It was a rare day when Niobet slept in much later than sunrise. It had been -- well, she couldn't really remember when she'd last spent a lazy day dozing on and off and doing nothing else. Truth to tell, she might have appreciated having a day like that, but this morning, it wasn't meant to be.
Instead, after a good stretch, she gone for a morning flight. She had no personal territory to watch over or to guard, but she felt better taking a look around an easy flight's distance, making sure that nothing too odd or out of the ordinary was taking place down there. She liked to cloud walk, dipping her hooves in the mists that had yet to fully burn off before the sum was at its peak.
And then she liked to explore. This morning, she'd found am interesting twist of water, and decided to follow it inland, just to see where it led. There was no telling how much that was new abd exciting or at least worth a closer look, just around the next vend.
And there it was. Something, or perhaps someone, worthy of her curiosity. She circled the little cove before choosing the right approach for a landing. Not close enough to startle, not too far away to be missed and with a deft control rhat made sure neither of them would suffer the indignities of carelessly flung bits of loose sand.
When she had he balance and she'd shaken her feathers into place so they'd lay as she preferred, she stepped toward the bright-coated stallion and the place he seemed prepared to work.
"Expecting someone important?"