Hassli will be hosting yet another Birthday Party for Diedrich this year, and is hoping that the [NPC]Diedrich, himself, will come and chat with the attendees at this party, this year. As always, his birthday is on April 1st, and I personally feel it would be foolish to stay away from this great event.
classified_diedrich Yes, I am a Diedrich-lover.
classified_diedrich Yes, I am enamored with the crazy antics of our green grunny-guy
classified_diedrich Yes, I have a toxic-green item collection as a fan of Diedrich
classified_diedrich Yes, I will share my cake with Diedrich
classified_diedrich Yes, I will share the link to Diedrich's discussion thread on Gaia --}
HERE But please, if you visit this thread, contribute to the discussion -- no bump-and-go shenanigans, kay? Thnx.
gaia_spoons What are your feelings about Diedrich?
Love him? Hate him? Just a little annoyed? XD
This is your chance to weigh in on your feelings about this guy
classified_diedrich And if you prefer the Robotic Easter Bunny over Diedrich we can talk about this, too.
Being a member of the Zurg Hive, whose preference have always sided with the R. E. Bunny -- I am understandably on the outside, here -- but the Zurg aren't too irritated with my allegiance. (Perhaps they think I'll grow out of my infatuation with Diedrich someday.) XD