It had been a couple of days since the flaming incident during the last threadfall A'mir and Talanth took part in. Things had been going well enough, neither having gotten caught up in any of the silvery death, didn't pull muscles or anything. All and all, they'd been pretty lucky...Until, at least, Talanth got caught in a fiery blast from one of their wingmates. (Oh, how there'd been some serious back and forthing with his wingmate after everything settled down when A'mir had been trying to piece together exactly what happened when they were back on the ground.) Nothing that wouldn't heal, the dragonhealers had assured him, before they listed off the signs of what to look for in case of phosphorus poisoning. Talanth was absolutely sure that he had maintained his position, that he hadn't flown into anyone else's airspace. But threadfall was a crazy time, and sometimes accidents just happen.

The pair had just returned to their home ledge after a good bath and thorough oiling. Talanth settled slowly and awkwardly into a low half sprawl. Normally, he'd be happy to curl up some to leave plenty of space for Dazalth to be comfortable, move around, take off or land if he was coming or going, but doing so rather hurt still so soon after his scalding. The blue rumbled moodily and huffed a deep sigh as A'mir disappeared inside the weyr that he and G'nik shared.

A'mir shortly returned, his waist length dark iron hair still damp and loose down his back. In his hands he had an ointment or jelly that he was supposed to apply to Talanth's scorch wound, which ran along the base of his tail and along his right flank. They had been given a regimen that would run over the course of about ten days, maybe longer if it didn't really start to clear up by then. It also was supposed to help keep it clean and help with his discomfort a bit. A'mir worked diligently, with a gentle hand, while offering soothing words to his sore, upset dragon. "Talanth, hey, it's okay. This really will clear up in no time. Don't you worry. I swear it's looking less angry than it was originally already."

Talanth craned his head around and looked from his burn to his rider, narrowing his eyes disbelievingly. 'I'm not so sure about that statement. Are you certain? Moving hurts.'

Closing the container of ointment and tucking it awkwardly in a pocket, A'mir moved around to stand at his blue's shoulder, wiping his hands on a rag as he went. "Don't believe me if you want, but I've been keeping an eye on you since it happened. I think it's improving." He placed his hand on Talanth's neck before just giving him a hug and sighed. "I'm sorry that you're having to deal with pain still. If it's so bad, I can go talk to the dragonhealers again." He smiled at the light huff of breath from his bondmate when Talanth bent his head down to touch the tip of his snout to the top of his rider's head.

'You don't have to do that, Mine. The jelly helps. I'll be okay. Thank you...' Lifting his head again, he tipped it curiously. 'What do you plan to do for the rest of the day? I just want to take it easy here for a while...What about doing something with G'nik and Dazalth?'

Scratching his jaw thoughtfully, A'mir hummed. "I could certainly ask." He cleared his throat and walked into their weyr. "Hey, G'nik? What are you doing for the rest of the day?"
