Name: :ʊ: Rosabell
Pronunciation: :ʊ: ROWS-a-bell
Meaning: :ʊ: ---
Nickname: :ʊ: Bell, Bella
Gender: :ʊ: Female
Orientation: :ʊ: Pansexual
Temper: :ʊ: Darling :ʊ: Rosabell is a total southern belle: sweet as sugar until she needs to be hard as ice. It takes a lot to ruffle her mane, and if you do you might not even realize it unless you catch the her tone of voice when she blesses your heart. About the only thing that could really make her lose her temper would be if someone messed with a basket or foal, and then... well, lets just say a momma bear ain't got nothin' on this draft beauty.
Lineage: :ʊ: ---
Siblings: :ʊ: ---