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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[AUTO EXAM] Snakes and Ladders (Llyr & Pachua) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:44 pm

Each student ready to move from the first year to the second would find a nice, neatly printed letter taped to their door inviting them to participate in a "Non-Mandatory-But-Highly-Recommended-Anyway Test" (or NMBHRAT for short). A location was provided at the bottom of the note (a section of the grounds, just near the forest), and beneath that the words "Come at anytime."

Upon arrival, you would first notice that a peculiar house has been erected. It's not large enough to overshadow any of the dorms by any means; in fact, it seems rather tiny and shabby in comparison, with the door half stripped of its paint, the windows cracked and smeared with dust, and everything looks as though the merest touch will make it collapse.

At first you wonder if you're in the right place at all, but then you notice a little box sitting just outside of the house. Closer examination would reveal a note, written in a loopy handwriting perhaps familiar to some:

Welcome welcome to the House
Please be quiet as a mouse
The House will tell if you are good
The House will tell if you are bad

Think you're up to face the thing?
If you pass it, all will sing
Do your best, oh fair student
I hope your deaths you do circumvent


The smell is what gets your attention first; like smoke and old wood, it wafts across the air towards you, enticing you onward, pulling you forward, and you reach the little shabby house and the door half hanging off its hinges, practically begging you to come inside.

A sign posted outside reads "Welcome to the House."

At first, you're mildly concerned but upon knocking stepping inside, you realize that the house in question appears deserted.

Well, that's just creepy. But trying to go backwards only results in failure - the door has locked behind you. You're trapped inside, and now you must figure out how to get through the house in order to continue on your quest.



There are THREE MAJOR ROOMS to the House of Horrors. In order to successfully pass through the House and receive your exam credit, you must navigate through all three rooms until you reach the exit, located after the very last room:

  • Cutthroat Kitchen

      To get through the Cutthroat Kitchen, you need 10 steps. Roll 1d4 and add up the amount of steps you take (i.e. you roll a 3, that's 3 steps forward). You must get at least 10 steps. If you go over ten, that's fine, as long as it's at least 10.

      Each number of steps rolled has it's own consequence:
      1 - You open a door in the kitchen looking for the exit and promptly find yourself dunked by a bucket of icy water. Who left that there?
      2 - You trip and fall into a vat of what looks like melted chocolate.
      3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.
      4 - For some reason, there is an entire bin of tiny bones that you somehow manage to knock over, which, of course, makes a terribly loud sound.

  • Lurking Library

      In order to get through the Library, you'll have to find the right combination of books in order to find the combination. Roll 3d6, and follow the guidelines below:

      - 1,1 OR 2,2 as two of the numbers - Looks like you've found some sort of...oops better put that back quickly before a certain cranky Librarian sees you looking at por - (try again)
      - 3,3 OR 4,4 OR 5,5 OR 6,6 as two of the numbers - You pull out a book, and then another, and to your relief you see that the door beyond swings open for you to slip through! (success)
      - 1,2,3 (doesn't have to be in order) - Somehow you get entangled in what looks like a long rope made of paper and spend several moments trying to break your way free, when you notice that in the process you've actually fallen out the door into the next room. How convenient! (success)
      - 6,6,6 Is that a giant spi - quick run for it - (start back in the first room)
      - 1,1,1 You try climbing a bookshelf, rather than pull books trying to find the secret switch, and wind up tumbling over the side rather ungracefully. But hey, look, the...nope, just a shadow (try again)

  • Bloodcurdling Bedroom

      The Bloodcurdling Bedroom requires only one thing - picking the lock successfully to get through the door on the other side. Roll 1d100. You must get above a 65 to have successfully picked the lock. If you roll below, then your attempts were unsuccessful and you have to keep on truckin'.

Upon their exit from the house, a certain mischievous Trick or Treater can be found lounging in a tree on the other side, looking as happy as a pig in mud. He smiles down at you, his grin terribly self-satisfied, and tosses you a rolled up piece of parchment. Opening it, you see a certificate of Exam Completion.

"Congratulations," he says brightly, and flashes you a wink. "You're now a Knob."
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:35 pm
He stood in front of the house and gave it a curious sort of look, absently twisting a strand of dark hair around one of his long fingers. The letter on his door had said to come here, so here he was, with no idea what to expect or even understanding, really why they were at such a place at all.

Still, it was rather nice outside, and he was dressed marginally better than he normally would have been, in a pair of loose fitting shorts and a baggy teeshirt that draped nearly to his knees. Most of his hair was wound back into a braid that was twisted up to get it out of his face, a few stray strands falling free.

Llyr lifted a hand and idly pressed the tips of his fingers to his cheek, frowning slightly as he stared more carefully at the thing in front of him and wondering what would happen if he stepped into the house. Perhaps it would be like the Haunted House? But then, no, that would be too dangerous...

He let out a soft sigh and tucked a loose strand of hair behind a pointed ear.



Dramatic Marshmallow


Feral Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:45 pm
He moved to stand beside Llyr, reaching up to twist at one of the longer strands of his own hair, then to tug at one of the feathers further back in the turquoise fall of it. A nervous motion echoed by the soft rustle of his wings as he shifted them repeatedly, changing which wing lay over the other as he looked, and tasted the air.

“You too?” He asked glancing at Llyr.

“…I think the gnomes might have written that letter, I really do.” He confided.

“Want to enter together?” he offered, extending a hand to his close friend and trusted boil.

kuropeco rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:09 pm
The movement behind him made him look around, and an expression of pleasure spreading across his face. "Hello, Pachua!" said Llyr, with obvious happiness, and then gave a small laugh before glancing back at the house. He tilted his head a little.

"I am suspicious, I must admit," said Llyr, "but I suppose that if we are to take this test, it is much better to do it together than alone!"

He saw the offered hand and smiled, reaching to weave his fingers through Pachua's and tug him forward. "I feel much safer with you with me," he said, as he led the other boil towards the front door. "It is a rather anxious thing, taking tests...I do not always know if I am capable enough to pass them..."

His face seemed to fall, just for a moment; but then Llyr seemed to steel himself, taking a deep breath, and giving Pachua a nod as he pushed open the front door to the house. After a brief hesitation, he cautiously moved inside, still gripping his best friend's hand rather tightly.


Llyr had stepped in something, and he gave a little jump, a soft "oh!" escaping his throat as he peered curiously at the bottom of his bare foot.

"Ah...I seem to have...well, this is rather sticky," he said, with a slight frown as he tried to wipe whatever it was off, but to no avail.

Steps: 3 / 10

3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.



Dramatic Marshmallow

endejester rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)


Feral Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:12 pm
“I have faith in you Llyr” He said trying to give as much reassurance as he could to his fellow boil. After all, he did feel that Llyr was very capable, just… nervous about BEING capable if that made any kind of sense at all.

He made an alarmed sound as Llyr stepped on, something sticky, jumping in alarm and, tripping over his own long tail feather. He landed in… in…


“UGH!” He declared in distress because that was going to take ages to get out of his poor feathers.

“Now I’m sure of their involvement.” He grumbled.

2 - You trip and fall into a vat of what looks like melted chocolate.

Steps 2/10  
kuropeco rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:20 pm
Llyr had only just manged to get a part of the sticky substance off (though he seemed to be out of luck to get all of it off, as every time he took a step, his foot squished and stuck momentarily to the floor), when he heard a little shuffle and turned to see Pachua covered in...

"What..." said Llyr in bemusement, and reached out, poking a finger against Pachua's cheek to wipe off some of the dark brown substance. "This is a rather strange sort of examination, is it not? I thought were were just going to be taking a test, but I suppose that we are to get through this house instead..."

He took another step and stepped in yet another pile of squishy, sticky something, giving a little grunt of surprise.

Steps: 6 / 10

3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.


Dramatic Marshmallow

endejester rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)


Feral Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:30 pm
“It… I suppose its sort of treacherous.” He admitted begrudgingly.

“… in the most… irritating way I could imagine, after… after the black doors, and the kidnapping, and, and… wonderland.” He groused and then stepped into a sticky puddle of his own. He let out an explosive hiss and tried to scrape it off, succeeding only in smearing chocolate and leaving the sticky ooze stuck to his foot.
“…I officially hate this house.” He declared. “And I want water… I want a pool, a pond, a lake, a river!”


3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.

kuropeco rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:59 pm
Mentioning the kidnapping made Llyr stumble, just a little bit, and he nearly fell over, his heart in his throat. He forced away the emotions and focused instead on just getting through the house in one piece. His eyes flickered briefly towards Pachua, and he squeezed their tethered hands as though to remind himself - and Pachua - that they were both still here.

"I...never went to Wonderland," he said, after a moment. "I was not, ah...I was not a part of that, though I have heard of it..."

He did like the prospect of water, however, and somehow Pachua mentioning this reassured him, just a tiny bit. Llyr reached for a door that he saw just up ahead and -

- there was a sudden shriek as an explosion of icy water suddenly cascaded down on him. He leapt backwards, startled, and sputtered a little, lifting a hand to wipe at his face. After the initial shock wore off, however, Llyr found he didn't really mind all that much, even with the icy temperature.

"Well," he said, with a glance back at Pachua, "there is some water...erm..."

Steps: 7 / 10

1 - You open a door in the kitchen looking for the exit and promptly find yourself dunked by a bucket of icy water. Who left that there?



Dramatic Marshmallow

endejester rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)


Feral Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:19 pm
“Llyr!” he said in alarm as the bucket clattered to the floor. For all he knew there might have been something truly awful in the bucket that sloshed down over the taller boil.
He laughed, not mean spirited to be sure but because Llyr finding water right after he’d grumbled about wanting it was …in its own way so llyr, and so amazing.

“OOP!” He exclaimed as he stumbled to one side, and with a clatter… landed in another pool of chocolate thanks to his foot sticking to the floor.

“…I am NOT a damn desert house!!” He called to the ceiling.

2 - You trip and fall into a vat of what looks like melted chocolate.

kuropeco rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:32 pm
Apparently they were never getting out of this place.

Still, the water was a welcome reprieve from other such things like chocolate, and Llyr laughed alongside Pachua - at least until the latter managed to stumble and fall into yet another large tub of the dark, sticky chocolate liquid that seemed to like him so much.

"Here - " Llyr reached for Pachua's arm and hauled him upwards, trying in vain to wipe off a bit of the sticky substance but probably only smearing it more. "This is quite the adventure, isn't it?"

He managed to knock over something that clattered noisily, but then, after a moment, he called out, "I think I found the next room!"

Steps: 11 / 10

4 - For some reason, there is an entire bin of tiny bones that you somehow manage to knock over, which, of course, makes a terribly loud sound.



Dramatic Marshmallow

endejester rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)


Feral Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:34 pm
3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.

"Oh! Good!" He said delighted. "I'm right behi…." He started to say, then there was this noxious squishing sound, all too familiar.

"…glue." He sighed."Of course…" he squelched forward to follow Llyr into the next room with a resigned sigh.


kuropeco rolled 3 6-sided dice: 1, 5, 2 Total: 8 (3-18)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:45 pm
They were finally out of one room, but now they were in a second room, this one filled with books. Llyr peered around curiously, reaching back for Pachua as the other boil stepped in after him and squeezing his hand in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture.

"This looks better than the other room," said Llyr tentatively, but he couldn't seem to find the exit.



Dramatic Marshmallow

endejester rolled 3 6-sided dice: 6, 1, 6 Total: 13 (3-18)


Feral Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:48 pm
"…I don't trust it." he admitted as he glanced around.

"It… it looks good. But it's too good, does that make sense?" He said anxiously.

He pulled a book curiously, and a second, reading titles but then he noticed something more.
"oh… Llyr, a door!" He said moving forward towards it, slipping through to examine the room beyond to make sure it was safe. Knowing how the rest had gone… it'd be a room full of glue.


- 3,3 OR 4,4 OR 5,5 OR 6,6 as two of the numbers - You pull out a book, and then another, and to your relief you see that the door beyond swings open for you to slip through! (success)
kuropeco rolled 3 6-sided dice: 2, 1, 6 Total: 9 (3-18)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:55 pm
Llyr wasn't entirely certain he trusted it either, but since he was drenched (not a bad thing), sticky with something on his foot (a bad thing), and really just wanted to finish with this test, and was determined to do well, he was hoping to get through it with a minimum of issues.

"It makes sense," he told Pachua with a nod, as his eyes scanned the room. Pachua was looking at some of the books, but then the next minute he'd disappeared behind a door that Llyr hadn't seen. He gave a little start, twisting his head to try and see where the boil had gone.

"Pachua? A room?" he asked tentatively, but still couldn't find the door.

"Pachua? Where are you?"



Dramatic Marshmallow

endejester rolled 1 100-sided dice: 24 Total: 24 (1-100)


Feral Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:04 pm
"Llyr?…. Llyr?" He turned but the door was closed again, and Llyr had been left behind. He furrowed his brow anxious and tried to find a way back to the library to no avail.

"LLYR! If you can hear me, its the books! Try the books!" He yelled before turning to examine the room he was in.

There was a door…but it was locked.

Maybe he could…  
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