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[PRP] Bunny Encounter of a Different Kind

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Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:21 pm

This RP is only for Kesmi and me. Please do not post unless given permission.

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Title: Bunny Encounter of a Different Kind

Players Cerylia, Tallulah, Eton, and Smit


What was I just thinking about? Sticky buns? No, maybe it was hot cross buns.....Yeah that's it! CROSS BUNS!

Namely, do you remember that time you saw a cute little bunny with blood on it that happened to be not so cute, but rather a malevolent urban legend that chased you through the woods? It's been a whole year since then. When you come up on a cute bunny stallion and it's cute little bunny friend, you shouldn't worry right? RIGHT?!?!?!

But you do, you know you do. When you come up on this "cute"....thing that's blocking your way out of a canyon, you are highly suspicious. And it acts clueless, as though it really has no clue how to do....anything? It's faking right?

Truth is it's not faking. It's new to the area and really has no clue about life here. But, since you meet Sans Merci, you're just a little paranoid.

Write 750 words per RPer on your encounter with this strange clueless bunny (He's new to the area!) and how you let your paranoia, that this might be another Shifter trap, get in the way. If you want, you can RP the prize as well (who probably has some opinions on how weird your being).

tldr: It's how your preconceived notions about someone gets in the way
PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:34 pm

Cerylia woke up bright and early as the sun rose with a familiar yawn. The light slowly snaked through the trees and foliage till it began brightening the world. The mare yawned leaning downward into a stretch, her head swaying back and forth. Then with a hearty yawn, her mouth tingled desiring to be quenched with the familiar clear essence known as water. Just the thought caused her to trot faster as she brought herself to a halt, dipping her long eloquent neck into the nearby lake. Pretty soon she'd be assisting the Indian Maiden with chores, then be off on an adventure with Eton. After brushing her coat daily, Cerylia accepted her reward of a composed oatcake and a nuzzle from Tirranna. Growing up as a filly she learned to follow her mother's footsteps helping around the campsite.

After her grooming, Cerylia moved toward her own goals as she gathered apples Tirranna placed in some bags tied over the mare's back giving her a soft pat. Then Cerylia trotted off toward the forest path, eager to start the adventure... or was it an investigation? A while back there had been rumors of a shifter making rounds within the canyon. It seemed plausible to check out even if it was merely a farce tale to scare the foals out of their senses.

Perking her ears she paused, nostrils taking in scents of the forest. One particular one was indeed a canine she recognized well. Appearing from the brushed leaves there padded a small wolf licking her muzzle of her breakfast. Cerylia smiled, "Catch anything delicious?' she queried her familiar, knowing it must have been edible. The small wolf shook her head, "So so.... not much but okay". Cerylia nodded, "As long as you ate. It's all that mattered". Then she heard another noise, two sets of footsteps with familiar scents. Cerylia looked downward, "Ready Tallulah?' Tallulah grinned with a nod, then sneezed, "Of course".

WC: 324



Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:32 pm

Feathers fluttered as he drifted along the thermal currents. He had been headed towards the campsite that belonged to his mate's human. Well, they hadn't been officially announced that they were going to be together. He was still a little sad that another friend simply vanished, but he shook the thoughts away from his mind. The rose had turned to dust and now a new flower grows within its place. Dipping a wingtip, he turned to spiral his way towards the ground. The light smoke from a campfire coiled about the feathers. He eased himself down, hooves placing themselves back on hard ground. Wings folding themselves nearly against his sides, Eton glanced around hunting for Cerylia.

"Alright you overgrown marmot out of the mane, we're back on the ground." Eton said shaking his head and a small mismatched ferret tumbled out. Smit chattered and hissed up at Eton.

"I was sleeping you know, flying always make me want to nap." Smit said as he yawned again, "Besides, are we where we're supposed to be?"

"Of course we are, come on." Eton chuckled as he stepped over the ferret.

The pair headed for the path that Cerylia had taken. He caught up with her quickly, nipping at her tail playfully. "So have you heard the same tales as I have heard?" he asked as he came up beside her, heading for the canyon that the rumors were talking about.

Smit, bounding behind looked towards the canine that was following the mare. Yawning again, it was seriously too early for him to be awake, he was wanting to leap back onto Eton's back and go back to sleep. But he knew that Eton would just buck him off again.

"Seems I'm not the only one dragged out of their nest for this gallant adventure." He said with a small grin, "Do you ever believe these talks of flesh eating rabbits? Sounds too far fetched to me."

[[ WC: 324 ]]
PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:18 pm

As Cerylia was enjoying her peaceful stroll, the birds were chirping as they flitted in a display of plumage. Love was definitely in the air. For a serene moment, her thoughts drifted to her mother who traveled within the mountains from where she stood. She was certain Celendria would return. Till then, Cerylia had to be strong, independent, and mostly...

Cerylia's thoughts were disrupted swiftly as Etom moved beside her after he had descended. Much like her siblings, he playfully nipped her tail. Which she couldn't help but laugh about. As they continued walking, he asked her about the "news" that had circulated over a year ago. Shifters were a nuisance but, as of late, they hadn't been in the area. Cerylia simply smiled, "Why do you think I... we would be heading to said location?"

With a flick of her tail, Cerylia broke character as she playfully nipped Eton's shoulder."Race ya!" She then took off in a trot, keeping a bit ahead of him.

Tallulah followed in the suite as the pair walked before Smit joined her, "I wouldn't let her go on her own" The wolf shook her head, "Shifters are very real but they are deceptive and sometimes fool those that encounter them". Just then Tallulah smelled something of interest. As the Soquili began moving faster so did she, head turning back to Smit, "You coming?"


As they reached the canyon, Cerylia slowed to a walk once more. While she knew most of the area, the canyon was a new area she had yet to verify was safe. Her head was held high, nostrils breathing in the unknown air. Her companion moved between Cerylia's front legs, head popping out with careful consideration. There seemed to be a strange scent here.

"Umm, excuse me. Could you help me?" came the voice of something just before the group toward the canyon. Sitting on the path was a solo rabbit painted in grey, dappled in blue. The creature seemed to be lost or needed something which certainly seemed peculiar. Tallulah's body shivered wondering if this was the "story" that had circulated. The creature looked cute and downright delicious, but appearances could be deceiving. So, for now, Tallulah backed up further between Cerylia's legs just to be safe.

WC: 378


Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:07 pm

Eton gave a chuckle as Cerylia nipped at him before trotting ahead. A laugh escaped the stallion as he charged forward after the mare. ”What will you do if we meet this rabbit?” He asked as they drew closer to the ravine.

The ravine wasn’t a place he had ever set hoof. The towering stones and earth were a bit daunting as he stopped near Cerylia. There was a scent on the air and hackles were on edge. Shifting his spear from its resting spot between his shoulders to just under his wing. Something was there, perhaps it was the rabbit that the stories had been talking about?

”I don’t like it here, something is off…” His inner questions were answered as something moved ahead of them. ”Who’s there?”

The soft steps of the figure ahead stopped as they spoke. Were they asking for some help? Did they not know where they were? Granted the world was a large one, but this area was a small one. ”Don’t come any closer.” He pointed his spear towards the rabbit-eared stallion ahead of them, untrusting.

Smit, who had lagged behind flopped on the ground panting. ”Small legs..” Was his only comment before catching sight of someone at the other end of the ravine. ”Who’s the bun? Someone you know?”

[[ WC: 241 ]]
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:52 pm

The creature drizzled in blues and grays seemed taken aback by Eton's quick movement. Still, it somehow managed to budge from its spot. Cerylia herself hated judging a book by its cover but, one could never overlook the chance of an outing turning deadly. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why this bunny was sitting ominously in the opening of the canyon. Her mind reflects on talking with her elder mother, protecting those around her. An elder saw compassion within everyone, even shifters. Cerylia also noticed that her companion was being hesitant in approaching a possible death trap. Taking a deep breath, Cerylia moved a few steps forward to the creature. Bobbing her head she pondered if the sprits were testing them. Spirits were indeed fickle creatures after all. She had paused a bit before Eton, nudged him to lower his weapon. Then she proceeded to speak, "What is your name?" she calmly queried the rabbit.

The rabbit's eyes were a little apprehensive noting Eton's weapon. Shakily, it responded, "Hazel. Why are you all standing there like that? I don't bite"they responded with a twitch of its ears. "Please, could you come closer, I can barely make out what you are saying".

Tallulah shook her head, "Something isn't right. I don't like this" she growled backing up a little further. She then looked over at Smit, "I don't know. Could it be the... you know?"

Cerylia stood her ground hoping Eton wouldn't try attacking this obstacle. "Hazel wasn't a name a shifter would use, or would they?! She frowned yet, still stood with authority, regardless of the situation. Should they approach closer? This bunny seemed to be a bit confused in their actions. Cerylia would need to think a little more before she made any decisions.

WC: 297


Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:33 am

Eton’s stance was one to protect if he needed to. His spear pointed towards the bun stallion that stood a distance away. When his mate walked up beside him and motioned to lower his weapon. He let the spearhead point towards the ground, but he didn’t relinquish it completely. His gaze turned back towards the stallion before them. He wasn’t too sure about this new fellow, there was certainly something off about them. What was their purpose here? Frowning, ears flicking backwards he too moved forward to keep himself a step ahead of his mate. ”You stray far from your herd. What is your purpose here?” Eton shouted across the distance.

The ferret that was Smit, his mismatched markings could be seen slinking forward through whatever brush grew in the area. He popped up here and there looking around, his bandit-like mask making him look more like a thief than anything else. Stopping not far from the bun like stallion. The one who had called themselves Hazel. Smit looked up towards the stallion’s face before stretching a bit to sniff at their feet. ”He doesn’t smell like someone who eats others.” Smit muttered before giving the stallion another sniff.

”Smit, get back here. You don’t know what could happen.” Eton shouted.

”I don’t think this is the same one from the stories! He doesn’t smell like blood!” Smit shouted back, sitting up on his haunches. ”Even if they bath, there is always an after stink of blood. I don’t smell that on this one.”

Eton didn’t want to get into a shouting match with his familiar, so he looked to his mate for her thoughts. Perhaps this wasn’t one from the stories, or had the shifters invented something to mask the scent of blood? There were too many questions now and it was starting to make his head hurt. ”What do you think? Can we trust what Smit has said about the stranger?”

[[WC: 344 ]]
PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:54 pm

How very interesting, the small wolf was thinking that there was both a rabbit and a bunny stallion. Her neck was craned, nose inhaling the air. As Smit had stated. There was no blood or crimson tinge to the surrounding area as if there was danger. Leaving Cerylia's safe familiar presence, Tallulah slowly followed after Smit, till she was but a few feet from both rabbit and stallion, she tilted her head, "You aren't the legend of the killer rabbit, are you?"

Hazel's eyes widened, "Killer rabbit?! No, I'm not a killer rabbit" She seemed shocked to even be queried of such a thing. "It would explain why you guys acting this skittish though. My companion stallion and I are new to this area and seemed to be lost in this endless canyon". The rabbit scratched her ear with those large fluffy feet. "I promise you...Fiver and I are not here to rip your throat out", she spoke with a twitch of her little nose. "We just really don't know where to go. I'm pretty sure Fiver really could use some water getting stuck in those brambles earlier. Please, can you help us? Please?"

Cerylia's eyes, and ears were focused on the small rabbit's words. As her mother had taught her growing up, a book was never to be judged by its cover. She then followed after Tallulah quietly stopping before the rabbit with a bow of her head, "I am the elder Celendria's daughter Cerylia. This stallion behind me is Eton; my mate. His companion ferret is Smit, as the wolf is my companion; Tallulah" She nodded as her braided tail swayed behind her.

The rabbit turned to look at its stallion companion, "I think they can lead us to water. An elder's daughter sounds very knowledgeable". The rabbit then turned to the mare, "You do know of a close water source, correct?"

Cerylia smiled, "Out of the canyon's reach I have known this area since I was a foal. I remember where all our resources are heading back to the campsite". She looked to Eton, "You can learn this map of places as well when I show them the path"

WC: 362


Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:41 pm

Eton watched as the familiars approached the rabbit that sat at the end of the canyon. Even as his mate mentioned that now spoke to the rabbit. There was much being said, so he shuffled his spear back to what it normally rested. ”Bramble bushes are thick around here.” Eton commented as he heard what had happened with the stallion. ”Easy to get yourself stuck within them.”

The Stallion that stood just behind the smaller rabbit stepped closer, his legs a bit scratched up from the bramble bushes. [“This area is not the easiest to travel. Too many rocks and brambles. A warren wouldn’t survive in this area.”/b] he commented before looking towards the two before them. ”Water would be lovely right now.” The stallion walked closer to Cerylia, ”You live around these parts? Oh thank goodness, I was afraid that we’d be lost forever!”

There was a bit of obliviousness to the stallion as he pranced happily that they were not going to be stuck in that barren land forever. The prospect of seeing grass again was something the stallion liked. ”HI, I’m Fiver, Ma was a bit strange with her names.” He said with a large grin.

Eton’s ears twitched as he watched the stallion get closer to his mate. Snorting he stepped forward to put himself in between the two. Though for Cerylia’s sake, he acted civilly. ”I always take a straight path from the silver tree.” Eton shrugged, ”So, since the rumors have yet to prove themselves true. Let’s head back to the campsite.”

Eton still eyed the two, he still wasn’t convinced that these two didn’t have their own secrets. Wings fluffing out a bit at his sides, Eton looked back towards the ferret. ”Smit, will you hurry up, we’re heading back!” Smit gave Eton a look before hopping to hurry after the pair and company

[[ WC: 356 ]]
PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:38 pm

Cerylia listened to the weary travelers, the stallion dressed in long ears needing a breather it seems. She nodded to the pair, "Indeed. Please follow me and Tallulah, There is a nice brook not too far from here". She spoke softly, confidently as her form turned back toward the way they had arrived. The slender ice-hued mare knew Eton would still hold onto his guard around this mystery pair of arrivals. He was within reason of course in case things changed for the worse. Right now, Cerylia was being an elder's daughter showing compassion and empathy.

Tallulah let her sense of smell once again verify this cute rabbit was indeed... just a rabbit. So, she turned to follow her companion hoping both stallion and bun would follow. Cerylia had an eloquent way about her in her mannerisms, thoughts, and even body language. The small canine was certain Cerylia only saw a simple mare looking back in that vivid reflection. She couldn't harness the greatness her shining spirit was capable of just yet. Of all of the elder's children, Cerylia always walked alongside her mother. Today, she demonstrated her empathy for others. The wolf turned, her head gazing back at the pair, "Make sure you follow closely. The path can get a little confusing".

The rabbit looked up to the stallion, her ear twitching, "Hurry up Fiver. They are taking us to water". she spoke aloud, "I'm pretty sure we can trust them". Hopping on all fours, the small rabbit began following the others.


As Cerylia rouned a dense patch of thick brambles, the sound of running water fresh from a stream flowed into everyone's ears, "We're here", the mare spoke stepping to the side so both rabbit and stallion could enjoy the crystal clear water sliding past them. She watched as Hazel moved first, her head dipping into the drink till she was full.

WC: 314


Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:04 pm

Eton eyed his mate as she turned to show these new strangers where there was the brook. He was indeed still wary of the rabbits, but they hadn’t made any sudden moves. There was always time for them to just do something stupid. ”I’ll follow behind so nothing sneaks up on anyone.” Eton said as he fell in behind the train. Smit scrambled up Eton’s tail and onto his back. ”You need to calm down, they don’t smell bad. Would it be so bad to just be nice?” He asked his companion, receiving a bit of a glare, but no answer.

The rabbit stallion wasn't too sure about following, much less passing the apparent stern looking stallion that was the mare’s mate. Long ears flicked as he passed the stallion, giving him a wide bit of space. ”Coming, coming.” Fiver said as he hurried past Eton to follow behind Cerylia. ”Your mate is very mean looking, is he always this way?” Fiver asked as he caught up.

Eton gave a small snort as he fell in behind the Bunny stallion and headed towards the brook. When they reached the water, Eton kept his distance from the rabbits, while keeping close to his mate. He ignored the comment about being mean looking, he was always the dreamer until he met his actual match and came down from the clouds. ”I hope that you two can find yourselves a place to make your warren, whatever that is… He said, trying to lighten the tone a little, but was failing at it. He would just leave the rest to his mate, she was better at these sorts of things than he was.

[[ WC: 299 ]]
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 5:14 pm

Cerylia watched as the pair took turns refreshing their senses and thirsty souls. As they both were quenched of the drink, she smiled with an idea, "I think..." she began with a toss of her head, "if you both are seeking a home being new to the area. I'm sure that when my mother returns from the mountains, she'd welcome you to make your new niche err Warren within the campsite". Cerylia was certain that these rabbits were similar to the other rabbits within the forest. Flicking a solitary ear, Cerylia began resuming her walk once more, pausing to speak, "If you both would be interested, please follow me". Then she gazed at Eton being his knightly self. Truth be told... Cerylia could handle herself well, but she didn't mind his sincerity in trying to protect her.

Hazel quickly used her paws to bathe, sliding over her ears, and rearranging her fur. Once settled she sat up on her hind legs, "A place to call home? " she questioned the mare. Fiver and her had been lost for days in that canyon. Imagine having a bed of grass to enjoy and a nice warren to burrow through. "That sounds lovely. Sure, we'll come to check it out". She then used a paw to scratch her nose, "Fiver let's check it out!" Then Hazel hopped after Cerylia and Tallulah who filed in beside her companion mare.


As Cerylia reached the hill overlooking the campsite she smiled, "This is Lake Haven where my mother and two-legger named Tirranna reside. As you can see there is the lake, forest, and of course, the campsite where Tirranna does her crafts and cooking. There are many of us living here, but it's unknown who has traveled and who will stay. Everyone is welcome here be you Soquili or Familiar." She then turned back to smile at Fiver, "Eton isn't mean. He's just being cautious due to the legend we're investigating when we ran into you both".

Hazel beamed quite happily, "Of Fiver look at how green it is! It's perfect!" she spoke wide-eyed.. Then she hopped with a running start down the hill as Fiver was right behind her. Then she paused to turn and look at the wise mare, "So what is this legend you are speaking of anyway?"

Cerylia followed behind the two rabbits making their descent down the hill. She was happy more Soquili and their companions were checking out Lake Haven. As the female rabbit's question reached her ears, she smiled answering, "Some time later we will tell you the tale of the killer rabbit. For now... go see your new home". Then they began trotting down the path following the newcomers. There would be plenty of time to relive the tale...


WC: 461


Devoted Werewolf

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