Oh wow. Where has that little man been? I'm so surprised that I haven't seen him or his family before. Though I'm not a huge fan of his hearts it's not too bad and he has other redeeming looks that I like. (and more since in throwbacks there's webs and quilian attributes that I love.) The possibility of getting actual cat tails and braids are totally a giant plus in his favor.
I really like his story/personality. Sylmeria's kinda looking for someone that dotes on her. She has a little mean streak when things don't go her way or there's something she doesn't like in general. Though she expresses her displeasure and such she's a follower. Her personality kinda reminds me of Harley Quinn in the old Batman cartoons. That "I want my way! Hey pay attention to me!" mentality.
My has a couple questions:
Were you looking for a fling or life mate?
How do you think they'd mesh personality wise?
What are all the breeds he's mixed with? (if there's anything other than normal/mutant and quilian)
I'd like to see his father and his side of the family if possible.