Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 4:15 pm
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 5:14 pm
She had no idea how she got herself into this. What should have been a quick trip through a mountain, ended up with her being invited to a noonday meal with a peaceful herd. It wasn’t the invitation which boggled the mind; rather, it was the fact she somehow ended up being interim playmate for the foals of the herd. Nanyehi wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Most of the foals were nearly her height, if not slightly taller. Playing anything physical was out of the question, but most of the foals wanted to either roughhouse or play tag or something of that nature. Any suggestions for puzzles or teasers was met with resistance or, when she could get them to try it, boredom. It was a conundrum to be certain.
How am I supposed to entertain these foals? Her ideas were running dry rather quickly. She was cycling through the last handful of game ideas in her mind. A couple might work but would be a hard sell. Then it occurred to her. There was a game she invented out of her own boredom that just might work. It’s worth a try at least. Calling the foals to gather round her, Nanyehi drew in a breath and readied herself. Hopefully, she’d be able to explain it properly to where they could enjoy it.
“Okay, little ones, I have a new game for us to try.” The little Nymph looked from one eager face to the other. Good, she had their attention at least. “Listen carefully and watch closely.” She took a few steps back from them to allow herself room to demonstrate. A quick shake of her body dislodged the satchel she carried on her back. Most thought it a bag for supplies but this one, in fact, was for carrying a variety of flower petals and vines. Retrieving said items, Nanyehi placed them in front of her for all the foals to see. “The object of the game is to create a crown of flowers using what you see here and then place the crown on another’s head. Sounds easy enough, yes? Except you can only use two hooves to create the crown of flowers. As for placing the crown, you don’t get to just go up to someone. There will be a designated area for the creator to stand with the others being given a separate, target area to move within. The target area is larger than the creator area but not much. Targets and creator can move freely around their sections; however, if anyone steps outside their zone, they are automatically disqualified. Whoever ends up being crowned gets to keep it. Everyone can make their crowns first but turns are to be taken for the throwing bit. Understand?”
Her green gaze traveled around the circle. Judging by their expressions, they were excited to give the game a try. Perfect! “All right then. Let’s get started.” Nanyehi smiled at the exuberant whoops as the foals rushed forward, each claiming their flowers and vines before settling down to start creating.
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