The sea wasn't a place that Eris found herself frequently, preferring the mountains that she called home over the soft sand that shifted under her clawed feet. But something about the salty air called to her on occasion, so she'd leave her towering trees and rocky slopes to satisfy that craving. Tonight was one such night, and much to her delight she spotted a strange occurrence in the waters.
Each time a wave washed up onto the shore or crashed a ways out, blue light came from the foamy water. It settled as the water calmed but as soon as it got churned up, the glow returned. It reminded her of her own markings in a way, the swirling pink against the blues along her pelt mimicking the light show in the waves. She drew closer to the water's edge, keeping dry for now as she simply observed. Her ears swiveled to pick up any approaching noises in the distance, but it seemed she was alone with just the swishing of the waves on the sand and the crashing of them further out.
There were a few rocks poking out of the surf and Eris noticed that every time the water surged against them, the lights in the water sparkled. She wondered if it was something that was activated by touch, so she cautiously waded to the water, watching with delight as the blue lights swirled around her legs. She held still as the waves moved in and out, the strange phenomenon reacting to her presence in the waves.
"How odd," she murmured to herself, though there was delight in her voice. She began to walk through the waves and as they rushed out, allowing her feet to rise above the water, she watched with a little laugh as the splashes that she caused made the blue lights activate even more intensely. Soon enough she was trotting through the water, glancing behind her to watch her footsteps slowly glide towards the shore, mingling with the other lights once they were activated as well. How charming!
"What is this magic?" she asked the ocean at large, not expecting an answer but so curious about how this was happening that she couldn't help but speak out. She moved to slightly shallower water to begin to canter, her claws digging into the wet sand under her. Running through the surf meant she wasn't leaving glowing spots behind her, but as she charged through the consistently lit up water it splashed around her, clinging to her fur and mane as she ran. She felt like an otherworldly creature as she cantered through the darkness, following the path of the surf thanks to the constant glow. Some places were less bright than others, leading her to believe there was something in the water causing this. Small creatures, perhaps?
It didn't truly matter, she decided as she ran, tossing her head with a snort of happiness. Some things in life she'd never understand and that was fine. Sometimes just experiencing something in the moment without figuring out how or why it worked was okay. She could enjoy tonight and look back on it with a fond smile, a little secret just for her and the ocean. Perhaps she'd come down more frequently now to see if the glowing water was something common or if she was truly having a once in a lifetime moment.
She enjoyed the glowing water for a while, sometimes splashing through it and leaving her glowing trail, sometimes simply watching from the shore. As the night wore on, however, she noticed that the blue glow was slowly starting to fade. Perhaps whatever was causing it was going to bed, or maybe it was running out of energy. Either way, she took it as a sign to head back to her home as well. Shaking herself free of the last bits of water - she'd get rid of the sand on her fur once she reached a grassy area - Eris turned to head back to the mountains. Tonight would certainly be one she remembered for the rest of her life.