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♔⋰⋰Roleplay Help?

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Spiritual Lionheart

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:17 am

Hi guys! I'm pretty new to the roleplay scene. I had a question about what programs work best to make layouts. Right now all I have is GIMP 2, but I see that most people use Photoshop.
Are there any good, free, alternatives to Photoshop that would have the same effects and such?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:12 pm

Hi guys! I'm pretty new to the roleplay scene. I had a question about what programs work best to make layouts. Right now all I have is GIMP 2, but I see that most people use Photoshop.
Are there any good, free, alternatives to Photoshop that would have the same effects and such?

I've got a thread in my subscription list that just might help. c: It's a guide/tutorial for making RP post layouts. It's chock full of info, so it looks like a scary wall of text (with some pretty examples to break it up). The thread goes on for pages... @ .@ Give it a chance though, it has some great tips. XD

It has links in the first post to help you navigate, but the third post down should help. ^^

User Image

I can't recommend any specific sites or programs. I've only done a bit of simple editing with GIMP 2.


A Duck

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Spiritual Lionheart

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:11 pm

Hi guys! I'm pretty new to the roleplay scene. I had a question about what programs work best to make layouts. Right now all I have is GIMP 2, but I see that most people use Photoshop.
Are there any good, free, alternatives to Photoshop that would have the same effects and such?

I've got a thread in my subscription list that just might help. c: It's a guide/tutorial for making RP post layouts. It's chock full of info, so it looks like a scary wall of text (with some pretty examples to break it up). The thread goes on for pages... @ .@ Give it a chance though, it has some great tips. XD

It has links in the first post to help you navigate, but the third post down should help. ^^

User Image

I can't recommend any specific sites or programs. I've only done a bit of simple editing with GIMP 2.

Thank you so much! ~ This is super helpful. I appreciate it. (:
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:49 pm

Hi guys! I'm pretty new to the roleplay scene. I had a question about what programs work best to make layouts. Right now all I have is GIMP 2, but I see that most people use Photoshop.
Are there any good, free, alternatives to Photoshop that would have the same effects and such?

I've got a thread in my subscription list that just might help. c: It's a guide/tutorial for making RP post layouts. It's chock full of info, so it looks like a scary wall of text (with some pretty examples to break it up). The thread goes on for pages... @ .@ Give it a chance though, it has some great tips. XD

It has links in the first post to help you navigate, but the third post down should help. ^^

User Image

I can't recommend any specific sites or programs. I've only done a bit of simple editing with GIMP 2.

lol I was about to suggest this thread!


Destructive Daredevil


Destructive Daredevil

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:55 pm

Hi guys! I'm pretty new to the roleplay scene. I had a question about what programs work best to make layouts. Right now all I have is GIMP 2, but I see that most people use Photoshop.
Are there any good, free, alternatives to Photoshop that would have the same effects and such?

The guide mentioned above has a list of programs, some of which are free. I haven't used many, other than PicMonkey, which is great for making blank images to structure posts. ninja
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:03 pm

Hi guys! I'm pretty new to the roleplay scene. I had a question about what programs work best to make layouts. Right now all I have is GIMP 2, but I see that most people use Photoshop.
Are there any good, free, alternatives to Photoshop that would have the same effects and such?

The guide mentioned above has a list of programs, some of which are free. I haven't used many, other than PicMonkey, which is great for making blank images to structure posts. ninja

What I'm mostly wanting to make are the "L-shaped" layouts? You know what I mean? I just don't know how to go about it.


Spiritual Lionheart

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Destructive Daredevil

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:06 pm


What I'm mostly wanting to make are the "L-shaped" layouts? You know what I mean? I just don't know how to go about it.

wink Does this help (same guide).
PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:12 am


Aya Miyazawa

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lolly kin


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:11 am

I've been thinking about starting role playing soon so this helps a TON! More motivation to actually start. (:
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