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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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Reply Digital World Archive (Digital Tamer Island RP Archive)
[Zone 6] Dark Ocean

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:34 pm

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Located on the eastern side of Digimon Tamer Island is the Dark Ocean. This domain is filled with dark waters and blackened sand, corrupted by the massive amounts of trashbit data that have been dumped into its depts. Similar to its western brother, Data Ocean, the shoreline of Dark Ocean stretches and through the entire eastern coast (Zones 3, 6, and 9), but is most prevalent in Zone 6. These darkened waters are filled with a myriad of beastly sea monsters and pirates. A cloudy visage continuously consumes this domain and a rouge typhoon is not uncommon. This would explain why a valley of wrecked ships can be seen in the distance.

It is said that the waters of Dark Ocean hold corruptive properties that can be harmful to non-virus attributed digimon. One should be especially careful, if not intentionally, to avoid traversing in Dark Ocean, or at least be prepared for the worse.

Locations within this area
- Treacherous Shores
-Bit Bay
-Shipwreck Cove [Restricted]

-Aura of Corruption weakens Vaccine and Data Type Digimon-
-Black waters have negative effects on humans-
-Sea Monsters: If traveling on the water, roll 1d4 every other post
1 - you go unnoticed
2 - attacked by horde (6+) of Gizamon
3 - Attacked by group (2-3) of Gesomon
4 - attacked by a MarineDevimon

Mission Board:
Current Arc Missions* being offered/On-going:

Rank D- "Damsel in Distress"

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:41 pm


|| Spring || Summer || Fall || Winter ||

|| January || February || March || April || May || June|| July || August || September || October || November || December ||

|| Sunny || Cloudy || Cold || Rainy || Windy || Snowy || Typhoon || Snowstorm || Sandstorm || Hurricane ||


-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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Little Pinch of Ginger

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:23 am

For such a long time, she had known nothing but darkness.
Her heart did not beat, her lungs did not draw air – She was lifeless.


There was no sense of time, nor direction. She was simply existing, waiting, in a prison of nothingness.

If it was cold, she could not feel it. She felt nothing. She was just.. there
Then, suddenly, after what could have been years, or even decades, came despair.

With a chocked cry of pain, the girl opened her emerald eyes.
She saw nothing but black shadows all around her, she was blind.

After despair, pain followed. Like gossamer threads, sharp wires had been wrapped around her every limb, cutting into her flesh. She tried to scream but her voice, dormant for so long, gave nothing but weak croaks of agony.
As blood rushed through her veins, no longer halted in its flow, thousands of icy needles, invisible to the naked eye, seemed to penetrate her skin. Tears gathered in the young tamers eyes, but she was helpless. She could do nothing but take in the horror and drown beneath the film of red that flowed across her vision like a curtain falling closed.

After pain, there was light.

The threads that held her aloft, a parody of a broken marionette, broke with an audible snap.

The sound tore through her heads as if it was the first noise she ever heard. With her lips spread wide open in a silent cry, she fell through a sea of darkness, naked and unprotected. The tears that had been gathering flowed across her face as she tore through the nothingness, the sensation alien after her skin had been numbed for so long.

She heard a voice chanting somewhere in the distance.

A bright light blinded the girl and she closed her eyes. The scent of salt and rotting seaweed reached her and suddenly she felt cold air on her skin as well, rushing past her as she fell from the sky like a bird on broken wings.

Suddenly, there were colors, and sound, and smells, and a whole world to take in all at once, but she was little but blurs rushing past her.
She hit the surface, hard, and rolled across the banks of black sand, limbs flailing and hair getting tangled in cracked seashells and dried plants.
It was raining..
Kaya, who had landed on her side, curled up, unfurled like a garden rose, her skin growing crimson where time caught up with the split skin, and the cuts on her arms and legs began bleeding freely.

She paid no attention to the pain. Her whole being focused on the tiny droplets of water spreading across her whole body like liquid dust, cleansing her wounds.

She sat up, slowly. Felt sand gather under her nails as she placed her hands on the ground.

The girl stared up at the sky, and the dark clouds above her pelting water down onto the shore, and began crying. Great heaving sobs that felt like a punch to the stomach and left her already weak body shaking in exhaustion as she curled up again, resting her head in the dirt while she allowed herself to break down.

She was.. free.

She was finally free.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:28 am

- Continued from the post above -

It took some time, precious minutes that the young woman cursed bitterly, before Kaya was able to stumble unsteadily to her feet, naked and wounded.
The girls gaze roamed across her surroundings taking in the landscape trough hazy, green eyes.
She recognized the dark sand and the even darker water lapping quietly at the beach
“The dark ocean?”
Her voice was hoarse. An itch tore through her throat and she coughed into her cupped palms.
She needed water.
There were no one around, not as far as she could see anyway, and she suddenly felt the weight of the situation on her shoulders, crushing her under it´s weight.
She was utterly naked, with nothing but the crimson red of her blood covering her pale skin, and she was alone in one of the most dangerous areas of the digital world. She had to get away from here, fast, before something..
“Well hello there pretty little treasure”

Kaya croaked a soft, broken “No..” as she let the sound of the voice wash over her. Setting her body alight with fear. She turned toward the ocean, and met the hungry yellow gaze of a massive Octomon .

The Digimon sent her an amused look, tentacles weaving back and forth in the water as he dragged himself onto land.

Kaya backed away. She turned to run but the virus Digimon was faster, arms shooting forth to wrap around her like ropes. She opened her mouth and screamed, but the Digimon placed the tip of a tentacle over her mouth, halting her cry for help

“Little girls like you should know better than to enter the Dark Ocean without protection”

The Digimon chuckled, voice dark and cold as he held his prey aloft, watching the tamer squirm in his grasp.

“My Lord Dragomon will surely award me handsomely for bringing him a human he can toy with”

By the Demon lords someone help me!! Meta! Nacht, where are you!

Kaya tried crying out, but her voice was muffled against Octomons wet, rubbery skin as the sea Digimon began dragging himself back into the water, heedless of the panicked human he was holding.

Little Pinch of Ginger


nuGen Staff Lead

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:35 am

User Image"Aegiomon...realize..." A flash of blue and black light flashed across the rainy sky as as the faun Digimon went running full force at the Octomon and the girl trapped by its powerful suckers, hoofs beating against the dark wet sand. The Octomon seemed to not even notice this new distraction, all his attention was focused on the girl. Time to fix that. Coming to a halt and kicking up thick sand Aegiomon pulled out his Syrinx flute and began to pipe an enchanting tune. Slowly the giant octopus' attention was moved to the melodious Digimon and the grip on the girl began to lessen until he forgot her all together and changed his target. The Girl slipped to the ground.

A smug grin crossed the fauns lips as he concluded that he had won. Next step paralyze with a quick punch and finish the b*****d off with swift kick, match mine Aegiomon thought out his plan, check and mate waiting for the beast to come a little closer having now shifted all his attention to the music. Planting his feet deep in the damp sand waiting for his moment to take off. Octomon continued his slow approach, struggling to move across the sand with his tentacles. Closer and closer, "Now!" He was off like a bolt rearing back with everything he had to release an electrifying punch. "Stun Beat Blow!!" Octomon responded back with a blast from his ink gun. Luckily the Faun was more agile and managed to dodge the bullet and land the shocking blow right in between the Digimon's eyes.

The still wet water based Digimon let out a cry of agony as it crumpled to the ground, the electricity had paralyzed it's limbs and it no longer could put forth an attack. "Tell Dragomon that my boss has interest in this one and if he knows what's good for him he'll back off! See ya never again I hope" Placing both hands on the ground the faun gave a powerful kick User Imagefrom both hoofs, "Hope they like air mail, Iron Trust!!" Octomon screamed as he flew off back into the Dark Ocean with a huge splash.

A young man with reddish-brown hair emerged from the shadows of a nearby palm tree. Walking up to Aegiomon he held out a green and black Digivice , "Well done Pan, Digitize..." The blue and black light appeared once again as Aegiomon faded back into his Digivice. The Tamer pocketed his devices and went to check on the girl whom they had just rescued. Be blushed as he approached and realized she was stark naked. He coughed uncomfortably and forced himself to look away out of respect for her, although he did manage to notice that she was quite pretty before averting his gaze. "Um...are you ok..Miss? He dug in his pocket and pulled out a Digivice that was almost identical to the one he had just been using. "Um... I was told this is for you...Uh here... He set it down next to her naked an bloody body before starring back up at the rain clouds, "Um..are you hungry? or do you need water or anything? The rain had picked up again and the cool drops felt refreshing on the young man's skin.

Little Pinch of Ginger
PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:13 am

Kaya had been halfway to unconscious, her panicked thoughts growing faint and dim as she was denied oxygen, while the Octomon dragged her into the water. She did not realize someone else had approached them before a strange melody began to play, moving trough the air like thick molasses. It was an eerie sound.. almost frightening in intensity.

Octomon turned around, eyes locking on something behind her.

She barely managed to contain a shocked yelp when she was dropped with little to no warning. The tentacles restraining her let go all at once, as if the digimon forgot all about her when the other digital creature appeared.

She hit the sand with a loud thud, coughing as she was finally able to draw in great lungfuls of fresh air.

With every breath, the dark web of static that hindered her vision seemed to fade. Kaya looked up in time to see a strange bipedal Digimon with horns turn to launch powerful hind legs and hoofs into the Octomons cranium with frightening precision. The ceramic helmet around the digimon’s head cracked under the force, as he was sent flying through the air and back into the ocean with a scream that sent chills down the young womans spine.

Somewhere behind her she heard a faint splash as the Digimon descended into the depths from which it came. She supposed under normal circumstances she would have felt bad for the Digimon, but seeing as he had been attempting to kidnap her while she was defenseless (And naked!) she could not quite find it in herself to care. Though she knew digimon did not feel *that* way about humans, she felt vulnerable, exposed and a bit.. molested.

Her head hurt.

With emerald eyes somewhat glazed and her skin now growing a rather impressive mix between yellow and blue in several places where the ocean Digimon had held her too tightly, she turned to the Digimon who had rescued her.

Kaya had never before seen a Digimon quite like the one standing a few meters from her. It seemed almost human, had it not been for the horns and the furred legs he could have passed for a normal boy.

The whole altercation between the two digimon’s seemed to have taken mere seconds, though she supposed she might have passed out for a bit in between.

Before she could voice any questions another tamer, approximately about her age, stepped out of the fog like a phantom, Digivice in hand, and called back his partner. The green light lit up the area around them, casting dark shadows on the sand.

The boy walked towards her calmly, his footsteps loud in the sudden silence.

Kaya carefully folded her arms around her upper body, shielding her… assets.. from view.

Her skin felt slick with blood, though the rain was slowly washing it off her body.

The boys eyes lingered on her for a moment, and were then averted respectfully, but his gaze had rested on her long enough for Kaya to feel blush color her pale cheeks. She must look awful like this, covered in bruises and smaller cuts, hair in disarray – and she was pretty sure she had a split lip from when octomon dropped her.. she could taste copper in her mouth.

“"Um...are you ok..Miss?”

Kaya did not answer, everything around her felt like it was moving in slow motion. It was as if she was not really there, just watching the scene unfold from somewhere far away.

Somewhere in her mind, she knew she was going into shock, but she was hardly in any position to do much about it. She stared up at the boy from where she sat on the cold sand, shivering, and said nothing.

“Um... I was told this is for you...Uh here... ”

When the other tamer placed an object next to her, all the while staring upwards towards the clouds as if his very life depended on it, she had to carefully focus on not flinching away and it shamed her.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

All such thoughts vanished within a moment as she saw what now lay on the damp sand.

She forgot all about her naked state as she reached out with both hands towards her Digivice.

It seemed no worse for wear - Just as scratched and faded as when it was forcibly taken from her. The angels had handled it like it was a diseased rat and not her most precious possession.

Her fingers closed gingerly around the device. She brought it towards her chest with a smile as the Digivice gave off a faint “beep” in greeting and suddenly Kaya´s body was engulfed in a bright glow.
Fabric materialized around her body as she stood up, legs sore and weak.
She refused to fall and stayed on two feet by sheer determination alone.

White cloth crept around her rib-cage and encased her chest, seeping down her skin like the rain as she was clad in a pristine white dress. The dress flared out just a bit around her waist down to where it ended right over her knees.

She felt much better dressed.

he redhaired tamers body jolted alive as she felt the enchantment the Angelic digimons had placed upon her fade, and the bond between her and her Digimon flared alive violently.

Metamormons quiet, cold joy seeped into her, cool as mountain water soothing all her hurts and calming her racing heart. She felt much more at home in her own body as she felt her other Digimon reach out and brush against her mind, joyful, welcoming. She felt tears gather in her eyes but forced them down.

She opened her eyes, not quite sure when she had closed them, and looked at the male tamer.

She wanted to throw her arms around his neck and hug him in gratitude, but she could almost hear her Lord Lucemon scolding her, “Such an act is not befitting of a princess of my court”

She put the Digivice in the pouch hanging around her shoulder. It had appeared along with her dress and her necklace – Her crests were not there, but that was okay, she could feel them, which meant that one of her Digimon was carrying them around, probably Nacht and Angel.

“Um..are you hungry? or do you need water or anything?”

Kaya blinked, staring at the boy for a moment.
He was taller than her, but then again, most people were.
She did not recognize him from Lucemons army, which set her a bit on edge, but she supposed that was to be expected, she had just spent.. Azulongmon knows how long in trapped in a timeless dimension, she was allowed to be wary.

Perhaps he was a new recruit?
Or belonged to one of the other Demon lords?

By the Lords... If he was with the Angels..

“I would like to know who you are and what year it is..”
She swallowed, her voice was faint and rusty from disuse
“..some water would be nice too, please”

Little Pinch of Ginger


nuGen Staff Lead

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:05 am

User ImageThe young man lowered his gaze as the girl's cloths materialized seemingly out of no where. It was a relief to be able to look at the person he had come to see. He had no idea what his boss wanted with this girl but he could tell there was something different about her, almost as if she didn't come from the Human World like everyone else, was that even possible?

She wanted to know who he was, so he decided to tell her while pulling some supplies out of his satchel for her. "My name is Manto Tanken, I work for...uh someone very interested in your well being..." Manto handed the girl a bottle of water so she could refresh her voice as he continued "He informed me that I would find you here at this time and gave me orders to watch over you for now until such time as he was ready to meet with you. I hope that isn't too much trouble.."

Not sure what his employer wanted him to tell her for now he decided to answer her other question, "As for what year it is, that might be a funny question, I have noticed that time seems to flow differently in this world than in our but my best answer would be that it has been a little over three years since the Tamers were booted out of the old Digital World and this new world was created... I'm not sure if that helps any, but that is what I know."

His only orders had been to protect her so he figured he would see if she had any plans yet, "So miss...uh actually I don't know your name yet?

Little Pinch of Ginger
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:17 am

Kaya frowned as she listened to the boy talk. He had not quite answered her question, and she was still wary at the thought that he might have been one of Barbamons pawns, or something worse.

By Azulongmon, had she truly been gone for two years?

She gratefully accepted a bottle of water when it was handed to her and did her best not to drain the whole thing all at once, lest it make her sick.
“My name is Kaya. Kaya Kragen, and if what you say is true I have been… gone, for the last two years”

Her green eyes, now narrowed a bit in suspicion, locked on the boys face as if she could read his intent from his very features
“Though I am glad you saved me, I must ask the name of your .. boss.”
Kaya paused briefly before the last word, she would normally say Master but did not know if it was true for this strange tamer as it was for her, and employer seemed wrong somehow.
“Are you with one of the Demon Lords?”

She took a step back. There was a faint crunch as she stepped on some sort of sea shell, it broke under her heel. She wished she had a digimon with her, any of her partners would be better than standing here alone. She felt as naked and unprotected as she did with no clothes on
“Or the Angels perhaps?”

Little Pinch of Ginger

-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:20 pm

OOC: (())

Raji ɠσs

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It would seem like months had passed since Raji had set out from the city on his quest and days since he'd just acquired his second partner, a rather violent-natured gabumon. He and his team were now heading out towards a supposed city located near the dark ocean. It was here that they were going to recruit another of Cadaiver's previous companions, a vilemon. Apparently, after leaving the circus troupe, this digimon took to the sea and become a member of one of the many pirate gangs that gathered where they were heading... Bit Bay.

"Are... are we there yet?" Raji would ask as he trailed behind both of his digimon partners. He'd noticed how the terrain had quickly switched from stoney earth to blackened sand and would feel a slight pressure coming from the ocean. He would look back and notice how it almost seemed like life was afraid to venture. Raji would take a moment to pull out a small foam green-colored umbrella to protect himself from the slight shower of rain. He would notice that though there was life giving rain, it seemed to have no effect on the corrupt ground below.

Cadaiver would let out a brief sigh, "Not quite, we've but a few more miles to go, but we are at least in the general area." He too would feel the pressure, but for him being a virus type digimon, it would feel as a slight tickle.

"Wonderful, I didn't think that Bit Bay was all that far from Gear Savanna." Similar to Raji, he would feel a slight negativity coming off of the ocean breeze, sapping him of his once vigorously violent mood.

"It isn't, but when we have to make multiple stops for food, rest, and to fend off a members of your anti-fan club, trips meant for hours can take days." He would roll his eyes and continue to advance forward towards a ghastly city that was starting to appear over the sandy coasts.

Raji would start to notice it as well, but would be drawn by the sounds of talking in the distance. He would look over the beach and would notice that there were people also present in this corrupt domain.

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Cadaiver, the Magician
Reeve, the Violent

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:01 am

User ImageManto shook his head,"No no nothing like that... the man I work for is human....I'm just not sure if I'm allowed to tell you who he is yet. For now all he thinks you need to know is he want's to be a friend and will protect you until you regain your power." Manto thought for a minute before turning toward Bit Bay, "We should head into town and rest up...that is if you feel you can trust me." Manto without checking if she was following starting walking that way.

This seemed like a strange mission for the boy, honestly he didn't really know why he was asked to do it but he did know he fully trusted his boss. He wish he knew why this girl was important but he figured that would be shown soon enough. Whatever the case a nice rest in Bit Bay would have them ready for where they were going next.

"So you've been gone for a few years then? Like you don't remember them?...That must mean you have some people or Digimon you haven't seen in a while...maybe we can help you track them down?" He hoped this show of friendship would help to ease the tension. He really was suppose to be helping her back on her feet while keeping an eye on her of course. It seemed his employer didn't want her to get away from him.

As he approached the town he could see and hear the ruckus that was CaptainHookmon and his crew. They were a bunch of pirates, but as long as you looked tough enough they didn't bother you, "Welcome to Bit Bay, watch your step and don't make eye contact with anyone and we'll be ok....that is unless you want to be a pirate." He gave of a joking pirate like laugh before walking through the entrance gate.
((Exit:: To Bit Bay))

Little Pinch of Ginger


nuGen Staff Lead

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:18 pm

OOC: (())

Raji ɠσs

User Image▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
The distance between Raji and his partners would continue to grow as they continue ahead and he seemed to be more and more interested in seeing the people that were on the beach. This would be his first time seeing other tamers outside of the city. From the looks of things, they were much more acclimated to the conditions of the wilderness than he was. He was almost tempted to try and start a conversation with them, but noticed that they were starting to move in what seemed like... the same direction as he was heading. "Interesting..." He would say to himself as he subconsciously followed after them, somewhat in a trance.

"Master Raji..."

"Gah!" The boy would snap out of his slight stalking to realize that Cadaiver turned back and was now perched on his shoulder with Gabumon standing in front, tapping his foot in slight irritation.

"We'll never make it to our destination if you continue to allow yourself to be distracted by the slightest things." The bat would shake his head and sigh heavily. "Come, come now... if you truly wish to see more people then perhaps it would be best if we spedily made our way to the port city. We're nearly there."

"Right... sorry." He would say a little downed by the evidence of how much of a burden he was or at least was seeming. He began to find himself wondering for how long was this helpless, this easily distracted, this... annoying. Was this why Marcus left and never came back? These would be just a few of the questions that he would ask his brother if... no, once they met.

[Raji & Company exit to Bit Bay]

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Cadaiver, the Magician
Reeve, the Violent

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