Omnipresent Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:22 pm
I don't see why not. I'm sure there's a pretty name for it and everything...

ah, here we are. Is this what you're thinking of?  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:33 pm
Lol Acoustokinesis. *is playing her acoustic guitar right now* It's purr-fect.  


Beloved Kitten

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Beloved Kitten

11,000 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:33 pm
Sorry, I've been tempted to post this all day, but...

Is mayonnaise a psychic power? x3  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:15 pm

Um. Well. Uh.

If you can sell it, I'd maybe buy it. stare  


Omnipresent Sex Symbol


Beloved Kitten

11,000 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:23 pm
It's a SpongeBob meme, lol.  
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