Then right before your eyes, the rabbit shifts into a grinning feral.

The only option is to run. It's the legendary, you thought mythical, Rabbit of Caerbannog. (Remember she is not an NPC and she does exist. You cannot control her in the RP, which is why you have to run. She's looking at you like you're in next batch of indigestion. Run! (BTW, Hoppy Easter!)

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Chatella had been wandering around the forest all day helping patients of all shapes and sizes. She had been using some new herbs and plants growing around her to concoct remedies and heal those in need. Her knowledge of the local flora had been invaluable and she had already made a name for herself as a nurse, her methods being far more effective and natural than those used by most others in the region. At least that's what her patients said.

Now she still uses non-herb remedies like normal medicine or bandages, but lately, it was getting hard to get a hold of those things. The reason being her assistant hurt his wing last week trying to fetch supplies. So he was currently resting at home, while she traveled out to see patients. She missed him but patients came first.

As dusk fell, she realized she had used up all the ingredients she had gathered, and decided to head back home. Just as she turned to head home she noticed a bunny behind her. She turned to say hello with a smile on her face but quickly stopped as the bunny transformed before her eyes. The rabbit shifted into a grinning feral, and let's just say the feral looked hungry and she might be on the menu tonight.

So she turned and ran. Then it hit her that this might just be the legendary mythical Rabbit of Caerbannog. Just with that thought she ran even faster. She had heard stories about this creature and none were that cheerful. She was sure she could outrun it, but she was not taking any chances. She kept running until she reached safety. She felt like her lungs burned and she was drenched in sweat. As she turned around she was thrilled to see the creature was gone, but so was all her energy. After finding a tree, she collapsed to the ground and collapsed. "Now might be a good time for a nap," she said out loud as she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Word Count: 349