‘Bioethicists’ want to force doctors to murder

by Shaun Doyle

A group of ‘bioethicists’ have recently released a 10-point “consensus statement” that outlines how they think doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers who conscientiously object to ‘medical’ procedures like abortion and euthanasia should be forced to believe in and practice them (all quotes will be from this consensus statement unless otherwise noted).1 Indeed, abortion and euthanasia are specially singled out in the preamble to their statement:

Conscientious objection is the refusal by a healthcare practitioner to provide a certain medical service, for example an abortion or medical assistance in dying, because it conflicts with the practitioner’s moral views.

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Comment: I was just listening to Francis Schaeffer who was a American Evangelical Christian theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He made a television series that he was unable to show on TV in the 70's called 'How shall we then live' where he talked about how society has developed as it has abandoned God as a source for morality and now use man as a measure of all things. How it has lead to the abandonment of all reason - of even law, except maybe sociological law. That is law based on current needs. Very much what we are seeing today - with laws being made to fit what people want. Adapted to the current consensus. Desire is considered a measurement for determining right from wrong. With many the only measurement of any value. In the final episode of the television series he talked about how there is no basis for human dignity in the modern humanistic materialistic world. No basis for right or wrong either, and that this opens up the door for the subtle dictatorship of a scientific or intellectual elite. Very frightening that we are now seeing the things he just speculated about would be possible in a humanistic society such as abortion and euthanasia. It is not too long ago that these things were considered abominable and now there are major attempts to normalize these things...Be more diligent praying - speaking up. A lot of things in society could have developed differently if we as Christians were more vocal and didn't compartmentalize our Christianity to just church. The public arena belongs just as much to us as it does to anyone else in our society. We should not believe the myth that there should be a separation between church and state. This is terribly limiting to what we can actually do as Christians and the impact we can have on saving lives and impacting how society understands the value of human life.