That brought a laugh from the little blue and he rolled over onto his back, wings still spread but catching the water in different ways. This was likely where they would end up, on the beach in that weyr/hut/thing and he was completely fine with it. What better place than to be on a beach in the evening, especially after days of fighting thread and working.
X'ael sent him some sort of emotion, he was too busy wiggling about in the water to really pay too much attention to it. Cucuaranath knew he was coming back, he didn't need to be in a rush. Still, he heaved himself up and shook from headknobs to tail tips, water dashing everywhere across the sands. He would need a good scrubbing and oiling for all the salt he'd just gotten on his hide and while he would have loved to laze around for as long as possible, there was that feeling.
Oh how he wanted to be lazy.
You're lazy enough, you almost slept past breakfast this morning and you eat like a runnerbeast. For just a moment the blue feigned being taken aback by this information, but the feeling simply devolved into a calm chuckle. Lessons are so tedious when we could be sleeping in every day. You never sleep in, so you wouldn't understand, but it's a great feeling.
Nevermind he was at the age where most baby dragons slept and slept, even during written lessons, the little blue's constant desire to sleep sometimes even have X'ael picking him up and just carrying him to the next place. While his bonded was hopeful that it would be a phase that passed quicker than he grew, all things would come to an end eventually. Even if Cucuaranath ended up being small he would still be at least twenty three feet in length and no one was picking that up other than another dragon. Lazy desire or not, his blue was realizing that he would have to move and go.
Now though, he was just coming up with ways to work around it or be as slow as possible. Everyone was too much in a rush in this Weyr. His dark feet slowly moved, plodding along a path that would have him reunite with X'ael so they could both go back to the Weyr the easiest way, no backtracking needed.
So have you two talked about it yet then? Time for a good laugh. Talked about? Well you moving in there once we're done training. It's only a few months away after all.
A distance away on the sands, his bonded choked and a lazy bugle answered him.