+Bump x +
so this already passed and person 1 left the club to start their own and it been really weird. we are not complete >.<
anyways the member who snitch is no longer there every once in a while drops by but oh i dunno if what they told me was true that means the snitch was breaking us apart
crying and our happy fun club is so dull now too
emotion_8c Anyways the issue was either person 1 left or kick the member which resulted in person 1 leaving.
person 2 didnt do anything about it. person 2 is no longer the same person i thought they were so i no longer want to trust any of them but... i considered them my friends. i kinda the one in the middle. they told me they started talking again but again they stopped talking and ive been hanging out with them seperetly but... each time they say sad bad things about each other as to who was the problem. and i do not know whos right!
phew what a rant
sad classified_omnomgrunny