He paused and stared as he heard a voice hailing him... And his head turned, slowly, to look at the being who had called out to catch Miroqi's attention. His ears went down and he shivered with extreme worry overtaking him, as his eyes went wide, remembering paws and pain and... Scarring, lots of scarring, a shifter making promises that terrified him and the loss of trust in a friend he had once adored.
He also remembered hearing whispers, rumors, from other Soquili he had encountered of a Rabbit shaped shifter that played horrific games with them, maybe harmed them. He heard at least one rumor, though it was one of those 'I heard from my friend that her half-sister's cousin's aunt's brother...' kind of rumors, that that bunny shifter had actually killed one of those he or she had hunted. All told, these rumors made him want to avoid rabbit shaped pawed things too.
He had to fight the urge to just take off in fear, running in terror.
For one thing, he was not sure he could run fast enough anymore, after the damage. He could run, but the scarring pulled in ways that left him unable to go as fast as he once could. For another, he had learned that Shifters could move fast. Also... This strange being looked very different from her, and so perhaps he could give the other a chance... Even if he truly did not trust this being, because his only experience with paws left him in pain, and traumatized. And if nothing else, perhaps he could keep them talking, until he escaped. He stared for a long moment, then said quietly "Who are you? Why are you approaching me?"
Perhaps his tone had been the wrong one to take, perhaps he had sounded rude or too mistrusting of the stranger, because the rabbity-ears had gone back and the other gave a hurt HMMPH sound, while shifting back and forth, their back paws stomping a little in frustration, but in a somewhat offended voice, the rabbit like pony said "I just want to know more about this place! I am new here, and honestly quite lost! Won't you help me, please?"
Miroqi's eyes went wide, and once again, he remembered... He remembered being asked for help, and going to give it, of a sudden change in form and an assault as paws came at him, and teeth too, biting, clawing, hurting him, then leaving and promising to end him, but make it worse if he even tried to leave or move. He could not help it, he found himself stumbling backwards as the memories overwhelmed him, drew him in and held him in thrall to their horror, and his fears. He began to shake, his eyes filling with tears and his hooves making little clicking sounds as he could no longer control his movements, or his ability to hide his fears.
"Huh....How do I know you're no... Not going to do suh....Something?" He stammered out, barely able to get the words out thanks to the chattering of his teeth.
The stranger gave him the oddest look, still offended but also clearly confused as hell as to why Miroqi was acting so strange, like he was a mad man, or a lunatic for his reactions. "What on earth would I, or could I do? I am just a lost stranger. I am not doing anything wrong, you... Weirdo."
Miro could not help it, he looked offended at the word weirdo, despite the terror overwhelming him and trapping him in place. "I am no weirdo. I have every reason to be suh...Scared and suh-suspicious. Who would NOT be, honestly?"
He tossed his head, his long mane flipping up and down in time with his motions, the flowing brown locks landing half over one eye and making him snort with anxiety when his vision was momentarily blocked. He gave his head another toss, just to get his hair out of the way, and he began to back up, trying to move away from this stranger who thought they could fool him, trick him.
He had been tricked before, after all, so why would he let anyone trick him ever again? He was scarred, he did not need to be hurt further or to have anyone kill him. He had a family, a mate and children to return to! "No, I am not going to let you... No!" And with those words, Miroqi fully turned, giving in to the urge to flee, and leaving the poor, confused stranger behind him to wonder what in the world had happened in this place that left someone so very scared of merely helping.