With news of two queens being gravid at High Reaches, there was much to do at Western in order to prepare the Candidates for transfer over. Soui had only been there once, for the Tea Party, and it had been quite fun. Discussions with other candidates and a few riders had lead her to believe that High Reaches was quite ...
different, in terms of traditions and rules than the far more liberal Western, and thus the little teen had taken it upon herself to study. She honestly doubted she'd Impress while there, considering her participation in the candidate exchange something akin to a cultural exchange, but it never hurt to be prepared and have the correct manners while visiting somewhere new.
And so she found herself sitting on the beach on one of the candidate's rare days off, the sky free from Thread and the temperature nice enough that she didn't risk dying beneath the sunshine. Atop her head, her bronze firelizard napped while his beloved master looked over a few scrolls containing information about the other Weyr. It'd been easy enough to get them (all she had to do was ask), and carefully Soui picked over every bit of detail in an effort to memorize everything. Names, dates, even down to the dragons from each clutch; Soui didn't want to be ignorant going in.