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The Tea Traders Recruitment Thread: Open! Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:25 pm

Welcome to the Tea Traders Recruitment Thread!
The Tea Traders are a herd with no fixed Herd Land of their own. Instead, they have a 'Heart Point' they use as the center of all of their trade routes, which is situated at the heart of the White Lead Herd Lands. Below is the location of the White Leaf Herd Lands:
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The White Leaf are the Sister Herd to the Tea Traders, both by friendship and blood linkage. The Head Trader's two younger brothers are members of the White Leaf. Tea Trader members who have children that decide they'd rather not be traders are encouraged to consider the White Leaf as another option... Though never forced into that path.

Tea Traders Guild
White Leaf Herd Thread
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:53 pm

The Tea Traders Herd:
Formed by Chromatos and Ch'aska, in a business/friendship based partnership, the Tea Traders herd are just that... A herd that travels around the Soquili Lands, trading with others. Their primary stock is always going to be teas, mostly ones grown by the White Leaf herd, with whom they have a Sibling Herd relationship. They bring back the goods they have traded for to the White Leaf, and exchange them for the current Trade Stock, and then go out, again, to trade. They don't have their own herd lands, due to the necessity of living a nomadic life for the purposes of trade.

Over time, they intend to establish a set trade route. They hope to set up locations they will use as regular stops for rest, as well as regular trading. Indeed, they have high hopes of setting up trade agreements with herds along their path, so as not to worry about angering or offending any other herds they encounter.

They are almost exclusively winged, as it's easier for the whole herd to travel together if they use the same mode of transportation. If some one wishes to join their herd who is not winged, they would need to be able to move quickly and well on the ground, so as not to hold up the whole herd on a regular basis. By this same token, any herd members with familiars are expected to have a familiar that either can fly with them, or they can carry without being overly weighed down. They have no views against non-flighted species, as a herd, they just have concerns about being separated if groundbound members are unable to keep up.

The Herd has been formed by these two with a herd structure that is based on a combination of both Ch'aska's family-herd that the sisters came from, and the original Tea Traders Herd that Chromatos and his siblings were born into. Chromatos was a young adult when his first herd fell apart, and when he met with Ch'aska, he found himself yearning to go back to the ways of his family. Ch'aska, having found a kindred spirit, one with whom she could be incredible friends, in Chromatos decided that he would be a good partner for the new herd she was hoping to form. When she saw he was experienced in leading, after his time as Jase's second in command of the White Leaf, they discussed together and agreed that he would be better as herd leader, for she had a much better grasp of certain bookkeeping skills that he was not so good at.

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
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  • Enemy of the Goat 25
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:56 pm

Herd Beliefs:
The core Herd's Beliefs center around an Earth Mother and a Sky Father. It is very much an animistic belief set. The Mother is the primary Deity, for from her comes the Bounty of Tea, the herbs and the very food they live on. She provides the clays needed for the jars and pots, cups and plates, etc that the humans, and even Soquili, use. She is the Mother to all the Peoples.

Sky Father is her husband, her partner, and the giver of Rain and the Sun. The Stars and Moon are his gift at Night to help guide the Peoples home, or wherever they need to go.

There are several lesser deities, such as the River Maiden and the Tea Spirits that are important to the Herd. Other deities and spirits exist, but are not as important to the Traders.

Conversely, they do believe in demons... and consider the existence of Skinwalkers as the only proof needed. They consider Skinwalkers the bane of all existence. They do not hate Kalona, however, for they are aware that not all Kalona are truly evil. They do not encourage close interaction with pure/visually pure Kalona, however, to avoid risking harm to members of the herd.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:00 pm

Herd Structure:
Head Trader: Chromatos
The Herdleader, the Head Trader is the one who decides which routes to take, where they camp as a group of a night, and who they will trade with. All large negotiations must be approved by the Head Trader, before they can be finalized. The Head Trader works hand in hand with the Bookkeeper to be sure that the herd's trading comes to a profit, and is of value to them.

"Bookkeeper": Ch'aska Quyllur
The Bookkeeper is equivalent to a human trading group's bookkeeper... She tracks in and out flow of the goods, and provides advice to all traders on value of items for trade, and what is acceptable to trade for. When the herd's Bookkeeper position is open, it is always filled by a trader who has proven to be both a keen and clever trader, and also to have a clear idea of values. The other requirement is an incredibly good memory, for unlike human bookkeepers, the Traders' bookkeeper must do it all in her head.

Lore Keeper: Khuyana
As with all things, lore and traditions spring up around various kinds of tea. The Lore Keeper has the duties of remembering these things, so that they can be told, or shown, to potential buyers who might be fascinated or tempted by this. Knowing the proper way to prepare a gourd of Yerba maté, and how to drink it from the bombilla, for instance, is the job of this Soquili. Showing others how to do so is also his or her job. So is using this information to tempt curious but undecided buyers into buying.

General Assistant: Pariapichiu
Intended to help organize the herd, this position handles general duties, behind the scenes. Need your pack reorganized, because for some reason things aren't fitting even though they did yesterday? The G.A. might be able to help! Need your goods displayed to the best viewing? Again, this lovely person might be able to help!

Head Messenger: Pacari
The first Messenger of the herd, and the leader of all other messengers. When it comes to deciding which messenger will take what packages or information where, the Head Messenger is in charge of this. She is expected to know her staff well, so as to know who is the best fit for each.

Messenger: Open
Messengers are used to relay important information to herds that the Tea Traders are in business with. If something urgent comes up, such as limited stock a particular herd/group might be eager to get in on for various reasons, or healing teas a herd/group is in desperate need of that may not have been in stock before, the messenger goes to notify them and said herd can either send someone to trade on their behalf, or sometimes the Messenger is able to complete the trade themselves upon arrival if agreements were made beforehand.

Healer: Ceridwen & Naosu
As a traveling herd, there are always risks of unfamiliar illnesses, and injuries. The Healer is, therefor, a soquili of importance, even if he or she has no skills whatsoever at trading. They are not expected to be a trader. If they have those skills as well, all the better, but their first and foremost job will always be healing, whether it is herb healing or magical. A Unicorn Mix is preferred for this post.

Herbalist: Killasisa
The Herbalist works hand in hand with the Healer. She specializes in herbal uses, whether this is through finding new herbs, and how to use them, or new applications of old herbs, or even just using the tried and true methods. The Herbalist is called on most heavily when there is no Healer in the herd.

Guard Leader: Unfilled
As with any trading group, this one needs those who can act as a guard. The Guard Leader is the head of those guards, and makes sure they stay organized within the group. They coordinates with the Head Trader to make sure that the Guards are ready for what may come in the lands ahead.

Shaman: -Reserved-
The sisters brought with them many traditions from their homelands, and Chroma brought them too. An odd synthesis occurred and the herd beliefs formed from this core synthesis. Rather then having priests, or priestesses, a shaman is what is wanted. The shaman will, when found, fulfill the rituals of belief for the herd.

Entertainers: Open
Ch'aska and Chroma are both very well aware that people are often attracted by entertainment. As such, they welcome entertainers into the herd. Musicians, dancers, magicians... They are fine with any of them, as long as they are not sharpsters.

Guards: Open
The Guards all answer to the Guard Leader, and do just what their title implies... They are the guards of the herd.

Traders: Open
All other nonranked Traders will generally fall in this category. They trade and talk, providing the core of the herd.

Bearers: Open
The last group in the herd, the Bearers are all strong Soquili who are able to carry the Trade goods, and still keep up with the rest of the herd. This position can be born by members who cover other positions too, and generally is.

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:02 pm

What We're Seeking (And Not):
So as before mentioned, this herd has nothing against Kalona bloods, or other 'evil' appearing beings... But they would never allow a Skinwalker, flying or not, in the herd. They are, at heart, a good people, and would not accept any being that inclined towards evil, so a Kalona blood would have to be more inclined towards his other bloodline's traits. They are very unlikely to take an apparently pure Kalona, for that reason. Any who wished to join would have to convince the herd leaders that they were not a true Kalona at heart.

Non Winged species are welcome to join... At this time, there is concern about the ability to keep up with the herd as they fly, but OOC there is a plan to have a secondary trader group, with non-flyers as the primary traders in this group, who would go to trading locations that flyers would have trouble reaching. This is not yet formed, and very much in it's infancy, as there are no non-flying members officially yet. Once a certain number have been reached, an Assistant Head Trader and Assistant Book Keeper would be selected to to start up the ground bound trader's group, and they would all still answer to the main herd.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:06 pm

So you've read the info and you think your Soquili would like to join, and be a good match for this herd? Please fill out the form below, and I'll get back to you soon.

[quote="Aria Starstone"][align=center][size=18][color=blue][u][b]Here's a REALLY good bargain for you![/b][/u][/color][/size]
[b]Soquili:[/b] Please Link the cert to the name.
[b]Uncert:[/b] Link, too! Yes, there's a reason! I'll be adding them to the herd roster.
[b]Position Desired:[/b]
[b]Soquili Personality:[/b]
[b]Links to Other Herds:[/b] The Traders are ALWAYS eager for new connections to other herds... This makes it easier to open new trade agreements!
[b]Why Does Your Pony Want to Join?[/b] In their words, please? This will give me a feel for them![/align][/quote]

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:24 pm

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:14 pm

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Naosu
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Healer
Soquili Personality: Caring
Links to Other Herds: Naosu was separated from her family herd years ago thanks to a horrible wildfire. If she ever finds them again, she'll happy give a recommendation.
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? Naosu smiled gently and ducked her head. "Naosu heard you might need a healer and she would be honored if she could be healer for lovely tea sellers. She knows how to heal with horn and little bit with herbs. Would be willing to learn more if need be, and if not, would just be happy to help in any way she can."


Anxious Human


Anxious Human

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:20 pm

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Terrin
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Bearer/Trader (Even messenger! He can be very flexible, so could potentially fill any of--or all--these positions)
Soquili Personality: Adventurous
Links to Other Herds: He's new to the area and so doesn't know anyone.
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? Terrin gave the widest grin his beak was capable of allowing. "Why do I want to join? Are you kidding?! You're going all sorts of places, meeting all kinds of people! I'd love to do that! I'm completely ready to learn whatever you need me to know, and go where you need me to go! Even if it looks dangerous, you want to get tea there and I'm your hippogryph!"
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:48 pm

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Ceridwen
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Healer (or apprentice healer?)
Soquili Personality: Ceridwen has always been on the outside looking in it seems too her. She was too fragile as a foal to play as the others did, and wistfully watched as they got up to things. Rather emotional and sensitive, Ceridwen enjoys talking to other Soquili and making connections, she is just bad at it in many ways do to a lack of learning social cues. But she wants to be part of the group. She also enjoys singing and is very good at it.
Links to Other Herds: N/A
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? I… want to be.. part of your herd because of your beliefs. They speak to me on a visceral level. They are true in ways that no other that I have heard before are. Please let me join? I can be of use.


Swashbuckling Fairy

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:25 pm

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Terrin
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Bearer/Trader (Even messenger! He can be very flexible, so could potentially fill any of--or all--these positions)
Soquili Personality: Adventurous
Links to Other Herds: He's new to the area and so doesn't know anyone.
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? Terrin gave the widest grin his beak was capable of allowing. "Why do I want to join? Are you kidding?! You're going all sorts of places, meeting all kinds of people! I'd love to do that! I'm completely ready to learn whatever you need me to know, and go where you need me to go! Even if it looks dangerous, you want to get tea there and I'm your hippogryph!"

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Ceridwen
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Healer (or apprentice healer?)
Soquili Personality: Ceridwen has always been on the outside looking in it seems too her. She was too fragile as a foal to play as the others did, and wistfully watched as they got up to things. Rather emotional and sensitive, Ceridwen enjoys talking to other Soquili and making connections, she is just bad at it in many ways do to a lack of learning social cues. But she wants to be part of the group. She also enjoys singing and is very good at it.
Links to Other Herds: N/A
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? I… want to be.. part of your herd because of your beliefs. They speak to me on a visceral level. They are true in ways that no other that I have heard before are. Please let me join? I can be of use.

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Naosu
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Healer
Soquili Personality: Caring
Links to Other Herds: Naosu was separated from her family herd years ago thanks to a horrible wildfire. If she ever finds them again, she'll happy give a recommendation.
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? Naosu smiled gently and ducked her head. "Naosu heard you might need a healer and she would be honored if she could be healer for lovely tea sellers. She knows how to heal with horn and little bit with herbs. Would be willing to learn more if need be, and if not, would just be happy to help in any way she can."

All three are accepted! My only question is would Ceridwen and Naosu be willing to jointly share Healer? If not, I'll make Ceridwen apprentice but I think it would be neat, if it's in their natures, to have them split the duties.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:27 pm

Ceridwen would be happy to share the duties.


Swashbuckling Fairy


Anxious Human

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:18 pm

Naosu has no issue sharing what so ever! She's more than happy to have someone who can assist and already she can see the benefits to them sharing the duties. biggrin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:21 am

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Hokkan
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Guard Leader/Guard or Bearer
Soquili Personality: Disgruntled
Links to Other Herds: The Shadowseekers (Arakkoa)
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? Hokkan snorted. "Honestly, I don't really fit in with them." He stated. "My kind, when we fight we fight with blades and my style is a little more....physical." He flexed his foreclaws. "Also, I'm fairly strong, so if you don't find you need someone to tear anyone apart for you, I could carry whatever it is you need."


Anxious Human

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:12 pm

Lady Aria Starstone
Here's a REALLY good bargain for you!
Soquili: Hokkan
Uncert: Uncert
Position Desired: Guard Leader/Guard or Bearer
Soquili Personality: Disgruntled
Links to Other Herds: The Shadowseekers (Arakkoa)
Why Does Your Pony Want to Join? Hokkan snorted. "Honestly, I don't really fit in with them." He stated. "My kind, when we fight we fight with blades and my style is a little more....physical." He flexed his foreclaws. "Also, I'm fairly strong, so if you don't find you need someone to tear anyone apart for you, I could carry whatever it is you need."

What I think I will do is accept him as a guard/bearer for now... I'd like to see how he settles in? A disgruntled Guard Leader might not be the best idea?

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