The giant brightly colored dino that goes by the name of Himari Kei had been staying far away from other soquilis ever since she arrived on the land. It didn't take her long to find her familiars who are her family. She didn't know if she would even be accepted by any of the soqs or be able to walk among time because she is a big dino. She looked towards the various herds that were grazing including the one that she is in. "... So many different soquilis with so many strengths and weaknesses." She frowns slightly. "But yet.. I am deaf and.." She glanced down at her feet. "So big."
One of the usdias noticed the dino being so far from the herd. She was known to the herd as Babygirl. A nickname that she wears proudly because of her adopted mom. She slowly walks towards the dino, using her extra long tail to wave at her to make sure that she is seen. "Himari? Are you okay?" The sound of her voice alerted the dragon otter, Sain who was sitting on Himari's back. "Oh! Ms. Babygirl! It is you!" He smiled and quickly moved to get the dino's attention. He signed to her that Babygirl had arrived and asked if she was okay."
Himari wasn't even noticing that one of the smallest of the herd was moving towards her. She was so focused on the land, being slightly scared to make friends... well more friends. That is when Sain moved to her neck to alert her to Babygirl. She looked at him to read the signs then glanced down at her. "Hi, Babygirl.. Um.." She looked towards the land with various herds about. "...I don't know if I can fit in here.. I don't know if I really belong or not. I am not okay....." She flattened her ears slightly as she moves her tail for Babygirl to climb up on.
Babygirl couldn't helped but frown. "Mr. Sain, thank you for translating to her." She looked towards Himari and jumps onto the tail so she could get closer to her. "Himari.. I know you are scared and it is okay. I am different too. I may not have any disabilities but...I think I understand.. or trying to." She offered a smile. "But how would you know if you don't try?" Sain translated word to word for Himari.
Himari tilts her head slightly. ".. How would I know if they try to 'fix' me?" She took a look towards the herds, gulping slightly. Sain signed to her. "Kei-Kei... You know they won't. Not when they know Ms. Snowlily is leader of our herd. Come on.. Let Babygirl help." A small whine could be heard from Himari but she nodded at him. "Okay.." She slowly glanced at her. "... Is he right?"
Babygirl laughed softly. "Oh... I am not laughing at you.. just.." She shakes her head. "You haven't been here long enough to know that Ms. Snowlily is blunt and will tell anyone off if they try something with you! Come on. I know some usdias in our herd that would like you. There is even a big kitsune that is very cute and sweet. At least give them a shot.. I can promise you that Selene will make you laugh and Yugure will make you blush." She presses her head against her softly. "I'll take you to where us usdias live. Yugure is not far from there." She jumped back down to the ground and uses her tail to try to pull on Himari's tail.
Sain laughs while smiling, listening to this bold usdia. "..." He moved to Himari and signed everything that was said towards her but he added words of his own. "Kei-Kei.. You know she is right. She is bold and feisty but she is right. " He looks into her eyes. "... Kei... Do it.." Himari always hated it when he was right but what made it even more annoying is that she finally agreed with him. She allowed Babygirl to lead her to the home of the Usidas. "... Alright.. Alright! Sain.. You know I hate to admit when you are right.. It is even more annoying that I agree with you." She sticks her tongue out at him. "Babygirl.. can you lead us there?" Sain couldn't hide his smile from her.
Babygirl perked up at the words of the dino and nodded. "Sure! Trust me.. you will have fun." She had to watch out for the footfalls of the dino so she trots a bit further up so she can lead. They continue to talk while they walked. A familiar of another soquili had to jump out of the way of Himari. She yelled "I am sorry!" She didn't realize that she was really loud until she apologized. She smiled sheepishly. "Oops..." Babygirl laughs while looking towards her. "Well.. We definitely will be able to find you. One booming voice." Sain falls on Himari''s back, laughing. "... Oh... Oh, dear gods. Y.. You are right on that." He quickly got up while trying to get his breath back from laughing so hard. He signed to Himari who blushed and grinned.
The kitsune literally jumped at the sound of the booming voice. He was in his feral form, patrolling the usdias lands. ".. Wha... What the hell?" He looked around until he saw Babygirl. "... Babygirl? Was that you? I heard a booming voice that sound like a roar of a dino." Babygirl perks up at the sight of the kitsune. "Yugure! I should have known you would hear her.... " The kitsune blinks. "Her?" She nodded and turned to face Himari. "Her. This is Himari-Kei.. She is deaf and a dino so you are right." She smirked at him.
Himari continues to follow Babygirl until she saw the kitsune. She quickly tried to hide behind a tree that couldn't even hide one inch of her body. It was like a snow leopard trying to hide behind small rock. "...Um.... Babygirl? .... What is going on?" She peeks from behind the tiny tree. She hadn't seen a kitsune before in her life.
Yugure blinks at the dino trying to hide from him. He sighs and gives a look to Babygirl who smiled slightly, mouthing the words. "I know.." Yugure narrowed his eyes to slits and groaned. "A dino... scared of me? Really, world?" He moved to the shadows of the trees to get into his soq form. Several minutes later, he made his way to her. "Ms. Himari... You have no.." He yelped when the long tail was whipped around, barely dodging it. Babygirl ran to Himari. "Whoa whoa whoa, Himari!" Sain also yelped at the sudden movement of the body. He pats her neck. "Kei!" He purred against her neck. "Easy.. easy!" He signed to her. "Settle down.."
Himari whined slightly while she tries to defend herself against the kitsune, not knowing what to expect. She stomps her big foot on the ground which caused a slight shake. She perks up at Sain, realizing he was trying to sign to her. "Huh? What?" She looked at Yugure then at him. "It is okay?" Sain nodded. "You can't do that on the ground.. or even whip your tail around. You can hurt someone. I know you are scared. Believe me.. I know.. But you didn't even allow him to introduce himself.." That caused Himari to flatten her ears, looking down at the kitsune who wobbled slightly at the shake of the ground.
Yugure groaned softly. "... Ms. Himari! I am a friend!" Babygirl fell onto her side with a loud groan. Sain was the first to notice Babygirl and pulls on Himari's mane to show her what happened. Himari gasped and quickly moved to her, not realizing that she was making the ground shake some more. "Babygirl! Are you okay?" Yugure felt like he was on some kind of bouncing thing. "Oh... boy.. Someone calm down the dino quickly!" Sain was flailing while holding on to the mane. Babygirl groaned again, due to the ground shaking. "I am okay, Himari!" She struggles to get up but only fell again due to each step. Himari froze for a few moments, bending her head down to her. "... Babygirl?" She whined. Yugure quickly moved to get in front of Babygirl, looking up at the dino. 'Hey... Hey! Sign to her to calm down, dragon!"
Sain growls at the kitsune. "I am a dragon OTTER... Not full dragon. Thank you very much." He shook his head and quickly moves to get in Himari's line of sight. "Kei! Settle down.." He signed. "Settle.. It is okay. It is okay. Easy." He wondered why Cosmic the bird took the day off to visit family instead of helping him with her.. He flops down on her nose. "You need to settle down.. It is okay." Himari backs up, nearly bending a tree when Yugure had got in the way. "EEK!" She whined slightly before noticing Sain. "... w.. What? Settle?" Sain nodded softly. She looked at the area that she is in, realizing what happened. Birds and familiars were yelling at her to get off of their tree. Himari whined once again, nodding softly as she moved her butt off of the tree. Sadly, this only sent a few familiars fly clearly across the land. Screams were heard. One of them was a raccoon that landed on a soquili with its claws digging into the skin. Sain facepalmed. "Oh.. she is gonna be the death of me.. I just know it." He signed to her. "Kei... Do not move. Stay still."
Babygirl groaned as she finally was able to get up. "I know I wanted to be swept off of my feet but not in this way!" That caused Yugure to burst out laughing. "Well.. I think that is how dinos flirt?" Babygirl shot him a playful glare. "You a**... " She shakes her head before glancing towards Himari. "I know you didn't mean to.. But you are a dino. Be careful." She flops her butt down onto the ground. "It is okay. I am not hurt.. much." Sain translated for her.
Himari frowns and nodded. "I want to apologize to everyone for my... movements." Yugure looked up towards her. "Hey.. It is okay, Himari. You just don't know how big of a heart you have.. Clearly one that loves to shake the ground." Sain smiled as he signed to Himari which caused her to blush. Himari looked towards Sain then at Yugure. "... You aren't gonna eat me? Or fix me?" Yugure widened his eyes and shook his head. "Why would I want to? Babygirl... not a word." Babygirl giggled. "What.. I was only gonna inform her about your ways of flirting..Love bites." It was Yugure's turn to blush. "... Not another word....." In that moment.. everyone began to laugh and giggle at what just happened...