To the larger world of Pern, Western was something of an oddity. The rules of rank and the natural hierarchy that had been bred into the dragons had been turned on its side. As a result, some of the rules, responsibilities and expectations had changed.

And troubled those from somewhere else.

Western was Cassali's home. True, it had taken time to adjust Turns ago, but now? Now a greenrider as Weyrwoman made a certain sense, and her second on the gold didn't seem so out of place.

Still, it had been a surprise to see Elysia sitting on a bench outside the lower caverns so early this morning. Lost in thought, ot so it seemed to Cassali's eyes. The older woman had ducked inside, acquired two mugs of klah, and now returned to offer one to Elysia as she sat beside her, her own mug in hand.

"Half-mark for your thoughts?"

Don't mind Cassali, she'll just invite herself. smile