Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:31 pm
((An SRP featuring ~Latonia de la Courtel~'s Aveshar and Widowmaker The Barbarous.))
(Latonia Teepee)
((Please do not post here unless invited.))
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:18 pm
Quote: For all that his first hunt of a foal had ended with mixed results -success in finding prey but failure in that he hardly had time to assess or intimidate her with the inconvenient arrival of various parties- Widowmaker did not give up. He'd made note of the twilight-coated filly, with her brightly glowing eyes and hooves and her easily discernible markings. She was part of a large herd, a powerful and extensive Clan that he could not afford to approach head-on. He would have to be clever about his hunt if he wanted to continue, would need cunning and craft. With those things, perhaps his prey would not elude him in the future.
For the moment, he would reluctantly return to his siblings and bide his time. Sooner or later he'd run into the filly again. Then things would be different, he was sure of it. Hopefully, it would be infinitely more entertaining, then. Quote: Aveshar was not the sort to squander opportunities when they presented themselves. Though he himself would not move against his family, there was nothing to stop him from recruiting those that had shown instinct in doing so. The colt that had waylayed his sister had been no agent of his, but then, keeping an eye on the lad until he returned to his family had been illuminating. Though the youth referred to as 'Widowmaker' was not of Aveshar's making, he was related to many of the Kalona that Aveshr held in high esteem. So then, he came by his nature quite honestly. Widowmaker Wordcount: 155* Quote: As a young stallion, Widowmaker had learned to hunt and fight amongst his siblings and family. He could run down rabbits and small prey, flush birds, and even manage some decent fishing if there was a need. The meat was a necessary supplement to his herbivore diet, and the hunt satisfying to his Kalona instincts. There were moments in his youth when he lingered on the idea of flight, but as he grew those impulses faded. He was young and strong, lethal on land and in shallow waters. He had no need for the sky. There was enough to entertain him on the earth, anyway.
Though, that did raise the question, why precisely did he have a shadow? No matter what he did, Widowmaker had noticed that more and more there was a shadow lurking in his peripheral. A black stallion that would fly over his hunting grounds, be spotted in the distance when he visited with his family. Not anyone that bothered to introduce themselves, but a strangely constant presence nonetheless.
'I wonder what he wants?' Quote: Considering the capable killer that had once been an impulsive colt, Aveshar narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. The young stallion could be useful, both on the battlefield against relatives and as a healer, considering the wickedly curving horn sprouting from his brow. Whether or not the painted stallion knew how to heal was a question for another time... For now it was just the matter of possibility that intrigued Aveshar.
The potential was everything, at this stage. Aveshar needed to set plans in motion, and Widowmaker seemed well-suited. Now it was just a matter of getting things rolling. Widowmaker Wordcount: 177 * Quote: Watching the black stallion step out of the mist once again, Widowmaker laid his ears flat to his skull and bared his teeth in a low, warning growl. Tail lashing like an angry cat, he pawed restlessly at the rich loam under his hooves and listened to the sound of pre animals scattering. Not only one predator among their midst but two. Considering that, it was no wonder the birds had taken to the air and squirrels darted panicked into the treetops. He could nearly hear the sound of prey cowering in their burrows at the mere thought.
"You continue to follow me, and yet I have no idea why." He rumbled, watching the black drift closer. "I don't even know who you are. Are you finally going to tell me? Or are you just here to loom and observe again, as you have done all my life?" Widowmaker Wordcount: 149
Total Widowmaker Wordcount: 481
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:55 pm
Quote: 'Hmm, now who does he remind you of?'
There's something to be said for the impatience of youth, for the recklessness that comes with being young and thinking one is untouchable. Aveshar looks at the younger stallion in amusement, watching the posturing and listening to the careless challenge. It speaks to the recklessness of youth, that the boy trumpets at him without knowing who he is or what he is capable of. Quote: "Surely you're tired of this game by now," Widowmaker growled, glaring at his living shadow. "There must be something else you can do with your time... Something other than shadowing a stranger you never speaks to."
The silence was annoying, as it had been all of his life. The stranger seemed to radiate a smug superiority, a wordless air that he was better, stronger, wiser than his opponent. Still, if he didn't want something, there was no reason for him to follow Widowmaker all of his life. So the why of it, the purpose of his constant following and supervising, still eluded.
He didn't seem inclined to voice it either, which lead to a rising frustration. "You could at least bother to introduce yourself, after so many years of idly pursuing me through varying territories. Surely you have something to say, you don't appear like you'd have a problem forming words to explain yourself." Widowmaker Wordcount: 154Quote: Patience run out, Aveshar heaves a sigh and rolls his eyes skyward for a moment. Not long enough to give the young buck an opening, but enough to telegraph his exasperation at the younger male's brash attitude.
"The time seems to stretch for eons when you prove just how tiresome and foolish the young can be," Aveshar counters, his tone cooly disinterested. "I would hope that by now you have gained some life experience and learned to keep your mouth shut until you have something worth saying. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case. Such is the trouble with youth."
Pacing a loose circle around the stallion he had followed for so long, Aveshar gave a faint shrug and a flick of his tail. "My name is Aveshar, and I am following you less for you and more for the lineage you represent. Several of your family have been long time allies of mine. As such, your survival is something I have a minor, idle interest in." Quote: The fact that just like that, the black stallion begins to speak is somewhat surprising. Widowmaker narrows his eyes behind the skull faceplate he wears, gleaming eyes narrowed to distrustful slits. Just like that, the stranger is speaking, is offering assessments of his character and behavior. The fact that none of it is particularly flattering is less than surprising, considering the goading Widowmaker had offered to spark it in the first place.
"A quick fix for that would be to simply leave, and cease shadowing my steps," He pointed out with dry amusement and a curl of his lips, baring his teeth in warning. "Then you would have no cause to know how tiresome I can be. As for life experience, I assure you I have had a sufficient amount. I feel that I'd be happier to get rid of you sooner rather than later, so anything I can say to hurry that result along will have served its purpose."
When the stranger began to circle Widowmaker pivoted in place, keeping an eye and a warningly pinned ear focused on the stranger. Kalona were prone to posturing, to biting commentary, to unexpected attacks. If this Aveshar thought that striking him would prove suspicions or teach a lesson, he'd lash out in a heartbeat. Widowmaker would not allow that to happen, would be ready to retaliate.
"My family is not here, though you are welcome to seek them out and speak with them as to what I have become," He pointed out with a growl. "It would have the added bonus of distance between us, such a thing sounds beyond pleasing to me." Widowmaker Wordcount: 272Quote: 'He's not as entertaining as Masquerade, not as dangerous as NightShade, and far more annoying than Deception.' Aveshar noted idly with a tsk. 'Rather a wonder if the boy has any redeeming qualities at all...'
"If it were up to you, I would never have started shadowing," Aveshar pointed out with dry amusement. "Again, I was watching you for the lineage you represented, not your own worth. That, as yet, remains to be seen. As for your experiences, I suppose that is true. I have certainly not watched you every moment, more checked in to see how you have been progressing. At this time, I find myself unimpressed, beyond a wonderment that you're still breathing considering how taxing and careless you seem to be. There are many creatures I can think of that would eat you out of sheer spite."
He laughed. "So ready to get rid of me, already? Impatient and impulsive."
The youngling is nothing like his family members that Aveshar has known. Perhaps he is too much a product of his mother's line? Either way, it's easy to make a dismissive noise, derision curling his expression into a smirk. "How do you propose to accomplish anything of merit, as brash as you are? Such things require patience, planning and intelligence. I fail to see any of these virtues in you thus far." Quote: Widowmaker pinned his ears at the stallion's words, resentful and now put on guard by the comparison to his relatives. For all that this shadow had haunted him much of his life, it seems that there was a purpose. Judging him against his relatives, with whom the dark one was familiar.
"Well, certainly no one is going to force you to continue observing me, now that you have found me to be such a failure." He pointed out with a soft growl. "As for my survival, I assure you I am most capable and have no need of a babysitter or an obnoxious shadow devoted to commentary on my perceived shortcomings. As for my goals and how or whether I may accomplish them, I assume you understand that's none of your concern? By all means, you may be on your way, and I sincerely hope we never cross paths again." Wordcount: 150 Widowmaker Total Wordcount: 576
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:13 pm
Quote: "My, my," Aveshar murmured silkenly, amusement showing on his dark face and enhancing the glow of his bright eyes. "Clearly something I said got to you. It wasn't really meant as a criticism or an attack. I was merely stating the facts as I saw them. A personal evaluation, shall we say. My own assessment, which you are free to ignore. Or you might keep it in mind, and use it to better yourself. It's of no interest to me which path you choose, I'll depart here and think nothing of it." Quote: "Do you practice being so irksome, or is it a natural talent?" Widowmaker wonders, bright eyes narrowed in warning.
The stranger's tone is so obviously amused, with an edge of gloating. Widowmaker feels a surge of annoyance building in him at the easy -nearly effortless- way the Kalona stallion seems to shake everything off. He gives off the impression of being a powerful figure unphased beyond mild hints of amusement, triumph, or an edge of intent. Whatever he's about, it isn't something he'll easily give away. It's a game of his own making, and the purpose isn't one Widowmaker himself can clearly see. Not that he can really keep a clear head to do so, the assessment of his character and how he has been found wanting in comparison to several of his relatives is a beyond irksome topic.
"However it was meant, it was what it was," Widowmaker shrugged, disinterested and annoyed. "You're welcome to take your assessment and opinions and get out of my face with all of them. I want no part in any of it. You can take it all back to my relatives and tell them how you found me wanting, should you wish to do so. I don't know them well enough to really care what they think of me either."
He snorted, laying his ears back in warning and lashing his tail in irritation. "It would be best if you forgot this whole matter completely, or mused over it with them rather than bringing it back to me. I have no interest in meeting any of you again, nor do I care that I might measure up better in the future. Just leave me alone." Widowmaker Wordcount: 282Quote: "So insulted, I guess there's no point in trying to talk you out of it." Aveshar laughed, fanning out his wings. "I'll leave you to your thoughts, for now... Perhaps in the future you'll be in a better mood."