- tab So, while working on the guild it came to Nym's attention that some customers may have lost old urls to their ponies, or even forgotten the numbers associated to their ponies. To help with this, this thread has a comprehensive (and very image heavy) gallery of every official pony from the old shop. This was a massive task and Nym spent a lot of time on it, so please forgive how ugly the thread itself might be. Coding and such was not a high concern during this project.
tab If you have the url for an old cert, you can convert it to our new url for the old files by doing a few simple steps! Find the old url. Cert urls had unique titles, so you need to know the url you had/have it located somewhere. Highlight the 'http://magika.space/seasons' selection and replace it with 'http://nymrealm.com/old'. You'll be good to go! Remember these certs are NOT official anymore.
tab If you have the url for an uncert you can mimic the same step!