Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:30 pm
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:56 pm
One never knows the surprises winter can hold. It's beauty and blanket of white perfection, hiding much underneath. Sometimes you think the land is straight and solid, only to find a hole that takes you off step! Augustine knew to well that winter could have other surprises. For him, the surprise more exciting that the first snowflakes of the season. More exciting than the gifts some shared during the festivities. Augustine smiled to himself, seemingly at some inside knowledge as he walked through the snow. He had the ultimate first and the ultimate gift, given to himself, and to share with his family. For a quiet, contemplative stallion, this unexpected occurrence, had him constantly smiling. The expectation of the news might make him burst before he even reached his destination! At least during the winter, his family could be found at the base of the mountain. Sometimes they moved up into the mountain, but not as often as his father did in the years before he met Augustine's mother. The trek up the mountain is not easy for land runners, like himself and his mother. Even the trip to the base of the mountain would be shorter, could one fly. Augustine never felt he lacked anything, including wings. His parents had taught him to appreciate diversity, and the differences soquili share. Augustine gathered that this would be the last time he'd ever make this trek alone. That thought had him grinning again! Everything around him looked anew, and filled with wonder. Even though the sky had a gray hue with overcast clouds blotting out all the sun, to him, it was a beautiful day. Through the snow he trudged, unbothered by the cold that stuck to his legs.