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Reply Open/Private Canon IC RP
[RP 2024] Maze of RP Games

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Colorful Leaf

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:49 pm

Year for RP 2024 Prompts for ahMazeinlee
(formally known as chelseylee__z)

{Year Long RP Games}
PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:49 pm

🎵 Baby, there's a Shark in the Water.🎶

People do a lot of things in the name of love. Is it wrong to protect someone you love from a horrible truth or should they be given all the information even if it's terrible? That's for you to decide. But once you know, ...well you can't take it back

This RP is between platonic friends (no secret feelings here!). Think your best friend, your person, your ride or die.... They've kept something from you and you've just found out. Your friend says it was to protect you. It wasn't something you had to know, but once you know it changes things. It can be a secret as big or small as you want. But how do you feel about it? Are you glad they kept it from you? Did they do the right thing? Do you understand their intentions and does that make it okay? Or are you pissed?

And what happens next?

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Bounding around, Karmea was carefree, having fun, enjoying the times in the field by herself when someone dear to her heart started to slowly approach. With a smile on her face, Karmea was happy to see her friend but quickly became cautious as the mood was not in favor of a happy one. "What's wrong?" Karmae knew her friend, Ana, was not one to really get into a confrontation so she was ready to go after anyone that went after her. "Nothing..." She knew Ana was in a sour mood as her replies turned to one-word responses when she was upset. "No, we have been friends for too long now. I know when you aren't happy." Unexpected, Karmea's world would flip upside down within moments.

A few days prior, another pony, named Viv, a mutual friend that Karmea had helped out had turned sour to her for an unknown reason. With confidence, Viv told Ana some things, which were then told to Karmea. Karmea, being one who liked to talk things out started a discussion with Ana, which started a fight between Ana and Viv. Karmae thought all was done and things had been settled. Obviously not.

"I'm still angry with you, I don't trust you. You told Viv what I said."

"Ana, it was a discussion. Something I wanted to clear up."

"Viv doesn't wanna clear things up with you. And neither do I. Honestly... I've had my issues with you too."

"Ana, everyone has issues with everyone. You deal with them. That's what makes friendships and relationships last." Karmea started pleading with her only friend. But it seemed like a losing battle. "If you have issues with me, we can talk about it and figure out if it's a miscommunication."

With a roll of her eyes, Ana looked at Karmea and started a lengthy list of things that were bothering her. Calmly, Karmea started to apologize and explain her behavior, hoping that it would clear the confusion that was happening between the two friends. After Ana had all of the issues of her chest she looked at Karmea. Thinking it was all cleared up, Karmea took a deep breath to explain what things Ana did that Karmea was not exactly happy with yet looked the other way due to the friendship made. Before she could speak, Ana scoffed.

"Please save your words, I don't think I can hear this face-to-face from you."

With an open mouth, Karmea just stared. "What?"

"I can't speak for everyone... but sometimes you come off too aggressive during a conversation and it's scary to talk to you."

"We were just having a civil conversation tho?"

"Well, I can't help how others, I mean I feel about you."

"All I did was be nice to everyone, and help others out in their time of need. How is that being scary?"

Ana rolled her eyes. "I can't help how I feel. Sorry"

"So. I'm the villain in everyone's story."

"Well, if that's how you feel.. then maybe you should apologize. Maybe that's all they wanna hear."

This was turning into a one-sided conversation that Karmea did not want to listen to anymore. "I'm not apologizing for something I did not do. I didn't do anything wrong?"

"Then I don't know what to tell you.. bye." Karmea watched as her ex-friend left. How could she be like this? Obviously, it was something Ana had known for a long time and was keeping a secret. Maybe it was to protect Karmea but why bring it up now, when times were already so dark? Karmea was not even sure it was something she did but obviously, it was something that was being kept from her with whispers behind trees and bushes. With her friend out of sit, taking a deep breath, she did the only thing she could do.

Karmea started galloping through the trees, trees with bountiful leaves started to fade into ones that were scarcely covered. Why? She could not get the conversation out of her head. The truth revealed was less than ideal and the situation was out of her control. She was made the villain in everyone's story when all she did was help. That was out of her control. Now she just had to survive and become distant, that way she could save herself from the pain that had been raging in the past few weeks. Karmea knew something was wrong but no one would give her answers. Because they were scared of me? Her mind was racing and she came to a strong halt that made her haunches hit the ground, leaving a 10-foot skid in the fresh dirt. If a friend is scared to have a conversation, then they aren't meant to be a friend. If she kept this from her, what other secrets were there? If they wanted me to be the villain, it was a cliche of Karmea to say that she would become that then. Instead, she would distance herself. Become mysterious and hard to find. Friendly if she was talked to, but other than that, who needed friends ever? Not Karmea, not anymore.

word count


Colorful Leaf


Colorful Leaf

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:25 am

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Day-dreaming the day away, Reuel could not help but think about where his life was heading and how he was supposed to fit into this world. Those with pre-conceived notations due to his statue, colors, and overall appearance made it seem like he would not contribute to love one day. While it always was a thought on his mind to stay single and mingle for as long as he could, the annual arrival of baskets with budding foals made him long for a fling so that he could grow familiar with so that the possibility of having foals with them was still on the field.

Reuel scoffed as he thought the halcyon days of his past would be thwarted by an audience of fillies and colts running around him. While it seemed like a lot of work, he could not help but be happy. The first step though, would be to find a mare that could put up with him. The bane of his existence was for someone to look at his color and coat and think he was something he was not, but then again, his colorings were up to the interpretation of the one looking at him. Where would he start though and how could he come up with a way to woo others without having his image ruptured? Also, what female would suit his fancy? He had met many different ones. Mares that were colorful like himself, mares that had a very draconic presence, and one that even had a feline cure placed on them. While Reuel was unsure if he could become besotted with another, his scalding desire to create a new life was starting to weigh on him.

"I think it's time."

word count
287 words
PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:28 pm

The Setting/Build Up:

You are enjoying an exploring walk with a friend (who either cannot have wings or cannot carry something large) while you are enjoying the spectacular view from the top of a mountain or cliff. You are being careful, but sometimes things still happen. One moment you're walking by the side of your friend a few feet from the edge when the ground crumbles beneath you. When you come to, you hear your friend yelling your name. If you have wings, they are too damaged to fly. You're very disoriented, but you finally hear that your friend is yelling for you not to move. Then you see why. Somehow on your tumble down the cliff, you've been stopped (quite violenty) by a protruding tree or some shrubbery. How it's supporting you at all, is anyone's guess. If you move very much though it's not going to hold and you will fall to your death.

The Prompt:

Write an RP for the benchmark you are going for that explains your situation. You're there for hours. How hard is it not to move? How do you keep from moving? Does the branch start to give? What are you thinking about? How do you pass the time?

Or (if you're the friend) what do you do when you see your friend has fallen and by some miracle they still live. What do you do? What do you have to go through to get help? How far do you have to go? What do you come up with?

Your rp can use one or both of these prompts. Each RP should also conclude with how the soquili who's fallen is rescued. (Remember,if you have wings, they are out of commission. Your friend can't support your weight. It's going to take either a group to rescue you or some kind of inspired rescue by one or two friends.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

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Gasping for air, Reuel glanced around at his surroundings. Before he could get a grip of where he was, pain shot around his body. Assessing the situation, he played back what had happened just moments before. He was just walking up the cliffside, the same cliff he always walked up but today things just happened. Taking a deep breath, Reuel looked up at his friend that had been shouting down at him. Disoriented, he started to make sure all parts of him were movable. Luckily, this big tree that was jetting out of the cliffside stood strong against Reuel's body weight. Not moving too much, partly because his flowing locks seemed to have gotten tangled with the tree limbs, but mostly because if the tree decided to give under Reuel's fourteen hundred pound body, he would be done for. Softly calling up to his friend, he stated to search for some help, there had to be other Hippogryphs in the area willing to trek the cliffside to be of some aid. "Please hurry." He shouted up towards his friend. How did I get into this mess. I don't want to fall. Taking deep breathes, Reuel let his body relax yet stiffen, so that he would not move more than he had to.

It seemed like a few hours before Reuel heard shouting from above. It had been torturous not moving as even with every breath, Reuel could hear the tree shaking underneath him. Not knowing when his last breath would be was making Reuel a bit Dizzy. Starting the trek mid-afternoon, the sun had been beating on him and he could feel his body a little exhausted not just from the struggle, but also from the sun. Glancing above, he noticed his friend with two huge hippogryphs. They had to be a variation of a type since they seemed to stagger over his friend. With a quick nod, Reuel felt a few ropes plop down on top of him. Unsure what to do, he questioned the males standing above him. Without hesitation, he then saw some sort of small creature scurrying down the ropes, taking its' time before explaining the situation.

"Looks like you are in some trouble, but pay no mind. We get our living by rescuing those who have fallen. It's going to be tricky with your mane and tail in the tree, but we will do our best!"

Before Reuel could speak, the small furry creature went to work, carefully getting the strong rope vines around his body in the biggest spots.

"Now you are going to have to muster up some strength to use those claws of yours and help a little bit. But not too much, we have enough power up there to get you up!"

Exhaustion was setting in but before Reuel could nod, the creature climbed up the ropes, checking them before he heard a countdown. At the final number, he could feel himself being lifted from the tree in a slow, yet methodical speed. Climbing back down, the furry creature started to work around Reuels mane, trying his best to separate the feathers and mane from the tree limbs. After what seemed like an hour of being suspended in the air by some ropes, he could feel his claws touch against some flat ground. With whatever strength Reuel had left, he helped himself the rest of the way, falling almost nose-first in the ground. After that, he seemed like he got dragged a good ten feet before the pulling stopped.

Once the furry creature got his vines unwrapped, Reuel lay there looking at his friend. With a big huff, he looked at the four huge hippogryphs that stood in front of him. With a nod of acknowledgment, Reuel thanked them all as he allowed his friend to assess the damages. Watching the small furry creature come back to him he let out a tired smile. "Thank you so much.. I don't know how I can repay you."

"Don't worry friend, our services are free. We wanted to make sure all creatures that traverse these mountains can be rescued. Thank goodness your friend found us from not too far from here to come help you. Rest up and take your time!"

"I appreciate it! All the help, and you all." He glanced up at the larger hippogryphs that surrounded him. "Your strength is incredible. I can see why you lend your services."

The furry creature turned to the hippogryphs, congratulating them and acknowledging how strong they all were together. Reuel narrowly escaped death but thankfully, someone had offered a helping hand.

word count
769 words


Colorful Leaf


Colorful Leaf

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:24 pm

That drink you had tasted a little strong or maybe that food tasted a little weird. Either way, something fermented way too long or was misidentified. This was not planned, it was an accident. Everything is starting to feel a little funny and look a little funny. In fact, everything is just funny.

Tell me all about it (no fireworks).

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Grazing around with her little friend group, Karmea looked around as the sky was starting to shed its' warm colors, cooling down with the temperature. The night was Karmea's favorite. Hearing the nightlife rise up and take control of the darkness was her favorite part, although she could not lie, the sunset was the second prettiest time of the day. The orange hues meeting with the coolness of the blues and purples that overtook the sky. The twinkles of starlight danced, painting a beautiful picture against a black background. She adored the stars, so much that she had commissioned accessories to show her love for the night sky. Taking in a deep breath, Karmea let her skeletal wings fold against her body while she put her weight on her haunches, letting her muzzle drape over the grass. Grazing her favorite spot, she could not help but let an unfamiliar scent fill her nostrils. Searching around the area, she let her senses take over.

Letting her hooves follow her nose, Karmea found herself upon a ripe ground of freshly picked fruits that seemed to be in a liquid of some sort. Turning around, she whinnied out to her friends, asking if anyone knew what this assortment of treats was and who had brought them. With a glance, Karmea decided to leave the treats alone, continuing to graze on the grass that was around the treats that had a mixture of sweetness yet also age on them. Not thinking anything of it, she allowed herself to continue to dream of the nightlife until a friend of hers decided to perk up and try the treats that were calling to them. "Are you sure about that?" Karmea asked. With her friend looking at her, she scoffed and exclaimed that they couldn't be terrible for them if they smelled so good. With that, all the rest of her little group started to munch on the small fruits. With a small, sly smile she also started to munch on the treats. They tasted like any other fruit that Karmea had eaten before. Continuing to munch on them, her group finished off the small pile before going back to the small patch of grass.

Within the moments, of the sun still peaking through the sky, Karmea could feel her muzzle getting a bit heavier, almost as if she could not lift it off the graze to gaze at her friends. Shifting her eyes, she could almost see the same things happening to them, although it was almost like colors were around their bodies. Shaking her head she went to speak to her friends but her tongue felt just as heavy. After hearing the slurring of words that escaped her mouth, Karmea let out a laugh that seemed to travel through her group. All of her friends started laughing with her one questioning the fruit they had just eaten. Karmea glanced back at the tree trunk the fruit has been on. What once looked like a normally ordinary brown trunk seemed to spill with colors. "Wh..at .. is ha...pppenin..ing to us?" Once the laughter started from the group it was like it could not be stopped. Waiting for her friends to quiet down a little, she looked around, waiting for someone to come out. Something had to have done this to them on purpose. Or maybe it was someone just wanting them to be the life of the party. Taking a second to lie down to roll on her back for a moment, she started to straighten herself up. Before she got all four hooves up, she looked toward the tree trunk of colors. With astonishing speed, the colors seemed to pourtrude a long line, slithering towards her. Watching with wide eyes, laughing at the colorful projection before she saw the eyes blinking back at her.

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"HI!! Be...at..uti..ful co..lors. H..ow... are y..ou?!?" With a laugh she stared at the colors, unable to discern what was real versus was what a joke.

With blinking eyes, a voice outstretched from colors.

"Hello, perplexed one. Isssss everything okayss?" The voice was funny to Karmea. The way the end of some words tended to spit on. Giggling she looked at the kaleidoscope of colors.

"Wh...at's... a bu..nch... of col...ors tak..ing to... me... abo..ut?" Contemplating standing up, she allowed herself to stay down for a few more moments. Letting the color talk to her.

"Ah.... yesssss." The colors spoke. "It soundssss like you’ve stumbled into a whimssssical world of unexpected flavors and sensationsss! Perhapsss you’ve discovered the secret ingredient to laughter? Hmmm, a dassssh of fermented ssserendipity and a sprinkle of accidental amussement."

Karmea and her friends could not contain their laughter. The slithering colors had its way with words but also, had some level of sense to them. "Wh..at do.. you me..an?" Karmea, under the circumstances, knew what had happened to her. She could tell that the sweet fruit treats that were left out were not meant for her and her friends and now she could see why. The treats made them loopy in the sense that all functions were sent funny and trippy.

With a small hissing of a chuckle, the colors barked out. "Remember, life’sss quirksss often lead to the most delightful surprisesss. So embrace the unexpected, and let the laughter flow like a well-aged treat!" Whatever the colors were getting at, Karmea could tell that they were having fun with her and her little group of friends as much as they loved hearing these colors speak.

"Coooo...lors.. you're.. kin..da cool! Do you haa...ve a na...me." She could start feeling the effects slowly weaning out of her system. Glancing at her friends, they still seemed out of it. Rolling around and laughing while some were hopefully seeing what she was seeing.

Circling around her body, Karmea watched the colors slither around her, almost leaving a little trail of color behind itself. Perching in front of her, the colors started to form a bit but before Karmea could make them out, they quickly jetted back. "My name isss Psy."

"Well Psy.. ni..ce to meet yo..u. I'm Karmea."

"Likewisssse.... until we meet again Karmea." And like the colors faded. Still feeling the effects, Karmea rolled onto all four hooves before trotting over to her friends. While she could feel the effects dimming, she would let these last few moments of laughter fill the night sky. The sky that she loved so.

word count
1,070 words
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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