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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[Open Class] How Not To Be Seen (Camilla) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 [>] [»|]

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Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-20)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 2:16 am
Predators... Amityville was full of them apparently... Where Camilla lived in the Mouseshire Woods had a no Mouse hunting law so even mice predators weren't allowed to hunt mice of the Halloween Creature or Minipet variety Needless to say Camilla wasn't prepared when she came to Amityville...

Thats why a few days after her Easter Tea Party when Camilla was pasting by the bulletin board with flyers of all the classes posted on it and saw a open class that taught how to be stealthy and unseen she thought it would be a perfect class to attend! It not only would teach her a useful new skill but it would help her explore and adventure more safely!

Excitedly Camilla rushed to the site of the class at the designated time however once she got there she stops just at the boarder to the woods "This is a stealth class so I need to find a place to hide!" she whispers excitedly before falling into a crouch position

She crept through the tall grass until she could get to a tree when there she scrambles up one easily and perches on a thick branch "Oooo! I hope nobody saw me!" she whispers barely being able to contain her excitement to the point where she kept figgiting on the branch  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 17 Total: 17 (1-20)
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 4:55 pm
Fortunately Camilla hadn't been too excited to pick up the form and provided pen nor was her fidgetting allowing others to see her but the excitement of it all was getting to her and she started to wag her tail sort of to channel some of her hyper energy luckily it wasn't to long before she spotted her first person "Oooo! Theres someone gotten write this down!" she whispers excitedly before beginning to write

Person #1
Name: Unknown nicknaming green wing
Location: Behind a tree to the left of me
Description: A tall brown haired dragon like humaniod creature with beautiful vibrant green wings

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-20)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:43 am
With one person found Camilla's excitement only seemed to somehow grow to a point where she was fidgetting so much the branch was beginning to shake and drop leaves suddenly a crunch of leaves below her alerted her to the presence of someone below her quickly she looks down and freezes as the person below her looks up alerted by they falling leaves "Oh dear..." she whispers her excitement put on hold as she held her breath

She looks down ready to write then looks up to see a few more details but the person was gone she frowns and lets out the breath she didn't realize she was holding before starting to write

Person #2
Name: Unknown nicknaming Leafcarrier
Location: Was under me now is gone
Description: A tall green haired plant humanoid like boy
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 17 Total: 17 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:01 am
After being seen due to her excitement Camilla made a effort to calm down and while it only helped alittle she wasn't fidgetting and shaking the brance quite so much fortunately another student came into view shortly after and she quickly went and wrote down the details

Person #3
Name: Unknown nicknaming Brown Witch
Location: Behind a few trees infront of me
Description: A shy mousy looking brown haired reaper wearing mostly brown

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 14 Total: 14 (1-20)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:06 am
With three people found Camilla's excitement returned in full she was almost done! "Oooo three found! Now to turn in my work!" She whispers very excitedly unfortunately due to her excited she was she merely looked left then right before leaping recklessly off the branch!

Luckily it was a low branch and she landed with ease however her landing made alot of noise and once she touched down she made a mad dash for the drop box in the very center of the very exposed small field... needless to say it didn't end well

She was close oh so close Camilla had her hand with her work outstretched ready to slip it in the box and dash away confident in her speed but literally right before she reach the box she yelps as there suddenly was a rain of sharp pointy metal stars "Eeeek!" she squeaks and lets go of the paper which was promptly torn to shreds by the shuriken Camilla didn't fair well either as her arm took the brunt of the shuriken rain "A-ack!" having fallen back durring the first wave she yelps as she see's more coming her way quickly she gets up and dashes away back into the trees and finally outside of the classroom zone where she was safe

"O-owie..." she mumbles and wenses as she looks over her arm the cuts were shallow but plentiful she looked like she had been attacked by a really angry cat... The worst wound of all however came from a metal star that had actually gotten stuck in her arm carefully she pulled it out and looked it over it wasn't a big star probably no bigger in width then a golfball but it was razor sharp and completely flat perfect for throwing "These hurt... I'll have to be more careful..." she says frowning at the star before slipping it into her pocket it was her's now  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 15 Total: 15 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:13 am
Nothing calms one down like being rained on with shuriken and while Camilla was of course still alittle excited she was starting to take this a bit more seriously thats why she crept as quietly as she could towards another tree while looking this way and that to make sure she wasn't being watched

When she was fairly sure nobody could see her she climbs up into the tree she had decided on then begins scanning the area to see if she could find someone she hoped that her reckless display of attemptting to get her work turned hadn't alerted too many people of her presence...  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled -sided dice: Total: 0 (-0)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:24 am
Still Camilla couldn't find anyone so she took that moment to look over her wounds again they really weren't too deep and really did look like cat scratches which made her laugh silently a bit to herself but she wished now that she carried medical supplies with her or even really knew how to use them properly typically when she got hurt on her adventures she just had her parents or one of the servants banadge her up... infact aside from slapping on a simple bandaid a few times she had never really banaged herself up...

It was that thought that made her frown she wasn't at home anymore and while she could easily cook and clean for herself she really needed to learn how to use first aid because what if she got hurt and couldn't go to the nurse like right now or what if her minis or one of her friends got hurt... how could she help them if she couldn't even banadge them up properly...

While Camilla was musing on all this she had leaned back agenst the trunk of the tree and had let her leg hang over the side of the branch she was on it sway a bit as she relaxed and mused on her lack of medical knowledge she was easily as comfortable in the tree as she would be on the ground and was confident about her hiding spot not worrying about being seen at all which unfortunatly meant she didn't sense the many vulpe eyes that were keenly watching her from the shadows all around her... unfortunately it seemed Camilla still had a long way to go before she could even be considered a Ninja trainee...

Finally after about ten minutes more of musing Camilla's tail flicks a bit as she sits up resolutely and nods she had seen a class called First Aid 101 while looking at the open class board and decided right then and there that it would be one of the next open classes she took! But first she needed to complete the class she was currently in so with that in mind she gets up and stretches a bit before returning to scanning for other students  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:37 am
Still Camilla scanned the area but she still couldn't find anyone she frowns as she realizes that her reckless display eariler really had alerted others to her presence and now creeple were actively avoiding her how though she wasn't quite sure her spot seemed hidden well enough and she was fairly certain nobody had seen her climb the tree... however... Maybe creeple were being careful of trees in general now... she remembered how she had not so quietly left her previous hiding spot and made more then enough noise so now creeple must be finding other places to hide

Frowning Camilla sighs and first takes to climbing higher up into her tree hoping she'd beable to spot someone ...unfortunately that seemed to actually make it harder to see anybody as the trees were fairly thick so finally with a slightly defeated sigh Camilla climbs down out of the tree and quietly leaves the class zone then crosses her arms "Im definitely not giving up... but I think I need to find a better spot..." she says quitely to herself as her brows knit together in thought before she looks this way and that then decides she'd head for a thinner part of the forest that surrounded the small field in hopes that while the trees were sparser it would make spotting other people easier  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 9 Total: 9 (1-20)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:48 am
Silently Camilla crept through the less dense part of the forest till she got to a fair sized tree she looked all around before finally climbing into the tree and perching herself onto a sturdy branch she was right it was easier to see other people from up here and she felt she might have found a really good spot this time  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 12 Total: 12 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:04 am
As Camilla scanned the area she made a happy hum like noise as she spotted another student excited and ready to write Camilla went to start writing when she discovered a discouraging thing... She had been so frazzled by being attacked with the shuriken before she had completely forgotten to even grab the form and a pen on her second attempt... which meant even if she had been able to find someone last time she couldn't have written anything down...

Sighing dissapointedly Camilla climbs down from her tree and decides to simply casually walk to where the table that had the forms and pens were while not even bothering to leave the class zone...  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-20)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:10 am
Which was a really bad idea because apparently the Ninja Vulpes thought she was "Arriving" to class and clearly she was visable... suddenly out of the blue a rain of shuriken fell down upon Camilla! "Eeeek! W-what?! Yikes!" she yelps in surprise as she got cut and stung in multiple places by the shuriken barrage quickly she dashes out of the class zone all the while still being attack until finally she was out of range

Wensing and breathing slightly hard Camilla frowns as she looks over her new series of cuts "Owie... Why did they attack me?" she mumbles and pouts a bit as she pulls out a stray shuriken from her shoulder then looks at it as she thinks about what just happened 'I was just walking through the forest to get a form and pen... wait... I think I was still in the class zone... oh man... thats why...' she thinks then mentally slaps her forhead "These Ninja Vulpes take their job seriously..." she says before looking at the forest then at the pumpkin sun it was past noon now and she did have wounds to attend to... the first ones were begining to hurt and the new ones really stung... "I think ill come back tomarrow..." she says dissapointedly before turning and heading for her dorm  
Rikku Takanashi rolled -sided dice: Total: 0 (-0)
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:13 am
And so the next day at noon on the dot Camilla showed up quietly for class covered with bandaids in various places she had gone to see nurse cricket for the first time and because all the wounds were shallow she had simply cleaned them out and put bandaids on most of them then sent Camilla on her way

Camilla was once again excited for the class determined this time to pass the class! However she wasn't quite so excited as yesterday and was trying to channel her energy constructively  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 14 Total: 14 (1-20)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:17 am
This time Camilla made sure to grab a form and a pen before heading to the thinner side of the forest which surrounded the small field again quietly she crept along being more conscious of her surroundings then the day before especially because more sunlight shown on this side of the forest so it was easier for her to be spotted

Finally she found a tree that wasn't too exposed and well leaved so she could hide easily in it so up she went and once she was up at a reasonable height she steps out on a large branch then begins scanning the area all the while her tail was channeling her growing excitement by twitching and swaying  
Rikku Takanashi rolled -sided dice: Total: 0 (-0)
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:22 am
Unfortunatly it seemed like because this side was so exposed nobody today had yet to try and hide over here which meant there might be no one for Camilla to find... but still she didn't give up and continued to scan the area

After a few minutes she pause as her excitement was faltering and her mind began to wander she wonder if this was how open classes worked... they told you what to do and you were left to just sink or swim there didn't seem to be anyone actively teaching the students only a task that was supposed to teach them... It was a interesting idea learn by doing and if you fail try again Camilla found she liked the idea it made it more of a adventure or challenge! However she wished there was a bit more teaching involved...  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-20)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:30 am
Finally Camilla returned her attention to searching for a student but even after a few more minutes of searching and waiting no other students came into view she sighs disappointedly before finally climbing down from the tree and carefully sneaking her way back outside of the class zone once out she frowns and crosses her arms in thought for a moment before making her way back to the middle  
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