While it may be a season, it was almost always snowy where she was so winter may as well be all the time for her. There was a slight difference during the different seasons on how much snow fell and things like that, but it wasn't something that every really fazed her. Having grown up in the cooler climate had made her almost immune to the biting chill that others often spoke about.
Once, when she was younger, she tried to head south a bit. Just out of curiosity. She realized that the warmer climates were not for her. Having been in the cold too long had made the warmer weather next to unbearable for her and she promptly returned to the snowy reaches that surrounded her with comfort.
She knew the lands, even in a snowstorm she could find her way without much problem. She had met some more of the more warm inclined folks that tended to favor the southern territories and they couldn't even stay very long she found. At least not in the heart of winter. During the 'warmer' or milder seasons they could stay a while but when the cold was at its harshest they would almost nearly freeze.
So she made it a habit to warn them whenever they'd come into the lands of her birth. If it was close to the winter season she always advised them it was best they turn back or risk mortal peril. There were a few that could handle the cold, if they had the genetics for it, but most never lasted more than a few days before they had to be bundled up and sent off. Flicking her ears slightly she looked about and took in a deep breath.
The cool air was clean and crisp as it entered her lungs and she exhaled through her nose, thin tendrils of 'smoke' escaping as the warmth of her breath hit the chill of the air. Smiling she walked along, enjoying her early morning stroll near the edge of her territory. It was part of her daily routine, she just liked to keep a watchful eye out for those that wouldn't particularly fair well here so she could give them a fair enough warning.
Kaname wasn’t enjoying the influx of snow as much as his sister. “Eevee!” He called out as he spotted her familiar form up ahead. “Why are you always so cheerful, even when there is snow up to our knees?” His long tails cleared a path behind him as he walked, the snow still soft enough it shifted easily. He knew he could have found her here, near the edge of their territory. She always made her way this direction when the weather picked up. She had such a soft spot for travelers, it was quite endearing. He on the other paw was a ‘They’re adults they can figure it out.’ Sort of guy. He wasn’t against helping but he also didn’t go out looking for them.
Ears swiveled and a smile spread across her lips. “Always nice to have your company brother.” Her voice was warm and sweet. She knew their mother was also in the area, it seemed she had taken up a few of her quirks. “You wouldn’t have happened to see mother yet?” She honestly believe that mare could blend in when she wanted to. “I’m very much enjoying all the snow. I believe this is the first big snowstorm we’ve had since we were born.” She was amazed at how brilliant it made everything. Personally she felt it was beautiful, everything glistening. It was as if the stones from the earth had been dusted around them.
He scoffed. He was about to make a remark when he heard the jingle of a bell. “I think mother isn’t far from us.” Pausing he looked around. “Mother? Is that you?”
Xue Liang had expected her daughter Eevee to be in the area, not so much her son Kaname. It was interesting how she was blessed with twin girls and quadruplet boys but they were so different from each other. It actually let her know who was who and that made talking to them a bit easier. Their father had been a traveler that had sheltered from a storm last season, so it was ironic the children experienced their first storm last night and were reaping the benefits of the snow covered lands today. “Yes my son. I am here.” She called out. The soft jingle of her bell dancing through the air. She only wore the adornment when she was traveling around the herds edge, to let travelers know she was present.
Eevee bounded delightfully through the deep snow towards her mothers voice. “Have you found anyone in need of help yet?” She asked excitedly as she found herself in a slightly deeper spot that reached her chest. Wriggling forward she giggled in delight and finally forced her way through the snow.
“No, not yet my dear. Though with you and your brother here now I’m sure if someone needs assistance we will be able to provide it without delay.” Her voice calm and cool, like the winters lands around them.
A deep sigh escaped Kanames lips and he watched as a snowflake danced in front of his face. “Well, if the snow picks up again we are going to be the ones who will need help.” He did not fancy himself being trapped out in the snow, even if he had enough fur to keep him safe and warm.
“Always so glum.” His sister said as she flicked some snow his way with her tail. “Why can’t you just enjoy the beauty of it all?” It’s not like they weren’t aware of the risks. “Besides, even if it does pick back up we know where there are plenty of places to take shelter. Isn’t that right mom?”
Blue eyes cast skyward as she watch the wall of snow kissing the mountain tops. They had an hour tops before it picked up to the point they’d need to seek shelter. “Correct, there are plenty of places nearby that I can take us to if it gets too thick to see.” She had hoped to enjoy the clear skies a bit longer but it wasn’t uncommon for a storm to start, pause, and start up again. Still, it was beautiful out and she was happy she could enjoy it with her children, or at least with two of them. Perhaps she’d seek out the others later and see how they’ve been getting on with the cooler temperatures. They had been born during the warmer months so this was their first big snow.
Kaname knew he could go back on his own but if he was being honest, he was just too lazy to do so at the moment. “Mom? Why don’t you ever talk about dad?” He wasn’t really sure why he suddenly felt the need to ask.
“Because you never ask.”
“Oh.” It was true, none of the kids ever asked about him.
“It’s funny you bring him up now because I met him on a day like this.” She turned to look at her oldest daughter and youngest son.
“I guess we never ask about him because you’re all we’ve ever known.” Eevee interjected as she felt a bit ashamed for never having asked before now. It had been her brother to ask too, not her. She just never felt like anything was missing, her mother and uncle had more than provided a loving family environment. Not to mention the other herd members.
“You can talk about him if you’d like.” Kaname suggested since the topic was up. More snow began to fall as the trio walked through the snow covered lands.
“He’s where your sister gets her beautiful browns from.” It hadn’t really occurred to them to ask why she was brown when the rest of them were the colors of ice and snow. “Green eyes, a real delightful stallion. He had gotten lost in a storm, much like this one when it was full tilt. I found him and we took shelter and then once the lands cleared up he left. He was a bit of a traveler but said he’d stop again if he ever found himself traveling this way. He doesn’t even know you all exist. Never had a way to contact him, so if he does stop by he will be in for quite a surprise.” She chuckled at the thought.
“I was always curious but never thought to ask.” Eevee said lifting a brown paw examining it. Some more snowflakes began to dance around them as they turned a rocky corner with some ponderosa pines growing out them. “I think it’s starting up?” She was still new to how the weather was.
Kaname remained quite. He’d probably ask more later but for now he was content with what his mother had shared with them.
“Come, let’s make our way back inland and take shelter in one of the nearby caves.”
The trio left the lands edge to take shelter from the snow that was beginning to fall once more.