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[December ORP] Relaxation

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Dangerous Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:24 pm

December RP Staff Open RP!
Format and some explanation stolen with permission from Cajmera!

Since last month was so successful I decided that this month would be fun to do it again! This ORP is not connected to the ORP in November so don’t worry about knowing what happened in that one in order to participate this month! smile Just be sure to read the rules below before posting.

ORP Rules

  1. Stick to the shop and Gaia ToS!
  2. You may participate with ONE pony (and one familiar, if you so choose). You may not change out your one pony once you've started playing.
  3. You may enter or exit the rp at any time; if you want to play along the whole month, great! If you only have time for one or two posts, that's fine as well!
  4. There will be no post order, obviously. However, you may only post once in between my posts.
    -So, I'd start the rp, then Jack and Jill and John and Joe post. I'd post again, then Joe and Jack and Jill post, then I post, Jill and John and Jack and Joe post...
  5. I won't be posting more than once per day, though I'll try to be regular >>;
  6. Anyone can join in, staff and non-staff alike!

There's one more special thing about this ORP. While it's not an event, it IS a bit of a game. At the end of the month, all players will be entered in a raffle to win a fabulous prize of some sort. Now, the prize will never be a pony, but it could be a familiar, items for your ponies, or whatever else strikes our fancy! We also reserve the right to work in additional prizes as we see fit.

And as an FYI, participating in this rp also counts for regular stats wink

December's prize:
It’s a surprise!

Feel free to PM me with any questions!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:49 pm

User ImageIt was known through out the Kwani lands that Pandora was the type of soquili to keep to herself. Unassuming, keeping quiet, and shy. It wasn’t that she hated other soquili. It was actually quite far from the truth. However, growing up alone with nothing but the Spirits of the Great Willow, who had blessed her with her own tree guardian that now hung comfortably upon her back, Pandora didn't have… the know how of how to interact very well with others. Of course, the young mare would try, using her ability to heal wounds through massage and creating potions using the orbs that grew from her tree limbs, but the conversations she had with her clients were few and far between.

Soquili came to her for her skills, not her conversation. At least, that’s what Pandora would tell herself. Some would come and talk her ear off, metaphorically speaking of course, and not realize that she spoke maybe one or two sentences to them. Boisterous for some, calm and collected for others, Pandora had met quite a few different souls. And to that end her Guardian Willow was proud of her. However, as of late the Guardian Willow seemed to be getting antsy with her. Urging her with it’s long leaf tresses to get out there more. To explore beyond it’s comforting glen. It made Pandora nervous, however, she also knew that the Guardian Willow knew best, and she had to oblige.

Normally, if a souqili would come near her rather small territory they would first notice the scratches she had made with stone to warn off the hunters. It was made to look like scratches from a large cat. But, further down, and to those who knew her, who came to her already for her services, also knew it as a map to her home. A way to get there without being obvious. Her territory wasn’t very large, but it had everything she and her clients would need. A stream to bring comfort to a parched throat or to her soothing potions. Shade from the Guardian Willow to keep the sun at bay. It was a small little paradise to Pandora, and she hoped that her clients would feel the same when they were with while she soothed their tired muscles and minds.

The difference between the present and past was now Pandora was opening up her home to anyone who wanted to come and relax. If they wanted conversation they she would listen with a open ear and heart. If they needed healing she would give them drink and healing paste as necessary depending on the exact nature of the issue at hand. Or if they just wanted to get away for a time she would make sure they had a comfortable bed and warmth of the Guardian Willow bark. And hopefully this would appease the restless Guardian Willow spirit Pandora felt in her bones.


Note: The basic premises of this ORP is for Pandora to help any of your soquili who may need some physical, emotional, and/or mental healing (or even just a break from life! lol). I’ve been reading a lot of your RPs and plots as of late and found this to be a small ongoing trend. Your soquili can be a new client or someone who Pandora has helped before. She’s open to anything. smile


Dangerous Shapeshifter


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
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  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:55 pm

User Image
Fiammetta struggled to place one hoof in front of the other. The small filly was tired from her journey. Her wings sat saturated on her back as her gaze took in her surroundings. There was still nothing familiar about the terrain she now found herself in. Her orange orbs tracked from side to side in an effort to keep everything around her in sight. The filly had been wandering around since she had washed up on shores of the river. It was hard to imagine that was was essentially on her own now but that was what was happening. Fia had tried to follow the path of the river that she had fallen into with no such luck. It was then that she had decided that she needed to come up with a game plan.

In retrospect it was the biggest sort of adventure that a filly could dream of but all that Fiammetta wanted was to return home to her sister and her mom and as soon as she could. In order to do that she needed to find someone that could help her out. It was getting colder out and Fia was beginning to realize that she would need some sort of shelter for at least the night. Getting out of the cold weather was a priority.

Exhaustion was working its way through her limbs and the filly wearily trudged past markings that looked eerily like scratches. Her eyes widened as she shivered but her mind refused to make the connections that she could be heading into danger. Fiammetta's energy was waning and she wanted nothing more than to find a comfy place to spend the night. Her gaze caught on a rather large tree in the distance and it was with this goal in that Fia decided that this would be her resting place for the night. The glen seemed perfect for her needs. Moments later she was curled up in a tight ball and letting herself relax in slumber. There was nothing to indicate that she was even aware there was another Soquili nearby.

Fiammetta's had quite an ordeal. She's trying to find her way home to her family. Pandora can come across Fia at any time.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:58 pm

User Image Reflection was not proud to be here. But Reflection's pride had gotten him in this jam to begin with; He might as well shove it to the side and suffer for it. He had wanted to show off. It had gotten his ankle twisted, and while the women of his little herd laughed and laughed, he had limped off to nurse his wounds. Honestly, he had expected better of them than to laugh at a stallion who had just wanted to impress his friends. (By showing off inappropriately.) His nephew had seen it, his niece had seen it, the mare who was like his sister had seen it, his trainer had seen it... He was just lucky that his father hadn't seen it, or he would be limping laps, not limping to try and find a healer.

He'd heard of one who lived in this area, and it was rather in his best interest to try and find them. It had been almost a whole day limping on this ankle because he was too proud to ask his laughing friends for some assistance (Darn his pride, anyways! And darn his eagerness to show off those impressive tricks he thought he had mastered!) And now he was tired, a little hungry, and he was running cold and hot from the ache every time he set his foot down against the earth. Even in his own opinion this was not a good position to be in and he still had a ways to go yet before he thought he would enter the healer's den. Lair? Place?

It was to his alarm that he noticed the scratches of stone. Paws, and claws. A walker, like the one who had attacked his family? A large cat, less dangerous, but still a terrible threat to a warrior in his current condition. Which was to say, a condition of not being much of a warrior at all! Pausing, leaning against a tree, he let his red eyes scan the area, narrow in concentration and no small amount of pain. He could hear... water. Running water would give him a place to relax, perhaps to soak his hoof a bit, and take a nice long drink. The downside, of course, was that water attracted predators as well as the weary.

Without taking the chance, Reflection was certain to be doomed. Either by exhaustion, or by just losing the energy to move forward. (Which was, he reflected mildly, another word for exhaustion.) So a drink it would be. If someone tried to jump him, there was enough left of faculties and energy in him that he would be able to make it a most costly decision for whoever may want to attack him. Pushing off the tree that he had been leaning on, ear flickering towards the sound of water, he grunted in pain- and let his weight fall back onto the tree.

Perhaps a little rest here wouldn't be that terrible. Just a small bit before he moved on to the water he could hear.

((WC: 50 cool )

I figure he can be in the general area of Fiammetta for general convenience, if so desired smile


Sexy Sex Symbol

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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Feral Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:07 pm

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Torbjorn stood quietly beside a stone with a variety of scratches on it, peering down with somber curiosity. He knew the sort of marks each type of predator made, and there was something off about these. Almost as though they were contrived. It looked as though it could have been a large cat, or a walker, but alas, it could also have been a bear. Unfortunately, Torbjorn didn't have the luxury to pass up that chance. If he was going to return to his herd before the snows set in and all his possible totems had gone into hibernation, he needed to follow every lead he could.

For, you see, in Torbjorn's herd, every Soquili had a totem. This totem was obtained upon a journey all young herd members went on right at the cusp of adulthood. On the journey, they must bond with a familiar in order to return to the herdlands as fully fledged members. Obviously, Torbjorn had bonded with a bear on his very first journey. The two had been on many fantastic adventures and survived many a fierce battle, but as it happens, Hjuren had perished in their last bout against a skinwalker. Now, as per their customs, Bear must venture across the lands to bond with a new familiar before he could return home.

So, following the path made by the scratched stones, Torbjorn made his way towards a mysteriously beautiful clearing. The area felt mystical, almost as though anything could happen there. He stepped carefully past the trees, until he spotted a dark form leaning against a trunk not far before him. A few paces closer, and it brought into focus a black uni who seemed to be in some deal of pain or distress. With a very audible grunt-like cough, the exceptionally large draft did not hesitate to call out in a deep, echoing voice, "You need a hoof?"

I hope you don't mind that Torbjorn has spotted your boy? smile
PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:59 pm

User ImageWith the day waning onwards, Pandora left the sanctity of her Willow Tree and made her way down the carefully set paths she had created as a filly. Before, freshly made with a little body, now well worn, and easily walked through. With the fluttering of nearby birds she knew others had come into her home, but she wasn’t sure if they were friend or foe. However, regardless, she would deal with what was going to come. She was a healer, she’d survive.

Turning the corner, checking each way as she went, Pandora hadn’t expected to find a small bundle of fur and wings within one of her glens. Nor had she expected to find someone so tiny. Wide eyed for a moment Pandora was briefly at a loss at what to do. The curled up foal reminded her so much of herself when she was little, tiny body huddled under a tree, fast asleep, without a care in the world. That said, her healer self kicked into gear. The little one had obviously come into her home for a reason. Whether she knew the reason or not Pandora wasn’t sure. Or maybe it was just happenstance. Either way, Pandora was already there, so she’d gently have to coax the foal out of her slumber.

Quietly coming forward, Pandora gently called out to the sleeping child. Words soft, soothing. That way there would be no reason for when the child awoke to be frightened, or worse, attack. Pandora hoped the little one wouldn’t be one of the devil-walkers. Pelt or no pelt. One could never be sure. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.



Alanna the Pirate Queen

Sorry for the wait guys. Things have been a little all over the place this week. But things shall definitely get more frequent now! Especially with the weekend coming up!


Dangerous Shapeshifter


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
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  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:59 pm

The waking mind is a peculiar thing. Fiammetta heard the voice cajoling for her to awaken and for a moment she was transported back to the land she called home. At first all that would have been heard was a mumbled reply in response to the voice coaxing wakefulness to her. Perhaps it was that reason that when the voice continued to beckon Fia out of her slumber that reality set in. Her mom and Stellina wouldn't be as persistent. The filly's eyes opened and her head rose rather swiftly to take in the stranger that owned the voice. Fia's gaze widened as she took in the strange mare and the oddity of the situation before ducking her head back under her wings for a moment.

Her tiny frame trembled for a minute before she pulled herself together. If this mare had been the one rousing her it probably meant that she meant no harm. Fia slowly brought her head out of her wings to peer at the stranger again.

What else was she supposed to do? Fiammetta rose to her hooves and felt at least a little bit more rested than before. She regarded the mare with curiosity now. Her voice was soft as she spoke, "H-hello."



Alanna the Pirate Queen
PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:48 pm

Hypersensitive to his pain, and dull of sense to almost everything else, Reflection was dimly aware of potential danger approaching him in the form of an exceptionally large stallion- larger than he in build, certainly. Instinct put him staggering into a defensive position, trying to hide his wound. Never show a predator your weakness, Reflection! Red eyes gleamed, but it didn't take long for him to wearily assess-

The stranger meant no harm. For now, at least. Hooves, no claws. The potential for danger was there, but as the other stallion called out to him in a rumble, he allowed himself to dial down on his reaction to such threat. "I could, actually," he confessed with a grunt, pushing himself upwards, away from the tree. "Was acting like an idiot. Decided to add insult to injury by being more an idiot."

His throat was so dry.

"Do you think you can help me over to the water?" Luck with him, he wouldn't fall over and drown as he drank.

Alanna the Pirate Queen
I do not mind at all! smile I MEAN, HOW DARE.


Sexy Sex Symbol

35,140 Points
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Dangerous Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:31 pm

User ImageThe voice was so small, Pandora almost didn’t catch the sound at first. Timid and shy, Pandora quickly realized that this child was certainly no walker, and certainly no threat to her. To anyone really. Quite frankly it was adorable. But it also made Pandora wonder, what was a child, a little filly, out in the wild all by herself? Had she been abandoned? Did her family get killed? Many questions, hopefully answers. However the last thing Pandora wanted to do was to scare or upset the child.

With a small smile Pandora looked down at the filly, tilting her head just slightly, “Hello Orange Feather. Do you need any assistance? Are you hurt?”

Pandora also took note how the leaves rustled to their northwest, and her ears swiveled to listen. Another soquili was close by, male by the sound and the smell. Only a larger soquili than herself could make that much noise. Had Guardian Willow really sent more than one creature to her this day? Was he trying to tell her something? Maybe her healing skill were going to get more of a workout than the standard. But that was okay. It had to be. It was what Guardian Willow would want of her. He hadn't taught her, given her a piece of himself, if he wasn't sure she could handle it.



Alanna the Pirate Queen
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:20 pm

Fia startled at the name that the mare had given her. Her gaze took in the color of her wings and she gave a soft giggle before finding the nerve to speak up. "My name isn't Orange Feather. I'm Fia."

Fiammetta relaxed her posture a little as she took in the clearing with clearer eyes. Her gaze kept traveling the the mare that was addressing her. There was something most strange about her. Fia had been raised the correct way and she kept silent on the mare's looks. Instead she tried to focus on what was being asked of her. The filly looked down at the ground before her voice, quiet as a mouse, replied. "I think I do need help." Fia made her voice come out louder. "I fell into a river and I think I must have hit my head on something. When I woke up I found out on was on the side of the river but I don't recognize this place at all."



Alanna the Pirate Queen


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:53 pm

User ImageThere wasn't much to his wanderings today, really he was just out and about. Hoping nothing found him that would want to eat him. He shuddered slightly at the thought, but it always seemed that the predatory creatures were more tenacious during the cold months. He personally didn't have any previous encounters with the likes of them, but he had heard stories and those were enough to make him not want to have any of his own to tell. He had heard a story once from a stallion who had heard it from an elder that there was once a bear walker that ate half of a males leg and then the chap still got away and sought out a healer and was able to live out the rest of his days with three legs. HOW true the story was, he wasn't sure but if it was heard from a friend of a friend who had known the person telling the tale, then by the heavens above it would have to be true, right?

Green eyes searched as ears picked up the sounds of others nearby. He wasn't able to tell what type they were or if they were hostile but there was quite a few things he could decipher. They were both male, but he wasn't close enough to pick up what exactly was being said. He gave his shoulders a shrug and figured he'd head over towards them and see what was going on. Besides, it was best to be in numbers right? He just hoped he wasn't stumbling into anything hostile. There wasn't anything worse than being cold and miserable and then running into a sticky situation. What a way to make a bad situation worse.

The ground crunched beneath his hooves as he approached and the two figures finally came into view. One was a very large looking stallion, colored a similar shade as himself but with intricate markings and the other was dark and he instantly recognized him as a unicorn. He cleared his throat as he approached, "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" He asked curiously as he came to a stop not to far away. He had noticed how the unicorn had been leaning against one of the trees almost as if looking for support and wondered if perhaps he had showed up at the end of some sort of dispute or if the male was just injured and the other was just a passerby. He wasn't entirely too sure of what the situation was but he wouldn't mind lending a hoof if he was needed. He didn't mind helping, at least not all of the time. "Are you alright?" He asked the dark stallion curiously. The poor lad definitely didn't look like he was doing too well and he would very much like to help i at all possible. The one clearly needed water but the large draft seemed to have everything under control. Oh what was he to do.

WC: 498
PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:53 pm

((Oh my god RL ate me... I completely forgot about this rp))

Torbjorn steadied the unicorn as he transferred his weight from the tree to his side. It was almost amusing how easy it was to support the stallion, simply due to the sheer size difference. He nodded at the request to head towards the water and replied simply, "You do not look like an idiot to me". So on they moved, slowly through the trees, just barely reaching the edge of the clearing through which the river ran when another strange male appeared from the darkness. Looking over placidly, Bear gave him a level look as he stated shortly, "This stallion needs water, I am helping him get some," as though that would explain the situation entirely. There was little point in spending the extra time to elaborate on the occurrences that lead up to that moment, as Bear did not see why they would be pertinent to another complete stranger.

Turning away, he looked back towards the river and continued the aid the unicorn onward. Their appearance in the clearing would likely be noted by the two females also reclining near the shore, though presently Bear cared little but for the singular task he was given. Torbjorn never really was one for multitasking.





Alanna the Pirate Queen

Feral Vampire



Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:01 pm

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Another day dawned, winter cool and marked by watery rays of sunlight that shone golden on the snow but otherwise did little to warm the air. The air itself was cool, with a wind that snapped at her heels. The chill seeping into her bones made her feel fiercely wild and free, and she bucked in a wild abandon before launching herself into a canter.

With a light heart she capered through the light patches of snow, dancing beneath bare branches and delighting in the bite of the wind. The sky was gray and scattered with white clouds, and everything seemed to hang low like it was prepared to snow more at any moment. Her coat was thick and plush, keeping her warm as it gleamed dark chocolate and snow-white in the weak winter light. Her odd-colored eyes were wide and bright, lit with mischief and curiosity.

"Let us hope that you won't mind a question or two, Lady of the Willow." She mused, her cloven hooves making crunching noises with each step over ice and snow.

Being born as a unicorn meant that from a young age Eteri Voska had the urge to gather knowledge on how to help others. She studied willingly, plants and poultices and care, as well as how best to direct her energy and focus her abilities. Her mother had happily taught her how to heal, but Eteri was still curious, still eager to learn more.

She had heard that there was a mare that lived in the woods, blessed by the spirits with somewhat unusual features and many fine skills. It was to Pandora that Eteri traveled, wanting to know if the mare could teach her a bit of potion work. She had also heard something of Pandora's hospitality, and hoped that the kind mare would give her a place to stay while she learned a thing or two.

Of course, as she drew close to what she believed to be her destination she found that she was faced with many strange stallions, and that alone made her hesitate. Perhaps they had all come to seek to stranger's help as well? But still, it was a little intimidating to be the only lady at the party. Then again, as soon as she noticed that one of the strangers seemed to be unwell, she drifted closer.

"Oh dear, is he sick?" She wondered in a soft tone to herself, picking up her pace to try and catch up with the group. The next moment they all seemed to spill into the clearing more or less together, and while it was a comfort to see that a mare and a filly had also found their way here, she was now entirely unsure of the situation. Should she offer to help or mind her own business? Perhaps she should come back and seek instruction when it was not so busy a time...

Her father wouldn't like her around so many strangers, but at the moment she didn't mind them much. They all had their reasons to be there, and probably far more important ones than her own.

"It seems many of us had the same idea... Or similar enough that they led us here." She offered the comment as a quiet statement, unconcerned but curious as to the goings on.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:24 am

To close the end of the December month its time to close the game portion of this RP. And in the spirit of Christmas, and after talking with StatGoddess Phail, all of you shall get an extra 5% boost in stats!

I am lifting the rule of everyone having to wait until I reply before replying yourselves. This ORP is open for continuation if you guys wish it until it concludes organically.

Happy holiday's everyone, and a happy new year! (Is it really already 2016? Seriously, its like 2015 just started yesterday....Or maybe I'm just getting old...Yeah, old. LOL)



Alanna the Pirate Queen


Latonia de la Courtel

Phail Ninja


Dangerous Shapeshifter


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:38 am

Do we want to continue this at all? or just leave it as it is?



Alanna the Pirate Queen


Latonia de la Courtel

Phail Ninja

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