Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 1:59 pm
Prompt What was I just thinking about? Sticky buns? No, maybe it was hot cross buns.....Yeah that's it! CROSS BUNS! Namely, do you remember that time you saw a cute little bunny with blood on it that happened to be not so cute, but rather a malevolent urban legend that chased you through the woods? It's been a whole year since then. When you come up on a cute bunny stallion and it's cute little bunny friend, you shouldn't worry right? RIGHT?!?!?! But you do, you know you do. When you come up on this "cute"....thing that's blocking your way out of a canyon, you are highly suspicious. And it acts clueless, as though it really has no clue how to do....anything? It's faking right? Truth is it's not faking. It's new to the area and really has no clue about life here. But, since you meet Sans Merci, you're just a little paranoid. Write 750 words per RPer on your encounter with this strange clueless bunny (He's new to the area!) and how you let your paranoia, that this might be another Shifter trap, get in the way. If you want, you can RP the prize as well (who probably has some opinions on how weird your being).
Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:06 pm
Healee was on his way through the canyon to find a few rare plants he had heard of. He never really visited the canyon all that often but he had been there a few times before. He didn’t really know the canyon all that well but he wasn’t completely new here either. And he was here for a reason this time. He knew that some of the plants he wanted to find only grew here and he wanted some of the healing kind of plants for making medicine. He also knew he was probably going to be searching for quite a while because the plant he was really after was very rare but also a pretty important one. So he had to keep searching the canyon till he found that one but he had no luck till this far. So he kept searching.
The canyon was starting to get more narrow here and he didn’t really like that. It always made him feel a bit nervous. As if he could get stuck here which wasn’t really the case but he still didn’t like it. But he knew this was also the best place for him to actually find the plant and the nearest exit of this canyon was also close by. He didn’t want to give up on finding the medicinal plant but it was now slowly getting dark. Something that he hadn’t noticed before. It was getting late a lot sooner than he expected so he sadly had to leave to go home and try again tomorrow. He did not want to stay in the canyon while being dark. The idea scared him.
While he started to walk home he noticed a few nice looking plants to the side of the canyon and he picked some of those to take with him. It wasn’t the really rare plant he wanted to find but it was still something useful. Healee was sure going to use those. He started to trot a little faster but also happier because he finally found something useful after all. “Looks like I didn’t come here for nothing” he silently said to himself while nearing the closest place to exit the canyon but then he suddenly froze. He had seem something move a little distance away and he didn’t think much of it but now he suddenly didn’t trust it anymore. It turned out he had seen a rabbit and for some reason he didn’t trust that. The rabbit looked really cute and innocent though so maybe it was nothing to be worried about. But just when he thought everything looked fine he didn’t see the rabbit anymore but a stallion sort of looking like one. Did it just shift into this? Was it a trick with a cute rabbit again to gain his trust only to try and eat him?!
He was blocking the nearest way out so that way wasn’t an option if he had to run. He slowly started to go backwards breathing heavy because he started panicking. His ears where held back and his eyes darted from the strange stallion to the other end of the canyon to see if he could get away. He could be really fast if he wanted to but he really hoped the other one hadn’t seen him yet and he was able to get away easy but that didn’t seem the case. “Hey, can you help me?” He suddenly heard the stallion say. “I’m new here and I’m quite lost. Do you know the way?” Healee continued moving backwards really slowly while still eyeing the other.
Was this a trick? Did he really think he would fall for that? His eyes where wide and he was still heavy breathing while he started to panic even more. The stallion had obviously seen Healee and was asking for help. In his mind he saw what happened to him a while ago when he wanted to help what the thought was an injured rabbit. It changed into something bigger right away and had chased him to kill and eat him. He was so scared that day and he never galloped away that fast ever. He felt the fear again and now it looked like the same thing was going to happen again. It was another shifter!
The other now started to notice the strange behavior and started to get worried. “Are you okay” he asked “Is someone or something chasing you?” the stallion said and his rabbit companion now walked towards Healee looking both curious and concerned.
This actually made Healee calm down a little. The rabbit was apparently the stallions familiar and he and the rabbit were not the same being. This was not a dangerous shifter but a friendly rabbit-like looking stallion and his cute familiar. Not a shifter that was going to try and eat him. Nothing to worry about at all. Why didn’t he see this the first time? It was a stallion and his innocent little familiar that lost their way. He felt really stupid now. He did seem to scare the other with his behavior so he needed to explain what was going on and apologize to him first. He also said he was new and lost and Healee loved to help others. That’s why he was making medicine to help and cure others. So he was sure going to help no he realized the other wasn’t dangerous only lost.
“I’m so very sorry for my strange behavior” Healee started. “A while ago I was attacked by a shifter who started to chase me to kill me. It looked like a little rabbit at first but when I came close it attacked me.”
The other stared at Healee but seemed to understand what was going on. He could see why the other had been so scared. He nodded and asked “so I scared you?” and that had been true.
“I’m a little jumpy now when I see long ears and a rabbit tail. I’m so very sorry about that. Not your fault” He smiled and added “I’m not scared of you anymore now. And I know the best way out of the canyon. So follow me.” He other male simply had to turn around and they were almost there anyway. Healee showed the newcomer which way to walk and how closeby it actually was. “Look” he said “You are almost at the exit. You were already going to right way. Lets stay together for now. You never know what or who we’ll find.” With that both boys and the familiar left the canyon. Healee and his new friends. END (1105 Words)