During the 2018 March Custom Madness, I was fortunate enough to have been surprised with this beautiful SoA. After some thought, I have decided to quest her as the Goddess of Sirens and obtain her God form and have this form be her mortal form.

I have an over-arching plot in the works that involves her being goddess cursed into a mortal form with her memories and powers temporarily stripped until she can break the curse and regain her godhood.

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Domain: Sirens
Existing Overlapping Domains: Arts, Deception, Hypnosis, Imagination, Indulgence, Infatuation, Love, Mind, Mischief, Obedience, Obsession, Souls, Temptation, Vanity
Definition: Dangerously beautiful creatures that lured sailors to their death with their enchanting music and singing voices.
Relevance: Sirens represent the danger of beautiful things in the world, teaching that one's will, love, and soul should not be so easily sacrificed because of beauty and song. Yet, sirens also represent that there is a deadly strength behind beautiful and creative arts and songs. Beauty and song is used to lure, seduce, comfort, condemn, destroy, entrap, and build lives and beliefs.

Isoke'oba the Goddess of Sirens
Name: Isoke'oba
Stage: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Goddess
Parents: ? x ?
Description: CC
Reference Image(s), if applicable: Mortal form

2018.06.21 - God Quest Approved!

Plot Milestones Needed
- Encounter with someone artistically talented.
- Encounter with someone who previously fell prey to a creative infatuation.
- Encounter with someone who knew her in her past life.
- Encounter with the god/dess that cursed her.