Yeah! zOMG is back! After HOW long?? Geez...
If you weren't aware, zOMG was taken down because there was some exploitable code that would put users' privacy in jeopardy.
They couldn't just take that bit out so they had to shut it down completely and work from the ground up.
... oh yeah, and if you have no clue wtf zOMG is, it's Gaia's very own MMORPG.
So now it's back! Huzzah!
And to celebrate, how 'bout some free s**t!? YEEEEEAH!!!
Human and Paws ~<3
Oh yeah, and if you actually play the game they're giving away free rings too!
One is Slash and the other is a randomizer so you get one of the possible 39 rings from it.
If you DON'T play zOMG, then I don't recommend clicking these two following links 'cuz dey soul-bound, yo.
Slash and Randomizer
Apparently you get Guns, Guns, Guns after completing the training?
I could have sworn it was Solar Rays or Mantis or something before...
*le shrug*
EDIT: Oh yeah, and here's an announcement with some FAQs if anyone's interested!
If you weren't aware, zOMG was taken down because there was some exploitable code that would put users' privacy in jeopardy.
They couldn't just take that bit out so they had to shut it down completely and work from the ground up.
... oh yeah, and if you have no clue wtf zOMG is, it's Gaia's very own MMORPG.
So now it's back! Huzzah!
And to celebrate, how 'bout some free s**t!? YEEEEEAH!!!
Human and Paws ~<3
Oh yeah, and if you actually play the game they're giving away free rings too!
One is Slash and the other is a randomizer so you get one of the possible 39 rings from it.
If you DON'T play zOMG, then I don't recommend clicking these two following links 'cuz dey soul-bound, yo.
Slash and Randomizer
Apparently you get Guns, Guns, Guns after completing the training?
I could have sworn it was Solar Rays or Mantis or something before...
*le shrug*
EDIT: Oh yeah, and here's an announcement with some FAQs if anyone's interested!