Large wings extended in a long stretch as the feathered serpent walked along, his feather tipped tail swaying back and forth behind him as he moved through the ever changing lands. Winter had finally come and he was happy to see the snow upon the earth, it made a satisfying crunch beneath his feet.
Xipitlicoatl was no small stallion, and his long tail and massive wing span made him seem larger than what he really was though. Which was nice, because it deterred anyone from out right attacking him, not that he ever had any real concern for such things.
Still, it also made him rather intimidating when he was trying to socialize.
Spotting a pale figure ahead he slowed and wondered how to approach because her current body position had him curious and cautious, not wanting to spook her and not wanting to come off as a creep he was honestly uncertain of what to do so he called out instead.
"Greetings! How are you enjoying the weather?" That was one way to break the tension right?